
Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.


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Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.

381 products

  • 福东海 艾草颈椎贴 12貼

    福东海 艾草颈椎贴 12貼

    福东海 艾草颈椎贴 12貼 [注意事项]1.本品为一次性用品,外用,勿口服。 2. 本品为居家日用类产品, 不可代替药物。3. 贴敷部位有创伤、溃疡、感染等情况者禁用。4. 孕妇、哺乳期女性、婴幼儿、糖尿病患者禁用。5. 对本产品成分、材料过敏者禁用, 易过敏体质者禁用。6. 贴敷时若局部有色素沉着、潮红、微痒、轻微灼痛感、轻微红肿属于正常皮肤反应,停用后逐渐消退。贴敷后若出现范围较大或较重程度的皮肤红斑、瘙痒、疼痛等不适现象,应立即停用,进行对症处理。出现全身性皮肤过敏症状者,应及时就医。


  • 复方牛黄消炎胶囊 复方牛黄消炎胶囊


    复方牛黄消炎胶囊 【功能主治】清热解毒,镇静安神。用于气分热盛,高热烦躁;上呼吸道感染、肺炎、气管炎见上述证候者。12粒/板X2板/盒【药品名称】通用名称:复方牛黄消炎胶囊【成 份】人工牛黄、黄芩、栀子、朱砂、珍珠母、郁金、雄黄、冰片、石膏、水牛角浓缩粉、盐酸小檗碱。【性 状】本品为硬胶囊,内容物为黄棕色的粉末; 气香,味苦、辛。【功能主治】清热解毒,镇静安神。用于气分热盛,高热烦躁;上呼吸道感染、肺炎、气管炎见上述证候者。【规 格】每粒装0.4g(含盐酸小檗碱4. 3mg)【用法用量】口服。一次3~4粒,一日2次。【不良反应】尚不明确。【禁 忌】孕妇禁服。21+MK【注意事项】不宜久服。【包藏】密封。铝塑泡罩包装,12粒/板×2板/盒。【有效期】36个月。


  • 支 支

    以岭穿心莲 80粒/支

    以岭穿心莲 80粒/支    石家庄以岭药业股份有限公司 SHIJIAZHUANG YILING PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD Exp: 12/2024 规格: 80粒/瓶(每片50毫克) 简介: 穿心莲是中国一种广受欢迎的天然草药补充食品,有助于消炎,风热感冒等症状。 成 用法用量: 每次2粒, 每日3次 溫開水送服孕婦忌服, 避免兒童接觸   Size: 80pills/bottle (50mg/each) Introduction: This product is a popular herbal supplement in China and an energizer that helps relieving inflammation and common cold of wind-hear type. Component: Herba Andrographitis, Herba Taraxaci, Radix Isatidis. Direction to use: 2 capsules each time, 3 times a day with warm waterPregnant women should not take it, keep out of reach of children Chuan xin lian pian contains Andrographis paniculata traditionally used in Indian and Chinese herbal medicine for cough, cold and influenza, suggesting a role in respiratory tract infections. This popular, well-researched, convenient herbal combination pill is used to prevent and treat cold/flu. It protects vital energy by helping the body to clear away toxins, improve breathing and reduce damaging inflammation.  The ingredients are natural herbal antibiotics and cleansing herbs: Herba Andrographitis, Herba Taraxaci (dandelion), Radix Isatidis. For fever illnesses, sore throat and headaches, the usual dosage is 2 capsules each time, 3 times a day with warm water. If there is diarrhea, stomach cramps or chills, reduce the dose to be comfortable. Avoid use during pregnancy and breast feeding.  Cautions: 1. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, spicy, chilly, oily fried foods.2. Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you are taking prescribed medicines.3. Keep it out of reach of children.


  • 众胜 穿心莲 100片  众胜 穿心莲 100片 

    众胜 穿心莲 100片 

      众胜 穿心莲 100片 清热解毒,利湿;用于風熱感冒,咽喉疼痛,濕熱泄瀉 规格: 100片/瓶 简介: 穿心莲是中国一種廣受歡迎的天然草药補充食品,有助于消炎,風熱感冒等症状。 成分: 穿心莲,蒲公英,板蓝根 用法用量: 每次2粒, 每日3次 溫開水送服孕婦忌服, 避免兒童接觸


  • Quantity Discount
    Bigen Men's Speedy Hair Color (#101#102#103) Bigen Men's Speedy Hair Color (#101#102#103)

    Bigen Men's Speedy Hair Color (#101#102#103)

    Bigen 美源男士染发膏 #101 自然黑色 Nature Black #102 棕黑色 Brown Black #103 深棕色 Dark Brown Bigen 男士染发剂,是专为现代男士打造的优质染发产品,以其便捷性与卓越效果,助力男士轻松塑造理想发型与形象。 便捷操作,轻松染发 创新的梳染一体设计,告别繁琐的混合调配步骤。只需将染发剂挤出至梳齿,直接梳理头发,即可均匀上色。操作简单易懂,即使在家也能轻松完成染发,为忙碌的男士节省宝贵时间,让染发过程变得轻松又高效。 精准上色,均匀覆盖 配备精准梳子,无论是修饰发际线、鬓角等局部区域,还是进行整体染发,都能精准上色,确保每一根发丝都均匀覆盖,呈现自然、均匀的染发效果,展现男士的精致与自信。 温和配方,呵护秀发 采用无氨配方,极大减少对头皮的刺激,同时降低难闻气味。特别添加牛磺酸和橄榄油等滋养成分,染发过程中深入滋养发丝,为头发提供充足的营养与呵护,染后头发柔顺亮泽,健康强韧。 贴心设计,使用无忧 圆润的梳齿设计,温柔贴合头皮,减少不适感。双齿梳边缘能有效防止染发剂滴落,保持染发过程干净整洁。产品附带多种语言的使用说明以及手套等配件,充分考虑用户需求,让染发体验更加贴心、安全。 经济实用,持久耐用 包装设计合理,方便储存。未使用完的染发剂可妥善保存,满足后续补染需求,经济又实用,为男士提供持久的染发解决方案。Bigen 男士染发剂,凭借其独特优势,成为男士日常打理头发、提升形象的得力助手,助您时刻保持自信风采。 Bigen Men's Hair Dye #101 Nature Black #102 Brown Black #103 Dark Brown Bigen Men's Hair Dye is a high - quality hair - dyeing product specially designed for modern men. With its convenience and excellent performance, it helps men easily create their ideal hairstyles and images. Convenient Operation for Effortless Hair Dyeing Featuring an innovative comb - in - one design, it eliminates the cumbersome mixing and blending steps. Just squeeze the hair dye onto the comb teeth and directly comb through the hair to achieve even coloring. The operation is simple and easy to understand, allowing men to complete hair dyeing at home with ease, saving precious time for busy individuals and making the hair - dyeing process effortless and efficient. Precise Coloring for Even Coverage Equipped with a precision comb, whether it's for touching up local areas such as hairlines and sideburns or for overall hair dyeing, it can color precisely, ensuring that every hair strand is evenly covered and presenting a natural and uniform hair - dyeing effect, showcasing men's refinement and confidence. Gentle Formula for Hair Nourishment It adopts an ammonia - free formula, greatly reducing scalp irritation and minimizing unpleasant odors. It is specially added with nourishing ingredients such as taurine and olive oil, which deeply nourish the hair strands during the hair - dyeing process, providing sufficient nutrients and care for the hair. After dyeing, the hair is smooth, shiny, healthy, and strong. Thoughtful Design for Worry - free Use The round comb teeth design gently conforms to the scalp, reducing discomfort. The double - toothed comb edges can effectively prevent the hair dye from dripping, keeping the hair - dyeing process clean and tidy. The product comes with instruction leaflets in multiple languages and accessories such as gloves, fully considering the needs of users and making the hair - dyeing experience more considerate and safe. Economical and Practical, Long - lasting The packaging is reasonably designed for easy storage. The unused hair dye can be properly preserved to meet subsequent touch - up needs, being economical and practical and providing a long - lasting hair - dyeing solution for men. Bigen Men's Hair Dye, with its unique advantages, has become a reliable assistant for men to take care of their hair and enhance their images in daily life, helping you maintain a confident demeanor at all times.

  • CHENPICUN LiangChen 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel (200g) CHENPICUN LiangChen 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel (200g)

    CHENPICUN LiangChen 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel (200g)

    陈皮村 良辰2018天马陈皮 (200g) 陈皮村 2018 天马陈皮,是陈皮爱好者品鉴、收藏以及日常养生的优质之选,带您领略新会陈皮的独特魅力与深厚底蕴。 一、产地正宗,品质之源 陈皮村 2018 天马陈皮,产自广东省江门市新会区,这里是久负盛名的优质陈皮产区。新会独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出的柑皮品质上乘,为制作高品质陈皮奠定了坚实基础。此款陈皮精选新会优质柑皮,严格遵循传统工艺制作,历经岁月沉淀,品质卓越。 二、年份陈香,韵味悠长 该陈皮为 2018 年陈化,历经多年自然陈化,柑皮中的物质发生奇妙转化。其香气愈发醇厚浓郁,陈香四溢,带有独特的岁月韵味。轻轻嗅闻,那股醇厚的陈香沁人心脾,为品茶、烹饪等增添别样风味。 三、营养丰富,健康之选 富含挥发油、黄酮类化合物等多种营养成分。在传统认知中,陈皮具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰等功效。日常以热开水煮泡饮用,可品味其独特风味与健康益处;作为烹饪调味食材,能为菜肴增添独特香气,提升口感,是养生与美食的双重选择。 CHENPICUN LiangChen 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel (200g) Chenpicun 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel is an excellent choice for dried tangerine peel lovers to taste, collect and for daily health - preservation, leading you to appreciate the unique charm and profound heritage of Xinhui dried tangerine peel. I. Authentic Origin, Source of Quality Chenpicun 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel is produced in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, a well - known high - quality production area for dried tangerine peel. The unique soil, water and climate conditions in Xinhui give birth to high - quality citrus peels, laying a solid foundation for the production of high - quality dried tangerine peel. This dried tangerine peel is carefully selected from high - quality citrus peels in Xinhui and is made in strict accordance with traditional techniques. After years of precipitation, its quality is excellent. II. Aged Aroma, Long - lasting Flavor This dried tangerine peel has been aged since 2018. After years of natural aging, the substances in the citrus peel have undergone wonderful transformations. Its aroma has become more mellow and rich, with a strong aged fragrance and a unique charm of time. A gentle sniff reveals a mellow aged aroma that refreshes the heart and spleen, adding a special flavor to tea - tasting, cooking, etc. III. Rich in Nutrients, a Healthy Choice It is rich in various nutrients such as volatile oils and flavonoids. In traditional understanding, dried tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. When brewed with boiling water for daily drinking, you can savor its unique flavor and health benefits; as a seasoning ingredient in cooking, it can add a unique aroma to dishes and enhance the taste, making it a dual choice for health - preservation and gourmet food.


  • CHENPICUN Fried Dace with Salted Black Beans (184g) CHENPICUN Fried Dace with Salted Black Beans (184g)


  • CHENPICUN 2017 DongJia Dried Tangerine Peel Red (1250g) CHENPICUN 2017 DongJia Dried Tangerine Peel Red (1250g)

    CHENPICUN 2017 DongJia Dried Tangerine Peel Red (1250g)

    陈皮村 2017东甲圈枝二红陈皮 (1250g) 陈皮村 2017 东甲陈皮,是陈皮爱好者品鉴、收藏以及日常养生的优质之选,带您领略新会陈皮的独特魅力与深厚底蕴。 一、产地正宗,品质之源 陈皮村 2017 东甲陈皮,产自广东省江门市新会区,这里是久负盛名的优质陈皮产区。新会独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出的柑皮品质上乘,为制作高品质陈皮奠定了坚实基础。此款陈皮精选新会优质柑皮,严格遵循传统工艺制作,历经岁月沉淀,品质卓越。 二、年份陈香,韵味悠长 该陈皮为 2017 年陈化,历经多年自然陈化,柑皮中的物质发生奇妙转化。其香气愈发醇厚浓郁,陈香四溢,带有独特的岁月韵味。轻轻嗅闻,那股醇厚的陈香沁人心脾,为品茶、烹饪等增添别样风味。 三、营养丰富,健康之选 富含挥发油、黄酮类化合物等多种营养成分。在传统认知中,陈皮具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰等功效。日常以热开水煮泡饮用,可品味其独特风味与健康益处;作为烹饪调味食材,能为菜肴增添独特香气,提升口感,是养生与美食的双重选择。 CHENPICUN 2017 DongJia Tangerine Peel Red (1250g) Chenpicun 2017 DongJia Dried Tangerine Peel is an excellent choice for dried tangerine peel lovers to taste, collect and for daily health - preservation, leading you to appreciate the unique charm and profound heritage of Xinhui dried tangerine peel. I. Authentic Origin, Source of Quality Chenpicun 2017 DongJia Dried Tangerine Peel is produced in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, a well - known high - quality production area for dried tangerine peel. The unique soil, water and climate conditions in Xinhui give birth to high - quality citrus peels, laying a solid foundation for the production of high - quality dried tangerine peel. This dried tangerine peel is carefully selected from high - quality citrus peels in Xinhui and is made in strict accordance with traditional techniques. After years of precipitation, its quality is excellent. II. Aged Aroma, Long - lasting Flavor This dried tangerine peel has been aged since 2017. After years of natural aging, the substances in the citrus peel have undergone wonderful transformations. Its aroma has become more mellow and rich, with a strong aged fragrance and a unique charm of time. A gentle sniff reveals a mellow aged aroma that refreshes the heart and spleen, adding a special flavor to tea - tasting, cooking, etc. III. Rich in Nutrients, a Healthy Choice It is rich in various nutrients such as volatile oils and flavonoids. In traditional understanding, dried tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. When brewed with boiling water for daily drinking, you can savor its unique flavor and health benefits; as a seasoning ingredient in cooking, it can add a unique aroma to dishes and enhance the taste, making it a dual choice for health - preservation and gourmet food.


  • CHENPICUN Tangerine Peel Cake (240g) CHENPICUN Tangerine Peel Cake (240g)

    CHENPICUN Tangerine Peel Cake (240g)

    陈皮村 新会陈皮饼 (240g)


  • CHENPICUN Good Fortune Tangerine Peel Gift Box (50g) CHENPICUN Good Fortune Tangerine Peel Gift Box (50g)


  • CHENPICUN 2017 Dried Tangerine Peel Gift Box (500g) CHENPICUN 2017 Dried Tangerine Peel Gift Box (500g)

    CHENPICUN 2017 Dried Tangerine Peel Gift Box (500g)

    陈皮村 2017三江/天马 陈皮礼盒 (500g)


  • CHENPICUN Sanjiang Dried Tangerine Peel Huashuang Gift Box (150g) CHENPICUN Sanjiang Dried Tangerine Peel Huashuang Gift Box (150g)

    CHENPICUN Sanjiang Dried Tangerine Peel Huashuang Gift Box (150g)

    陈皮村 三江华双陈皮礼盒 (150g) 华双礼盒(2011三江+2016三江) 陈皮村 三江陈皮,是陈皮爱好者品鉴、收藏以及日常养生的优质之选,带您领略新会陈皮的独特魅力与深厚底蕴。 一、产地正宗,品质之源 陈皮村 三江陈皮,产自广东省江门市新会区,这里是久负盛名的优质陈皮产区。新会独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出的柑皮品质上乘,为制作高品质陈皮奠定了坚实基础。此款陈皮精选新会优质柑皮,严格遵循传统工艺制作,历经岁月沉淀,品质卓越。 二、年份陈香,韵味悠长 该陈皮历经多年自然陈化,柑皮中的物质发生奇妙转化。其香气愈发醇厚浓郁,陈香四溢,带有独特的岁月韵味。轻轻嗅闻,那股醇厚的陈香沁人心脾,为品茶、烹饪等增添别样风味。 三、营养丰富,健康之选 富含挥发油、黄酮类化合物等多种营养成分。在传统认知中,陈皮具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰等功效。日常以热开水煮泡饮用,可品味其独特风味与健康益处;作为烹饪调味食材,能为菜肴增添独特香气,提升口感,是养生与美食的双重选择。 CHENPICUN Dried Tangerine Peel Gift Box (150g) Huashuang Gift Box (2011 Sanjiang + 2016 Sanjiang) Chenpicun Sanjiang Dried Tangerine Peel is an excellent choice for dried tangerine peel lovers to taste, collect and for daily health - preservation, leading you to appreciate the unique charm and profound heritage of Xinhui dried tangerine peel. I. Authentic Origin, Source of Quality Chenpicun Sanjiang Dried Tangerine Peel is produced in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, a well - known high - quality production area for dried tangerine peel. The unique soil, water and climate conditions in Xinhui give birth to high - quality citrus peels, laying a solid foundation for the production of high - quality dried tangerine peel. This dried tangerine peel is carefully selected from high - quality citrus peels in Xinhui and is made in strict accordance with traditional techniques. After years of precipitation, its quality is excellent. II. Aged Aroma, Long - lasting Flavor After years of natural aging, the substances in the citrus peel have undergone wonderful transformations. Its aroma has become more mellow and rich, with a strong aged fragrance and a unique charm of time. A gentle sniff reveals a mellow aged aroma that refreshes the heart and spleen, adding a special flavor to tea - tasting, cooking, etc. III. Rich in Nutrients, a Healthy Choice It is rich in various nutrients such as volatile oils and flavonoids. In traditional understanding, dried tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. When brewed with boiling water for daily drinking, you can savor its unique flavor and health benefits; as a seasoning ingredient in cooking, it can add a unique aroma to dishes and enhance the taste, making it a dual choice for health - preservation and gourmet food.



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