
Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.


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Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.

380 products

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    古方 香砂养胃丸 (濃縮製劑) 200粒 古方 香砂养胃丸 (濃縮製劑) 200粒

    古方 香砂养胃丸 (濃縮製劑) 200粒

    古方 香砂养胃丸(濃縮製劑) 200粒 HSIANG STOMACH PILL EXTRACT CONENTRATED Dietary Herbal Supplement 传统 蘭州中藥 系列 中國GMP認證企業產品 规格: 200粒濃縮丸/瓶 功效: 温中和胃。 用于调理脾胃虚弱,不思饮食,呕吐酸水,胃脘满闷等。 成分: 半夏,茯苓,白术,陈皮,藿香,豆蔻仁,香附,甘草 用法用量: 每次8粒,每日3次。或遵醫囑。警告:孕婦忌服。避免兒童接觸。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herbal supplement that promotes the body's natural balance, helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Component: Pinellia, Poria, Atractylodes, Tangerine Peel, Chinese giant, Cardamom, Cyperus rotundus, Licorice Direction to use: Take 8 pills each time, 3 times daily.Or consult your herbalist.Do not use if pregnant.Keep out of reach of children.


  • 葛仙翁 口炎清颗粒(15包) 葛仙翁 口炎清颗粒(15包)

    葛仙翁 口炎清颗粒(15包)

    葛仙翁 口炎清颗粒(10gx15包) GXW Kouyanqing keli (10gx15 Sachets) According to TCM traditional Chinese medicine, this product is useful for:  Bad breath Oral ulcer Oral inflammation Acne Nourishes yang and clears heat, detoxifying and reducing swelling. Traditionally used for oral inflammation caused by yin deficiency and fire [feverish, inflammatory conditions] “Kou Yan Qing Ke Li could delay the time of occurrence of radiation-induced oral mucositis, reduce the severity of radiation stomatitis, alleviate the pain of patients, improve the clinical symptoms of patients, and effectively prevent and treat radiation-induced oral mucositis in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma.”


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    温灸 纯 艾条 10条

    温灸 纯 艾条 10条

    汉宝牌 温灸 纯 艾条 10条 温灸也就是说温和灸,也叫做悬灸,是灸法的一种,用陈年艾草加工后的艾绒,用棉纸或桑皮纸卷起来称之为艾条,点燃艾条,一手持艾条,与身体穴位或经络进行保持一定距离进行熏烤,一般每个穴位十五分钟以上,这样的行为就叫做温和灸,它是保健调理养生治病的一种不错的手段。 艾灸并不是火力越大越好的,真正好的艾条都是属于温和灸的,渗透性强,这样的艾灸出来的效果才事倍功半。艾条要选取艾绒含量较高,这样使用起来才不会伤身。 温灸纯艾条的功效 温经通络,益气活血,祛寒止痛,升阳举陷,补虚固脱。 Moxibustion (Chinese: 灸; pinyin: jiǔ) is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy which consists of burning dried mugwort (wikt:moxa) on particular points on the body. It plays an important role in the traditional medical systems of China, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia. Suppliers usually age the mugwort and grind it up to a fluff; practitioners burn the fluff or process it further into a cigar-shaped stick. They can use it indirectly, with acupuncture needles, or burn it on the patient's skin.


  • 521141 Comvita Multiflora Honey

    康維他百花蜜 (1000g)

    康維他百花蜜 (1000g)  Comvita Multiflora Honey (1000g) Multiflora Honey is a distinctive blend of pure honey from New Zealand's forests and pastures. Comvita Multiflora Honey is created using our world-renowned 'creamed' honey process to create honey with a beautiful smooth texture and superb spreadability. Studies suggest that honey might offer antidepressant, anticonvulsant and anti-anxiety benefits. In some studies, honey has been shown to help prevent memory disorders. Wound care. Topical use of medical-grade honey has been shown to promote wound healing, particularly in burns. ( Honey mainly consists of sugars and water. Apart from sugars, honey also contains several vitamins, especially B complex, and vitamin C, together with a lot of minerals. Some of the vitamins found in honey include ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, and riboflavin; while minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc are also present. Honey has been used for its healing, nutritional and therapeutic properties since ancient times. Its antibacterial potentials even against multi-drug resistant bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacterbaumanni have been proved. Honey is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacities, which may be useful for the prevention of chronic inflammatory processes like atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases.


  • 康維他 UMF ® 15+ 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 (250g) 康維他 UMF ® 15+ 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 (250g)

    康維他 UMF ® 15+ 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 (250g)

    麥蘆卡蜂蜜源自新西蘭的麥蘆卡樹(學名:Leptospermum scoparium),是一種生長在新西蘭,長滿粉紅或白色小花的植物。長久以來, 新西蘭的麥蘆卡蜂蜜以其保健功效而聞名, 其獨特性更一直受到全世界重視。 麥蘆卡蜂蜜具有 UMF (獨麥素, Unique Manuka Factor) 是抗菌活性成份的量度單位,亦只有採自新西蘭獨有的麥蘆卡樹的蜂蜜,才含有這種高效的抗菌活性成份。尾隨數字代表其抗菌活性的強度, 由 5 到 15/20。抗菌程度越高的UMF®麥蘆卡蜂蜜含有較高的酚類複合物,有助增強抵抗力。UMF®麥蘆卡蜂蜜的特點:- 含「獨麥素」高效的抗菌能力,幫助修復腸胃機能,增強免疫力. - 含天然維生素、礦物質、有機酸及酵素等有益人體健康的物質. - 促進身體鈣質、鎂質吸收,有效對抗骨質流失.




    SOO香甜味三文魚肉乾(盒) 正宗野生太平洋三文鱼搭配上獨家的自創香料,在充滿加拿大西海岸的風味中添加香甜可口的亞洲風味。於加拿大當地生產製作,不管是送禮或與親朋好友分享都是最佳選擇。 獅牌肉乾,與您细细品味,人生每刻時光。 产品介绍: 净重: 6oz 盒装: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7   SOO PACIFIC SALMON JERKY Soo Jerky is wild about salmon! We combine authentic Wild Pacific Keta Salmon with our signature blend of spices to infuse a delicious Asian flair into the best of Canada’s West Coast. Proudly made in Canada, our Salmon Jerky is a treat to enjoy with friends or as a gift to share with a loved one. Soo Jerky. Always a gift to savor. Descriptions: Weight: 6 oz Size: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7


  • 话梅姜 话梅姜


    丹迪仕 话梅姜 Preserved Ginger 200g


  • 1盒 1盒

    北京同仁堂 壯腰健腎丸 10丸/1盒

    北京同仁堂 壯腰健腎丸 10丸/盒 壯腰健腎,養血,祛風濕。用於腎虧腰痛,膝軟無力,小便頻數,風濕骨痛,神經衰弱。 【用法用量】口服。大蜜丸一次1丸,一日2~3次。【成份】狗脊、黑老虎、千斤拔、桑寄生(蒸)、女贞子(蒸)、鸡血藤、金樱子、牛大力、菟丝子(盐水制)。辅料为蜂蜜。【性状】本品为棕褐色的大蜜丸:味甘、苦、涩。【功能主治】壮腰健肾,养血,祛风湿。用于肾亏腰痛、膝软无力,小便频数,风湿骨痛,神经衰弱。【规格】大蜜丸每丸重5.6克【用法用量】口服。大蜜丸一次1丸,一日2~3次。【不良反应】【禁忌】【注意事项】详见说明书。【贮藏】密封。


  • 唐龙 香砂養胃丸 (200粒/瓶) 唐龙 香砂養胃丸 (200粒/瓶)

    唐龙 香砂養胃丸 (200粒/瓶)

    唐龙 香砂養胃丸 (200粒/瓶) 唐龍 蘭州太寳製藥有限公司 Lanzhou Taibao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Exp: 12/31/2026 规格:200粒/瓶 功效:经典名方,温中和胃。用于胃脘满闷或泛吐酸水。 成分:砂仁,白术,甘草,茯苓,香附,枳实,陈皮,广藿香,豆蔻仁,厚樸。 用法用量:每次6-8粒,每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告: 孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herbal supplement to help harmonize the stomach by warming the middle energizer. Component: Villosum Amomum Fruit (extract); Largehead Atrctylodes Rhizome (extract); Radix Glycyrrhiza (extract); Indian Bread (extract); Rhizoma Cyperi (extract); Immature Bitter Orange Fruit (extract); Dried Tangerine Peel (extract); Cablin Potchouli Herb (extract); Fructus Amomi Rotundus; Magnolia Bark (extract).  Direction: Take 6-8 pills each time, 3 times daily. Do not use if pregnant. Or consult your herbalist. Keep out of reach of children.  This is a famous herbal formula in traditional Chinese medicine to help with digestive issues. It is appropriate for loss of appetite, stomach acid and bloating in the stomach. It is also used for cases of food stagnation from bad or excessive food which results in bloating or abdominal pain.  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


  • 永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜中含有一种独特的活性抗菌物质——独麦素,它具有很强的抗菌及抗氧化作用,可以促进机体伤口自然愈合,尤其在调养胃肠道方面表现极佳。   WHF Manuka Honey UMF 10+ Manuka is the native New Zealand tea tree. It is renowned and valued for its curative powers. WHF ® brand Manuka Honey is dark amber honey and has a texture and aroma that is quite unique. The taste is slightly bitter with an herbaceous flavor, suitable as a spread, or can be used to enhance your cooking. Alternately, combine it with cider vinegar or lemon juice for a refreshing and healthy drink. UMF® stands for ‘Unique Manuka Factor, a measure of the unique type of biological activity which is naturally present at varying levels in honey made from the nectar of the Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), native to New Zealand. The mark UMF® is followed by a number that indicates the strength of the UMF® activity in a batch of UMF® Manuka Honey. The higher the UMF® rating, the more potent the product.


  • 盐津陈皮 盐津陈皮


    丹迪仕 盐津陈皮 Preserved Citrus Peel 180g


  • 唐龙 龙胆泻肝丸 200粒 唐龙 龙胆泻肝丸 200粒

    唐龙 龙胆泻肝丸 200粒

    TL Long Dan Xie Gan Wan 200 Pills 唐龙 龙胆泻肝丸 200粒 唐龍 蘭州太寳製藥 规格: 200粒濃縮丸/瓶 功效: 清肝膽,利濕熱。用於肝膽濕熱,頭暈目赤,耳鳴耳聾,脅痛口苦,尿赤,濕熱帶下。 成分: 柴胡, 黃芩, 槴子, 澤瀉,車前子, 龍膽草, 當歸, 甘草, 地黃 用法用量: 每次6~8粒, 每日3次 或遵醫囑孕婦忌服, 避免兒童接觸 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: An herbal supplement  to help nourish the kidney and liver and maintain health in vision system. Component: Bupleurum, Scutellaria baicalensis, Eucalyptus, Alisma,plantain, gentian, angelica, licorice, rehmannia Direction to use: Take 6 pills each time, 3 times daily.Or consult your herbalist.Do not use if pregnant.Keep out of reach of children.



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