華盛頓牌 农夫 原枝花旗參茶包(2x34包)
華盛頓牌 农夫 原枝花旗參茶(2x34包) 華盛頓牌 农夫原枝花旗蔘茶,选用百分百纯正美国威州原枝花旗参精制而成,經過精心挑選、加工和包裝,不含任何防腐剂,老少皆宜,是最佳的天然健康补品。 花旗参味甘辛、性凉,补肺降火、养胃生津、补而不燥,对身体的生理变化有双向性的调节作用,长期饮用,效果更佳。 成份:來自美國威斯康辛州的100%西洋蔘根 無糖 無咖啡因、不含防腐劑、美國製造 工作及閑暇之餘,享受一杯味甘香醇的花旗參茶,格外舒暢提神! 冲泡方法:取参茶一包,冲入4oz沸水,浸泡 3-5 分鐘即可饮用可重复冲泡;趁熱或冰鎮飲用均宜,可以添加蜂蜜增添風味口感。2-4包参茶与鸡或瘦肉煲汤,具获同样效果。
永合豐 華盛頓牌 美國威州花旗蔘茶(2x12包/盒)
永合豐 華盛頓牌 美國威州花旗蔘茶(2x12包/盒) 花旗蔘茶包 方便快捷 甘香味醇 益氣提神抗疲勞 本公司生產的花旗蔘產品,100% 來自空氣清新、水質清澈的美國威斯康辛州。地處美國東北部寒冷的高原上,是美國著名的優質特產,均受美國官方USDA監督,以現代科技,細心照料,培育出高品質的花旗蔘,它是世界上最有價值的人蔘之一。 花旗蔘又名西洋蔘,味甘涼,清火(慢性發炎),潤肺滋陰(津液)。花旗蔘具有極高的保健價值,老少皆宜,適合所有季節;它有助於調節内臟和生理變化的平衡,長期使用還可以提高免疫力。 花旗蔘屬於五加科,常春藤科多年生草本植物,常用作中藥或傳統藥物。根據研究分析,西洋參含有:人參、人參酸、甙、人參皂苷等多種有益成份。花旗蔘味甘辛,性涼,具有潤肺消炎、養胃強身的功效。體內氣機陰虛、疲乏無力、久咳血、肺胃虛弱者,適量食用花旗蔘可緩解這些不適。 注意事項:花旗蔘適宜於氣陰兩虛有熱的人,其獨特之處在於不熱不燥,凡不適合人蔘治療和熱補的人,均可選用花旗參。而對畏寒、肢冷、腹瀉、胃有寒濕氣、脾陽虛弱、舌苔膩濁者,則屬禁忌之列。 我們華盛頓品牌的花旗蔘,經過精心挑選、加工和包裝,具有滋陰補氣、生津止渴、清虛火、扶正氣的功效,甘香味醇、提神抗疲勞的特色,是現代人選擇滋補養生的最佳飲品。
- Quantity Discount
大洋强效減肥茶 30包/盒
Green Fresh Extra Strength Herbal Dieters Tea 30 Tea Bags 大洋强效減肥茶 30包/盒 No Caffeine No Chemical Additives 30 Tea Bags Per Package Natural Packaging May Be Slightly Different Than Shown In Picture Green Fresh dieter’s tea is formulated from an ancient Chinese blend of the highest quality tea and herbs. Dating back to the 1500s, this formula from Lee Se-Zhens’s Detailed Outlines on Chinese Herbs has been helping the Chinese stay slim for centuries. This tea is 100% natural with no added preservatives, additives, or caffeine. Teabags inside the sealed box were arranged in opposite directions. It may look like 15 pcs from the outside sealed plastic bag but there were 30 pcs inside. Please always count piece by piece.
石鼓山 療糖葉 降糖茶(100包/盒)
石鼓山 療糖葉 降糖茶(100包/盒) 疗糖茶乃选用有“糖的破坏者之称”的南印度特优匙羹藤,配有阻止糖吸收的番石榴果及叶,和有降糖效果的绞股蓝纯叶及少量灵芝,优化组方而成。南印度此种草药,称为匙羹藤,是一种附着在灌木及树上的爬藤植物。此种植叶及根有医用价值。古印度的医生发现咀嚼此植物的叶子可以破坏糖的甜味,因此称此植物为糖的破坏者。也就是让甜的食物不再很甜,但也不是完全没有甜味。 匙羹叶的抑糖机理是其含有一种称为“匙羹藤酸”的有机酸,组成此种有机酸的分子有着和葡萄糖分子相同的原子结构。该有机酸中的类似葡萄糖的分子会填充肠的吸收表层的受体,比而阻断肠吸收糖分子,降低糖的代谢,达到降低血糖的效果;番石榴果叶和绞股蓝纯叶均有很好的抑糖降糖效果。绞股蓝纯叶同时还有降胆固醇、抗氧化、排毒和抑制肥胖等效果。此茶茶色金黄澄明,口感甘醇,是高血糖人仕的专用茶。 用法:取一小茶包,沸水350-450毫升冲泡1-5分钟即可饮用,每天1-5茶包 Shigu Mountain Gymnema Tea (100 Bags) Gymnema Sylverstre, a key ingredient of Gymnema Tea, is a climbing plant native to central and southern India. For 2000 years, this herb was widely used for its medicinal properties. Today, it is recognized by herbalists as one of the most safe and valuable herbs in the world. Besides Gymnema Sylvestre, this tea also contains three other specially selected herbs, namely Psidium Guajava, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum and Ganoderma Lucidum. This blend of herbs is 100% natural, safe, caffeinefree and without side effects. The taste is mild and very pleasant. Directions: Steep tea bag(s) is a cup of boiling water for 3-5 minutes. In summer, add ice cubes for a cool and refreshing beverage. Because it is caffeine-free, it can be served at any time of the day. Recommended intake: 1-5 tea bags per day. To get even better results, it is recommended to mix this tea with Shigu Mountain Brand Gynostemma Tea with 1 tea bag each. Therapeutic Sugar Tea is made of South Indian special gymnema, known as the "sugar destroyer", with guava fruit and leaves that prevent sugar absorption, and pure Gynostemma leaves and a small amount of Ganoderma lucidum that have a hypoglycemic effect. Fangcheng. this herb from South India, called Gymnema, is a climbing vine plant attached to shrubs and trees. The plant leaves and roots have medical value. Doctors in ancient India found that chewing the leaves of this plant can destroy the sweetness of sugar, so they called this plant a sugar destroyer. It makes sweet food no longer taste very sweet. The sugar-suppressing mechanism of Gymnema leaves is that it contains an organic acid called "gymnema acid". The molecules that make up this organic acid have the same atomic structure as glucose molecules. Both guava fruit leaves and pure Gynostemma leaves are also very effective because the glucose-like molecules in the organic acid will fill the receptors on the absorption surface of the intestine, and block the absorption of sugar molecules in the intestine, reduce the metabolism of sugar, and achieve the effect of lowering blood sugar; It has good hypoglycemic effect. Gynostemma pure leaves also have the effects of lowering cholesterol, anti-oxidation, detoxification and inhibiting obesity.
石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽) 200克 (2克*100 茶包)
石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽) 2克*100 茶包 石鼓山牌 绞股蓝茶乃采用中国特优绞股蓝,由不发酵绿茶直接炒菁精制而成。因为绞股蓝茶的某些结构,类似人参但其品质更胜人参,因此被美誉为"神草"。此茶百分之百取之于天然,有几十种绞股蓝皂甙和有益人体所需的胺基酸、维他命、人参、钙、铁、钾等.。此茶是不含任何咖啡因的绿茶,有助于抗氧化、清热解毒、止咳清肺祛痰、养心安神、促进睡眠、护心肌、降三高、延缓衰老,此茶茶色金黄澄明,口感甘醇是血糖亚健康人仕的专用茶。 不含任何咖啡因成分 100% 纯天然成分 含 8% 人参生物碱
正山小種茶茶包(3g*30包) 正山小种红茶,又称立山小种(Lapsang Souchong)是中国生产的一种红茶,被称为红茶鼻祖。茶叶经松木熏制而成,有着非常浓烈的松烟香。正山小种产地在福建省武夷山市桐木关。茶叶呈黑色,条形紧索,但茶汤为深红色,有特有的桂圆汤味。正山小种红茶非常适合于咖喱和肉的菜肴搭配。后来在正山小种的基础上发展了功夫红茶。 Lapsang Souchong Black Tea Lapsang Souchong is a black tea produced in China and is known as the originator of black tea. The tea is smoked from pine wood and has a very strong pine smoke aroma. Zhengshan Souchong is produced in Tongmuguan, Wuyishan City, Fujian Province. The tea leaves are black with tight strips, but the tea soup is dark red with a unique longan soup flavor. Lapsang Souchong black tea is very suitable for curry and meat dishes. Later, on the basis of Zhengshan Souchong, Kung Fu black tea was developed.
石鼓山 療壓茶 降压茶 茶包(100包/盒)
石鼓山 療壓茶 降压茶 茶包(100包/盒) 本茶系採用优等罗布麻,绞股蓝、决明子、杜仲、山楂、菊花、灵芝等呗明见认为有助于平衡正常血压的成分,经专家配伍,转为血压和心脑血管亚健康人士组方而成。罗布麻叶主产新疆,当地人主食多为肉类,但当地人心脑血管疾病,包括高血压甚少,健康百岁老人甚多,研究发现,当地人经常饮用罗布麻茶;有助于平衡血压和清理血管。 而本茶的其他配方,经长期研究,同样被草药界和天然药物学界认为可能有益于维护正常血压,血脂和心脑血管的健康。此茶的成分被东方民间使用了几千年,被发现非常的安全及有效。并已载入中国药典。此茶滋味醇厚回香,口感上乘。长期饮用,无任何副作用。 用法:用滚水冲泡,等1-2分钟,即可饮用。每次2包,每天2至3次;需维持血压平衡者,每次1茶包。 可加柠檬等调味,或制成冻冰茶均可。如需速效,建议加入石鼓山牌 绞股蓝茶1包,混合引用。 警告:本品不宜低血压人士饮用。 Bluish Dogbane Tea Bluish dogbane grow wildly at Xinjiang, China.People lives there have history to eat a lot of meat with less cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The number of people live over 100 year old at this region is far more than the other regions in the world. Research indicates people live there regularly drink the Bluish dogbane tea maybe is one of the important factors contribute to their balanced blood pressure, cardiovascular health and longevity. Same as Bluish Gunostemma Pentaphyllum, Cassia obtuifolia L, Eucommia ulmoides leaves, Crataegus pinnatifida, Chrysanthemum morifolium and Ganoderma lucidum are also ocntains the recognized herbal values that may help with normal blood pressure and cardiovascular maintenance . All the ingredients formulated at this tea has been recorded at Chinese pharmacopeia, and being used bu Chinese and Japanese folk over thousands of years that to be with natural lasting aroma. No side effect for a long time usage. Recommended Intake: To get even better results, mix this tea with Shigu Mountain Brand Gynostemma Tea with 1 tea bag each. Direction: Pouring 1.5 cups(12 fl oz) boiling water over 1 or 2 tea bags; let simmer for 2-3 minutes before serve. Add lemon or other flavor to adjust your own taste if preferred. Enjoy this tea hot or iced. 2 or 3 times daily. One tea bag each cup is for maintenance dosage. Warning: Not recommended for those people with low blood pressure. ,
石鼓山 清脂降醇茶 茶包 (100包/盒)
石鼓山 清脂降醇茶 茶包 (100包/盒) 清脂降醇茶转为胆固醇盒血脂等亚健康人士所研制。研究发现,体型肥胖或者超重人士,肉食油腻偏多,运动较少。 脂肪容易堆积人群: 需特别注意防范高胆固醇和高血脂。 高胆固醇和高血脂容易导致心脑血管疾病,是可能引发严重后果的亚健康症状之一。 清脂降醇茶有野生山楂、绞股蓝叶、黑壳薏米、决明子、杜仲叶、洛神花及灵芝 精心配伍,被天然药物学界和草药界推荐给胆固醇盒血压亚健康人士,或需维持正常胆固醇盒血脂人士,及有塑体瘦身需要之人士。 此茶所含成分,已被东方使用千余年, 被发现非常安全,并已载入中国药典。 此茶100% 天然,不含咖啡因可长期使用,无副作用。此茶茶色金黄澄明, 口感甘醇,是胆固醇血脂亚健康人士的专用茶。 DeCholesterolipid Tea This tea is specially designed for normal Cholesterol & triglyceride maintenance. Ingredients: Hawthon Berries, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, Black Shell Pearl Barley, Cassia obtusifolia L., Eucommia ulmoldes leaves, Hibiscas sabdariffa L. and Ganoderma Lucidum [reishi mushroom]. Oriental herbalists have been using these herbs for thousands of years. They find these herbs very safe and medically valuable; therefore, these herbs have been recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. This tea is 100% natural and also could help those people who desire a slimmer body. There are no side-effects for long-term usage. The taste of this tea is pleasant with a mild aroma.
華盛頓牌 美國威州 原枝花旗參茶(2x24包/盒)
華盛頓牌 美國威州 原枝花旗參茶(2x24包/盒) 花旗蔘茶包 方便快捷 甘香味醇 益氣提神抗疲勞 華盛頓牌原枝花旗蔘茶,經過精心挑選、加工和包裝,供您享用,它被認為是世界上最有價值的人參之一。 成份:來自美國威斯康辛州的100%高品質西洋蔘根,威州所产的花旗参,参气清香味浓,其味入口微苦而有回甘味,含有多种人体内必须的氨基酸和营养素。 無糖 無咖啡因、不含防腐劑、美國製造 冲泡方法:將熱水倒在茶包上,浸泡 3-5 分鐘,趁熱或冰鎮飲用均宜,可重复冲泡。添加蜂蜜可增添風味口感。取3-4包花旗参茶包与鸡或瘦肉、排骨煲汤,具获同样效果。 工作中、閑暇之餘,享受一杯味甘香醇的花旗參茶,格外生津提神!
碧螺春绿茶包(3g*30包) 永合豐的碧螺春选自苏州太湖洞庭山原始产区,是谷雨前的春茶,由专业制茶师精心制作。 太湖水面,水气升腾,雾气悠悠,空气湿润,土壤呈微酸性或酸性,质地疏松,极宜于茶树生长,由于茶树与果树间种,所以碧螺春茶叶具有特殊的花朵香味。 BI LUO CHUN GREEN TEA (3g*30 Bag) Bi Luo Chun's small, feathery tea buds and leaves yield a gentle, fresh yet full-bodied sweet flavor and a high concentration of antioxidants. The tea possesses a distinctively strong fruity and floral aroma due to its cultivation in a lake island garden full of flowering fruit trees on the west side of the Dong Ting Mountains in the Jiang Su province of China. The area provides an ideal environment of mist and clouds year round and the tea is harvested only once a year in early spring. Bi Luo Chun, like other types of Green Tea, helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, dental cavities, kidney stones, and cancer, while improving bone density and cognitive function. In addition, it boosts metabolism and has significant slimming effects. The tea is known to promote good skin tone and help reduce signs of aging due to its ample vitamin C, fluoride, and calcium.
大红袍乌龙茶茶包 3g*30包
大红袍乌龙茶茶包(3g*30包) 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。 Big Red Robe Oolong Tea (3g*30 Bag) Da Hong Pao Big Red Robe is a traditional, superfine grade Wuyi Rock Oolong from Fujian Province. The dark leaves produce an amber liquor that has a smooth, roasted, and stony flavor with long-lasting sweet notes of exotic flowers. Perfectly balanced Wuyi Mountain oolong is crafted to be an outstanding tea famous for its deep minerality, cooling aftertaste, and notes of caramel, nutmeg, lilac, juicy pear, and mild nutty cream. Dry Da Hong Pao tea leaves look like tightly knotted ropes or slightly twisted strips and are green and brown in color. After brewing, the tea is orange-yellow, bright, and clear. Big Red Robe Oolong tea is rich in antioxidants, which are said to be a vasodilator that may help the blood to flow more easily through arteries so that it can help to protect against heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. Da Hong Pao contains caffeine, theophylline, tea polyphenols and flavonoids. A number of health benefits enhance the popularity of this rare tea. Drinking Da Hong Pao improves energy and helps blood circulation. It also treats edema (water retention) and decreases the bad effects of drinking and smoking. Drinking Da Hong Pao Big Red Robe tea regularly improves the complexion and helps to reduce cough and congestion. There are famous stories about the origin of Da Hong Pao’s name. During the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar who was very sick on his way to Beijing for an exam. A monk of Tianxin Temple found him and brewed a bowl of tea picked from Wuyi Mountain for the scholar. After drinking the tea, the scholar felt much better and more energetic. A few days later, he won first place in the exam. So he came back to the temple to thank the monk who had saved him. Later, he also used this tea to cure the emperor's illness. The emperor rewarded the scholar with a red robe and asked the scholar to put the red robe on the tea tree. The red robe was considered a high honor. The emperor ordered all officials passing through that place to put their red robes on those tea trees to show the emperor’s gratitude. Those tea trees are still present today and the tea is available only in limited quantities. It is a tea not to be missed!