
Wing Hop Fung offers a wide variety of teas to suit any season or preference. We carry white, green, pu-erh, oolong, black, and flower teas, all sourced from trusted estates in China, Japan, and India.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Tea is serenity, medication, peace and everything a lover adore. Directly from our tea gardens in China and Japan.

Wing Hop Fung offers a wide variety of teas to suit any season or preference. We carry white, green, pu-erh, oolong, black, and flower teas, all sourced from trusted estates in China, Japan, and India.

3 products

  • 金毫 滇紅 紅茶 #1280

    金毫 滇紅 紅茶 #1280

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名Name: 金毫 滇红  Pure Gold Dianhong  保质期Shelf Life: 36 months 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 芽头均匀,花香上扬,色泽金黄Dark leaves with golden tips, 茶汤Liquor: 汤色金黄,蜜香内敛,茶香浓郁醇厚,鲜爽持久Sweet red potatoes aroma, savory cocoa, and black pepper flavors. Smooth and full-bodied, slightly sweet 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 等级Level: 一级 Premium   叶形完整,条索肥厚紧实,金毫尽显,均匀整洁,色泽油润。茶汤香甜,喉韵悠长,回甘温润。茶底红润油亮,叶片完整度高。 Pure Gold Dianhong Black Tea #1280 This is a high-end, gourmet Chinese black tea sometimes used in various tea blends and grown in Yunnan Province, China. The main difference between Dianhong and other Chinese black teas is the amount of fine leaf buds, or "golden tips," present in the dried tea. Dianhong teas produce a brew that is rich, rosy golden orange in color with a sweet, gentle aroma and no astringency. Cheaper varieties of Dianhong produce a darker brownish brew that can be very bitter. The tea leaf shape is complete, thick, firm, uniform and the color is oily. The tea soup is fragrant and sweet, with a long pleasant aftertaste that is sweet and moist. Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 2 g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time:  2 - 5 mins  5 steeps: 10s, 15s, 25s, 35s, 50s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds  

    $10.99 - $39.99

  • 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100 g罐装 工夫红茶

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100 g罐装 工夫红茶

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶 Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained noticed worldwide in 1995, when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South."


  • 盒)

    金帆牌 英德紅茶(16oz/盒)

    金帆牌 英德紅茶(16oz/盒) 英德红茶出产於广东省英德市,「英红」是与「祁红」丶「滇红」丶「宜红」和「川红」齐名的五大红茶之一,是粤省相当引以为傲的一款省产茶品。英德产茶的历史悠久,早在唐代就已盛行喝茶,到明代该地产茶更是列入贡品。   Yingteh Black Tea (16oz) Yingteh black tea is produced in Yingted City, Guangdong Province. "Yinghong" is one of the top five black teas with the same name as "Qihong", "Dianhong", "Yihong" and "Chuanhong". A proud provincial tea product. Yingteh has a long history of producing tea. Tea drinking was popular as early as the Tang Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the local tea was included as a “tribute” gift given by the local ruler to visiting officials.  The main characteristics are “strong soup, rich flavor, and lasting aroma”; the leaf shape is tight and fine, the body is fat, even, and beautiful, the color and luster is bright, the liquor color is red, and bright. When infused, the leaves turn the water into brilliant red color and the brew has a peppery taste with a hint of sweetness at the end. Brewed tea delivers amazing full, mellow, and thick taste with hints of dark chocolate, caramel, nuts, and port wine and lingering long-lasting sweet aftertaste and honey-like aroma. No matter how long it is brewed, it maintains its smoothness and mellowness. Mixed with milk and white sugar, the black tea enjoys fascinating color, taste, and aroma.



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