
Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.


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Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.

380 products

  • Quantity Discount
    瓶) 瓶)

    唐龍 天王補心丸(200粒/瓶)

      唐龍 天王補心丸(200粒/瓶)  產品選料上乘,工藝考究,品質優良,加工精良,經典配方-濃縮丸,秉承中國醫藥保健傳統精髓,融古老傳統與現代科技於一體的保健產品。 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 当感到阴虚血亏、心悸失眠、多梦健忘、口舌不适时,是很适合的保健辅助品。 成分: 丹参、当归、党参、茯苓、五味子、麦冬、天冬、玄参、桔梗、远志、刺五加、酸枣仁、地黄、甘草 用法用量: 每次6-8粒,每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触 分量: 200粒/瓶


  • 鴛江牌 強力石斛夜光丸(60粒) 鴛江牌 強力石斛夜光丸(60粒)

    鴛江牌 強力石斛夜光丸(60粒)

    鴛江 強力石斛夜光丸(60粒) 服法和用量:口服,每次5粒,以溫開水送服,每日早晚各一次,孕婦忌服。


  • Quantity Discount
    貴州百靈 黄連上清片 48粒 貴州百靈 黄連上清片 48粒

    貴州百靈 黄連上清片 48粒

    貴州百靈 黄連上清片 48粒 【成份】黄连、栀子、连翘、炒蔓荆子、防风、荆芥穗、白芷、黄芩、菊花、薄荷、大黄、黄柏、桔梗、川芎、石膏、旋覆花、甘草。辅料为玉米淀粉、硬脂酸镁、蔗糖、滑石粉、明胶、柠檬黄、虫白蜡。【性状】本品为糖衣片,除去包衣后显黄棕色至棕褐色;气香,味苦。【功能主治】散风清热,泻火止痛。用于风热上攻,肺胃热盛所致的头晕目眩、暴发火眼、牙齿疼痛、口舌生疮、咽喉肿痛,耳痛耳鸣、大便秘结,小便短赤,【规格】糖衣片(片心重0.3克)【用法用量】口服,一次6片,一日2次。


  • Quantity Discount
    北京同仁堂 跌打丸 6丸 北京同仁堂 跌打丸 6丸

    北京同仁堂 跌打丸 6丸

    北京同仁堂 跌打丸 6丸 【成份】三七、当归、白芍、赤芍、桃仁、红花、血竭、北刘寄奴、烫骨碎补、 续断、苏木、牡丹皮、乳香(制)、没药(制)、姜黄、醋三棱、防风、甜瓜子、 枳实(炒)、桔梗、甘草、木通、煅自然铜、土鳖虫。辅料为蜂蜜。 【性状】本品为黑褐色至黑色的大蜜丸;气微腥,味苦。 【功能主治】活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,瘀血肿痛,闪腰岔气。【规格】每丸重3克【用法用量】口服,一次1丸,一日2次。【不良反应】详见说明书。【禁忌】详见说明书。【注意事项】详见说明书。【贮藏】密封。【包装】塑料壳装,每丸重3克,每盒装6丸。


  • Quantity Discount
    广药白云山 清开灵颗粒 广药白云山 清开灵颗粒

    广药白云山 清开灵颗粒

    广药白云山 清开灵颗粒 Ingredients: Radix Isatidis, Honeysuckle, Radix Scutellariae, Gardeniae Jasminoides etc.板蓝根,金银花,黄芩苷,栀子等。Dosage:Orally taken. 1-2 Packets each time, 2-3 timesdaily for adult; Reduced dosage for children. 开水冲服。每次1-2小袋;每日2-3次,儿童酌减。 Size: 9小袋/盒 清熱解毒, 鎮靜安神,或可幫助外感風熱時毒,火毒内盛所 致發熱, 煩燥不安,咽喉腫痛, 苔黃,上呼吸道感 染, 流行性或病毒性感冒,急性咽炎,急性支氣管炎等屬上 述證候者.【注意】久病体虚患者如出現腹泄時慎用. May help to dissipate heat, detoxifying, calm, soothing, and to harmonize the throat and upper respiratory system, especially during the flu season.


  • 三精 双黄连口服液 10mlx10支裝 三精 双黄连口服液 10mlx10支裝

    三精 双黄连口服液 10mlx10支裝

    三精 双黄连口服液 疏风解表,清热解毒 用于外感风热所致的感冒,症见发热、咳嗽、咽痛。 【成份】金银花、黄芩、连翘,辅料为: 蔗糖。【性状】本品为棕红色的澄清液体;味 甜,微苦。【功能主治】疏风解表,清热解毒。用于外 感风热所致的感冒,症见发热、咳嗽、咽痛。【规 格】每支装10毫升(每1毫升相当于 饮片1.5克)【用法用量】口服。一次2支,一日3次;小儿酌减或遵医嘱。【贮藏】密封,避光,置阴凉处(不超过20°C).【包 装】药用口服液玻璃瓶,每支装10 毫升,每盒10支。


  • bag) bag)


    Ground Flaxseed Meal Ingredient:USA Flaxseed Characteristics:Fine Milled(microtomy) to retain nutritientsRich in Dietary Fibre, good for digestive system.Promote the cardiovascular health, beneficial to digestive and circulatory systems. Sugested Cooking Method:Eat directly, or add 1-2 teaspoons of USA ground Flaxseed into congee, cereal breakfast, oat flakes or salad.Consume twice daily. Storage:Store in a cool and dry place, away from humidity. 美国亚麻籽粉(14oz/bag) 成分:美國亞麻籽特徵:精細研磨(切片)以保留營養富含膳食纖維,有益於消化系統。促進心血管健康,有益於消化和循環系統。建議的烹飪方法:直接食用,或在粥、麥片早餐、燕麥片或沙拉中加入 1-2 茶匙美國亞麻籽粉。每天服用兩次。貯存存放在陰涼乾燥的地方,遠離潮濕。


  • 天士力 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包 天士力 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包

    天士力 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包

    天士力 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包  天士力医药集团股份有限公司 Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co.,LTD Expi: 04/2024 规格: 6包(每包6克) 功效: 解表化湿,理气和中,用于外感风寒,内伤湿滞或夏伤暑湿所致的感冒,症见头痛昏重,胸膈痞闷,脘腹胀痛,呕吐泄泻;肠胃型感冒 成分: 苍术,陈皮,姜厚补,白芷,茯苓,大腹皮,生半夏,甘草浸膏,广藿香油,紫苏叶油. 用法用量: 每次1袋, 每日2次,   By aiding digestion, Chinese herbs allow the body to process food into necessary protective energy called Wei Qi. HX ZHENGQI DRIPPING PILLS include astringent herbs, such as dried citrus peel and pinellia, that dry digestive phlegm, in order to ease bloating, nausea and indigestion (dampness). Additional herbs in the formula enhance internal cleansing through increased sweating (to relieve the surface) and urination. This boosts metabolism and immunity while ridding the body of discomforts that arise from inclement weather, poor diet and weak digestion.


  • 支 支

    鴛江牌降壓靈 30粒/支

    鴛江牌降壓靈 30粒/支  瑞福祥药业(广西)有限公司 WuzhouRFXCompany.Ltd 规格: 30粒濃縮丸/瓶(每片350毫克) 用法用量: 每次2粒, 每日3次 溫開水送服孕婦忌服, 避免兒童接觸   Size: 30pills/bottle (350mg/each) Direction to use: 2 capsules each time, 3 times a day with warm waterPregnant women should not take it, keep out of reach of children


  • 仙芝樓 有機靈芝 二合一 速溶咖啡 仙芝樓 有機靈芝 二合一 速溶咖啡

    仙芝樓 有機靈芝 二合一 速溶咖啡

    仙芝楼 有机灵芝 二合一 速溶咖啡


  • 包) 包)

    金赛牌 老人通便茶(3g*10袋/包)

    邓奇辉 老人通便茶 10包入/50g 通常润便 促进健康 增强体质 延缓衰老 本品以多種藥食兩用傳統中藥為原料, 經科學配伍炮炙加工而成,長期飲用可保持老人大便暢通而無積滯 "欲得長生, 腸中常清" 堅持每天飲用可增強體質, 延緩衰老, 減少疾病, 促進健康,本品亦適用於婦女產後便秘及中青年燥熱便秘 主要原料: 柏子人, 决明子, 桑椹子, 莱箙子, 绞股蓝 Constipation Relief Tea


  • 永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF20+(250g)

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF20+(250g)

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF20+ 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜中含有一种独特的活性抗菌物质——独麦素,它具有很强的抗菌及抗氧化作用,可以促进机体伤口自然愈合,尤其在调养胃肠道方面表现极佳。   WHF Manuka Honey UMF 20+ (250g) Manuka is the native New Zealand tea tree. It is renowned and valued for its curative powers. W ® brand Manuka Honey is dark amber honey and has a texture and aroma that is quite unique. The taste is slightly bitter with an herbaceous flavor, suitable as a spread, or can be used to enhance your cooking. Alternately, combine it with cider vinegar or lemon juice for a refreshing and healthy drink. UMF® stands for ‘Unique Manuka Factor’, a measure of the unique type of biological activity which is naturally present at varying levels in honey made from the nectar of the Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), native to New Zealand. The mark UMF® is followed by a number that indicates the strength of the UMF® activity in a batch of UMF® Manuka Honey. The higher the UMF® rating, the more potent the product.



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