
Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.


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Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.

380 products

  • Scallops XO Sauce with Mushroom 260g Scallops XO Sauce with Mushroom 260g

    Scallops XO Sauce with Mushroom 260g

    香菇干貝XO醬260g 選用純正元貝、蝦干、香菇等上選食材精心製成,豐富配料搭配田園鮮香,口口都能享受到微辣滋味,經過浸、蒸、撥絲使每一口干貝絲都能融合食材香氣,每一道程序、時間調配與火候掌控都攸關著味道的厚薄,從入口回香到體驗真材實料,風味獨特,口感絕佳! 餐前冷盤、下酒小菜,沾、煮、拌、炒皆讓佳餚倍添生色 原汁原味鎖住大海鮮甜,口感豐富層次,實為御廚醬料常備軍! 拌飯、拌麵、燴時蔬,搭配各式傳統點心:蘿蔔糕、肉粽等等,讓美味更上一層樓! 產品資訊 容量:260g/罐 成分:大豆油、香菇、蝦干、紅蔥、蒜、干貝、二砂、辣椒、食鹽、L-麩酸鈉、胺基乙酸、麥芽糊精、DL-胺基丙酸、5'-次黃嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、5'-鳥嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、琥珀酸二鈉 保存方式:常溫存放 Scallops XO Sauce with Mushroom 260g Crafted with premium dried scallops, dried shrimp, and shiitake mushrooms, this sauce features a rich blend of ingredients that exudes a delightful countryside aroma with a hint of spiciness. Through meticulous soaking, steaming, and shredding, every piece of scallop is infused with the flavors of the ingredients. Each step—timing and heat control—plays a vital role in achieving a balanced taste, resulting in a unique flavor profile and exceptional texture. Ideal as a cold appetizer or a side dish with drinks, this sauce enhances any meal when used for dipping, boiling, mixing, or stir-frying. It locks in the original sweetness of the sea, providing a rich and layered taste—an essential ingredient for any chef! Whether mixed with rice or noodles, or paired with traditional snacks like turnip cake or rice dumplings, it elevates every dish to a new level of deliciousness! Product Information: Net Weight: 260g / jar Ingredients: Soybean oil, shiitake mushrooms, dried shrimp, red onions, garlic, scallops, rock sugar, chili, salt, L-glutamic acid, aminoacetic acid, maltodextrin, DL-alanine, disodium 5'-inosinate, disodium 5'-guanylate, disodium succinate Storage: Store at room temperature




    SOO果汁味牛肉乾 (盒) 獅牌鲜嫩多汁的果汁味牛肉乾颠覆您一般牛肉乾的味覺!這款超人氣口味牛肉乾是使用我們獨家秘方酱汁和高品質牛肉完美結合而成,口感甘甜、軟嫩多汁! 獅牌肉乾,與您细细品味,人生每刻時光。 产品介绍: 净重: 6oz 盒装: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7 SOO FRUIT FLAVORED BEEF JERKY Delight your senses with the juicy taste of Fruit Flavored Beef Jerky! This popular flavor uses our secret sauce with our quality cuts of beef to make this a delectable sweet and tender treat. Soo Jerky. Always a gift to savor. Descriptions: Weight: 6oz  Size: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7


  • Quantity Discount
    同仁堂牛黃解毒片 薄膜衣片 30片 (10片x3板) 同仁堂牛黃解毒片 薄膜衣片 30片 (10片x3板)

    同仁堂牛黃解毒片 薄膜衣片 30片 (10片x3板)

    同仁堂牛黃解毒片 薄膜衣片 30片 (10片x3板)        清熱解毒      散風止痛 適用:用於肺胃蘊熱引起︰頭目眩暈,口鼻生瘡,風火牙痛,咽喉疼痛,大便秘結,皮膚刺痛。(詳見說明書) 成份:菊花、甘草、石膏、金銀花、荊芥穗、桔梗、連翹、大黃、施覆花、梔子(姜炙)、人工牛黃等 服法用量:口服,一次3片,一日2-3次 規格:片芯重0.27克    包裝:鋁塑板裝,每板裝10片


  • Quantity Discount
    漢寳 黃連上清片 96片裝 漢寳 黃連上清片 96片裝

    漢寳 黃連上清片 96片裝

      漢寳 黃連上清片 96片裝 漢寳黃連上清片有清熱解毒、降火、镇痛的功效,用于上火或胃熱造成的頭晕、眼睛红腫、牙齒疼痛、口舌生瘡、大便秘結。 成份:大黃、蔓荊子、菊花、黃連、當歸、桔梗、黃芪、防風、川芎、甘草 用法用量:必要時,成人每日服用2次,每次4片 注意:孕婦忌服。請將此產品遠離兒童 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的中醫藥理,并未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。


  • 煌上煌 腊鸭26oz 煌上煌 腊鸭26oz

    煌上煌 腊鸭26oz

    煌上煌 腊鸭26oz Cooking Instructions:(Cook thoroughly before consumption) Steam product over boiling water for about 18 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 166°F (74°C) or above, measured by the use of a food thermometer.Ingredients:Duck, Water, Salt, Sugar, Double Black Soy Sauce (Water, Molasses, Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Salt, Wheat Flour), Salt, Color (Caramel I)), Thick Soy Sauce (Molasses, Water, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Salt, Wheat Flour)), Monosodium Glutamate, Sodium Nitrite.CONTAINS: SOY, WHEAT.  


  • 同仁堂 牛黄降压丸 1.6克*10丸 同仁堂 牛黄降压丸 1.6克*10丸

    同仁堂 牛黄降压丸 1.6克*10丸

    同仁堂 牛黄降压丸 1.6克*10丸  清心化痰    平肝安神   緩解頭暈目眩  失眠煩躁不安 【成份】羚羊角、珍珠、水牛角浓缩粉、人工牛黄、冰 片、白芍、党参、黄芪、决明子、川芎、黄芩提取物、 甘松、薄荷、郁金。辅料为蜂蜜。【性状】本品为浅棕绿色至深棕色的大蜜丸;气微香, 味微甜、苦,有清凉感。【功能主治】清心化痰,平肝安神。用于心肝火旺、痰 热壅盛所致的头晕目眩、头痛失眠、烦躁不安;高血 压病见上述证候者。【规格】大蜜丸每丸重1.6g【用法用量】口服。大蜜丸一次1~2丸,一日1次。【不良反应】详见说明书。【禁忌】详见说明书。【注意事项】详见说明书。【贮藏】密封。【包装】塑料球壳装,每丸重1.6g,每盒装10丸。【批准文号】国药准字Z11020199


  • 太極 藿香正氣口服液 10ml*10支 太極 藿香正氣口服液 10ml*10支

    太極 藿香正氣口服液 10ml*10支

    太極 藿香正氣口服液 10ml*10支 【产品名称】藿香正气口服液【商品名】太极【成分】苍术、陈皮、厚朴(姜制)、白芷、茯苓、大腹皮、生姜,生半夏、甘草浸膏、广藿香油、紫苏叶油。辅料为聚山梨酯80.棒皮油【性状】本品为棕色的澄清液体;味辛,微甜。【适应症】解表化湿,理气和中。用于外感风寒、内伤湿滞或夏伤暑湿所致的感冒,症见头痛昏重、胸膈痞闷、脘腹胀痛、呕吐泄泻;胃肠型感冒见上述证候者。【规格】10毫升×10支【用法用量】口服,一次5~10ml,一日2次,用时摇匀。(注:服用时, 取吸管锐角一头对准易捅盖中央凹陷处,稍用力插入, 即可吸用。)【不良反应】1、近年来,应用藿香正气水出现的过敏反应,应引起医生重视。 2、有报道服用藿香正气水致荨麻疹样药疹、上消化道出血、过敏性紫癜以及低血糖。【注意事项】1、忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物,饮食宜清淡。 2、不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。 3、有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。 4、儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱者应在医师指导下服用。 5、吐泻严重者应及时去医院就诊。 6、严格按用法用量服用,本品不宜长期服用。 7、服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。 8、对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 9、本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。 10、儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 11、请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 12、如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。


  • 九芝堂 牛黄解毒丸 九芝堂 牛黄解毒丸

    九芝堂 牛黄解毒丸

    九芝堂 牛黄解毒丸  Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Pill (3g) 每次服食量1丸(3)Herbal Supplement) 更膳食补充剂Serving Per Container 10 每包装含10次服食量Radix Et Rhizoma Rhei(Rhizome)[Da-huang] 大黄, Radix Scutellariae(Root)[Huang-qin]黄芩, Radix Platycodonis (Root)[Ju-geng]桔 梗, Borneolum Syntheticum(Leaf)[Bing-pian]冰片.↑ Daily Values not established. 每日参考值未建立Other Ingredients: Gypsum Fibrosum.Using Suggestion: Take orally, 1 pill per time, 2-3 times per day.用法用量:口服,一次1丸,一日2-3次,


  • 香雪橘红痰咳液 香雪橘红痰咳液


    香雪 橘红痰咳液 10ml*10支 理氣化痰,潤肺止咳,用於感冒、支氣管炎、咽喉炎引起的痰多咳嗽、氣喘等症狀 成分:化橘紅、蜜百部、茯苓、半夏(製)、白前、甘草、苦杏仁、五味子、輔料為蔗糖、香精、薄荷腦、苯甲酸鈉、羥苯乙酯性狀:本品為棕色的液體;氣芳香、味甜、微苦適用:理氣化痰、潤肺止咳。用於痰濁阻肺所致的咳嗽、氣喘、痰多;感冒、支氣管炎、咽喉炎等用法用量:口服,一次10-20毫升(1-2支),一日三次規格:每支裝10毫升包裝:玻璃瓶裝,每盒裝10支注意事項:忌煙、酒、辛辣、生冷、油膩食物等,詳見説明書藥物相互作用:如與其他藥物同時使用可能會發生藥物相互作用,詳情請咨詢醫師或藥師禁忌:風熱者忌用老品牌,安全又放心。止咳化痰的效果非常好,家庭常备,口感较好,孩子也能接受。 成分:五味子、化橘红、半夏(制)、甘草、白前、百部(蜜炙)、苦杏仁、茯苓等内容僅供参考之用,并不可作为取代專業的醫療咨詢使用產品前,請始终閲讀產品随附的標簽、警告及說明。


  • 盒 盒

    同仁堂 十全大补丸 360粒/盒

    同仁堂 十全大补丸 360粒/盒 【产品名称】十全大补丸【商品名/商标】同仁堂【规格】360粒【功能主治/适应症】温补气血。用于气血两虚,面色苍白,气短心悸,头晕自汗,四肢不温。【用法用量】口服,一次8~10丸,一日3次。【禁忌】孕妇忌用。身体壮实不虚者忌服。【注意事项】1.忌食生冷、油腻食物。2.外感风寒、风热,实热内盛者不宜服用。3.不宜和感冒类药同时服用。4.服本药时不宜同时服用藜芦、赤石脂或其制剂。5.本品中有肉桂,属温热药,因此有实热者忌用。6.本品宜饭前服用或进食同时服。7.按照用法用量服用,小儿应在医师指导下服用。8.服药期间出现口干,便干,舌红,苔黄等症应去医院就诊。9.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。10.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。11.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。12.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。13.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。


  • 瓶 瓶

    威斯康星州 原产 花旗参粉胶囊 60粒/瓶

    威斯康星州 原产 花旗参粉胶囊 60粒/瓶 Wisconsin Grown and Certified by the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin 500 MG, 60 COUNT Do you or someone that you know suffer from fatigue or extra stress? Give our 100% Wisconsin Ginseng Capsules a try! The Mayo Clinic has done studies, linking the use of ginseng to the reduction of fatigue displayed in patients undergoing treatment for various diseases/cancers. Read Here Ginseng is a natural adaptogen which helps alleviate stress in the human body by helping to regulate cortisol levels. These are only a few of the many benefits!  Heil Harvest Wisconsin American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius. 100% milled root - not an extract, no ethanol/alcohol processing, no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Convenient 500 mg capsules. Suggested serving size is 2 capsules (1000 mg), twice daily. High Quality Vegan Capsules No Added Ingredients NON-GMO All Heil Harvest Products are certified by the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin, displaying the trademark seal, guaranteeing that you are purchasing high-quality 100% Wisconsin Ginseng.  MFG: 03/2019


  • 巴西 野花牌綠蜂膠 原裝進口 巴西 野花牌綠蜂膠 原裝進口

    巴西 野花牌綠蜂膠 原裝進口

    巴西 野花牌 绿蜂胶 原装进口 销量第一 浓度85%  Brazilian Apiario Silvestre Green Propolis is manufactured with class "A" raw materials in alcohol solution. It is in liquid form and has the highest richness in flavonoid and phenolic substances among other propolis products in the market. All of the raw materials are from unpolluted tropical forest in Brazil. Apiario Silvestre Green Propolis is fully licensed with Health Canada, GMP, SGC HACCP, and FDA. The manufacturer, Apis Global Produtos Alternativos Ltda, founded in 1982, is the biggest propolis manufacturer in Brazil and has gained its reputation since then. It is the pioneer who first introduced non-alcoholic solution and advanced technology in the propolis extract process. Royal Apis Global Limited, headquartered in Toronto Canada, is the exclusive official distributor of Apiario Silvestre products in North America and Asia-Pacific region.  Recommendations for use: Oral use: 2 - 3 times daily, 20-40 drops (approximately 1/2 - 3/4 tube) each time, diluted in plain warm water (water is to improve the pungent taste of propolis, amount could vary. Hot water is not recommended.



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