
Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.


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Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.

381 products

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     云南白药 蒲地蓝消炎片 48片  云南白药 蒲地蓝消炎片 48片

    云南白药 蒲地蓝消炎片 48片

    云南白药 蒲地蓝消炎片 48片 【成份】黄芩、蒲公英、苦地丁、板蓝根。辅料为 淀粉、硬脂酸镁。【性 状】本品为薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣后,显浅棕 色至棕褐色;味微苦。【功能主治】清热解毒,抗炎消肿。用于疖肿、咽炎、 扁桃体炎。【规 格】每片重0.3克【用法用量】口服。一次5~8片,一日4次。【不良反应】该制剂有以下不良反应报告:恶心、呕吐、腹胀、腹痛、腹泻、头晕、乏力等;皮疹、 瘙痒等过敏反应。【禁忌】对本品及所含成份过敏者禁用。【注意事项】1.忌食辛辣刺激性食物。2.用药期间不宜同时服用温热性药物。3.症见腹痛、喜暖、泄泻等脾胃虚寒者慎用。4. 孕妇慎用,儿童、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱者应在医 师指导下使用。5.有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病 患者应在医师指导下使用。6. 疮疖较重或局部变软化脓;扁桃体化脓及全身高热 者应到医院就诊。7.服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。8.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。9.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。OTC10.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。11.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。12. 如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药 物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。【贮 藏】密封。【包装】铝塑铝热带包装,24片/板×2板/盒。


  • 华药堂 复方金银花颗粒 华药堂 复方金银花颗粒

    华药堂 复方金银花颗粒

    复方金银花颗粒 【成份】金银花、连翘、黄芩。辅料为蔗糖。【性 状】本品为浅黄色的颗粒;味甜、微苦。【功能主治】清热解毒,凉血消肿。用于风热感冒,咽炎,扁桃体炎,目痛,牙痛及痈肿疮疖。【用法用量】开水冲服,一次10~20克,一日2~3次。【不良反应】【禁忌】【注意事项】详见说明书【规 格】每包装10克,(相当于总药材3.5克)【贮 藏】密封。【包装】复合膜包装,10袋/盒。


  • 白云山 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包  白云山 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包 

    白云山 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包 

    白云山 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包  广州白云山中一药业有限公司 Guangzhou Bai Yun Shan Zhong Yi Pharmaceutical C., Ltd 规格: 6包(每包6克) 功效: 加味藿香正氣丸為藥草營養輔助劑,解表化濕,理氣和中,能緩解內傷濕,頭昏重,胸悶,腹脹,嘔洩. 成分: 广霍香,紫苏叶,白芷,白术(炒),陈皮,半夏(制),厚朴(姜制),茯苓,桔梗,甘草,大腹皮,大枣,生姜。 用法用量: 每次1袋, 每日2次, 服藥期間不適宜服用滋補性重要. 高血壓, 心髒病, 肝病, 糖尿病, 腎病等慢性病嚴重者, 請與醫護人員詢商後服用. 請保管於小兒不易觸及之處. 請保存於冷暗處,避免陽光照射   Size: 6bag (each bag 6 g) Effect: Stomach Calm Pills is a herbal dietary supplement to regulate the digestive system. Component: agadtacge rygisa whole, perilla leaves, fragrant angelica roots, bai-zhu atractylodes stems&roots(fired), rangerine peel, pinellia(treated) stem, magnolia bark, poria sclerotium, platycoldon toors, chinese licorice roots, betelnut palm peel, ginger roots, jujube fruit Direction to use: 1 bag each time, 2 times a day.Don't use with other traditional Chinse medicine. Consult the healthcare professionals if the user have hypertension, heart disease, liber disease, diabetes, kidney disease. Keep out of reach of children Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.  


  • Quantity Discount
    內消瘰癘膠囊 內消瘰癘膠囊


    中華驗方內消瘰癘膠囊 清肝泻火,软坚散结。适合调理瘰癧结核,肉瘿肿痛。 服法和用量:每日3次,每次4粒,孕妇忌服。 *根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的中醫藥理論並未經美國食品和醫藥局FDA的正式評估,因此本品不宜作藥用註解。 *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. A dietary herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy circulatory system. Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 4 capsules 3 times a day. Do not use if you are pregnant.  


  • 巴西 野花牌 極品蜂花粉綠蜂膠

    巴西 野花牌 極品蜂花粉綠蜂膠

    野花牌 極品蜂花粉綠蜂膠 蜂花粉綠蜂膠二合一,是綠蜂膠和蜂花粉共溶劑製劑的精品,兩者性能的集大成❗️是溶液態,呈栗色,清澈馨香,極其透明,毫無懸浮、濃度極高、品質極佳,絕無重金屬等有害物質。 (1) 有效成分更多樣✨:野花牌極品蜂花粉綠蜂膠,除了綠蜂膠400多種成分之外,特加入極品蜂花粉。蜂花粉素有“天然微型營養庫”的美譽,含有豐富的營養成分,如蛋白質、氨基酸、維生素,及人體必需的微量元素及多種有益的礦物質,一直被古人視為延年益壽的佳品。 (2)提高免疫更強勁✨:蜂膠富含類黃酮,生物鹼能夠提高免疫系統活力。免疫功能的提升,離不開營養物質的協助。蜂花粉的多種營養物質被機體吸收後,對維護、提高機體正常免疫功能,調整各種原因所致的免疫功能低下,均有重要作用。兩者結合,起到補助虛弱,提高免疫雙重功效。 (3)抗氧化更厲害✨:過多的自由基是人體衰老,臟器病變,疾病產生的根源。蜂膠含有大量抗氧化物質,結合蜂花粉特有的活性多糖和酚類物資,抗氧化能力和清除多餘自由基能力,更是成倍疊加。 野花牌綠蜂膠擁有國際生產優異品質🥇GMP Site license、全球最嚴格食品安全體系🥇HACCP質量認證等多重國際權威認證,是最有力、最值得信賴的健康守護者。 在戴口罩、勤洗手、多消毒等物理防護的同時,別忘記給自己的免疫系統加上一層防護罩。   Apiario Silvestre Green Propolis & Bee Pollen, 30ml, Royal Natural Products  Apiario Silvestre Green Propolis and Bee Pollen Glycolic Solution. NonAlcoholic. Made in Brazil. Features: Premium Green Bee Propolis Non-toxic Organic and Natural High concentration of Artepillin C, Flavonoids and Phenolic Substances Packaged in a glass molded dropper bottle It is rich in nutrients, such as protein, amino acids, vitamins, and essential trace elements, and a variety of beneficial minerals. It has been regarded by the ancients as a good product for prolonging life.  Improving immunity  Propolis is rich in flavonoids and alkaloids can improve the vitality of the immune system. The improvement of immune function is inseparable from the assistance of nutrients. After the various nutrients of bee pollen are absorbed by the body, it plays an important role in maintaining and improving the normal immune function of the body and adjusting the immune function decline caused by various reasons. The combination of the two can help the weak and improve immunity.  


  • CHENPICUN Tangerine Peel Red Bean Paste (228g*6 Can) CHENPICUN Tangerine Peel Red Bean Paste (228g*6 Can)


  • CHENPICUN 2018 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel Gift Box(50g) CHENPICUN 2018 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel Gift Box(50g)


  • CHENPICUN 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel (150g) CHENPICUN 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel (150g)

    CHENPICUN 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel (150g)

    陈皮村 2015双水陈皮 (150g) 陈皮村 2015 双水陈皮,是陈皮爱好者品鉴、收藏以及日常养生的优质之选,带您领略新会陈皮的独特魅力与深厚底蕴。 一、产地正宗,品质之源 陈皮村 2015 双水陈皮,产自广东省江门市新会区,这里是久负盛名的优质陈皮产区。新会独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出的柑皮品质上乘,为制作高品质陈皮奠定了坚实基础。此款陈皮精选新会优质柑皮,严格遵循传统工艺制作,历经岁月沉淀,品质卓越。 二、年份陈香,韵味悠长 该陈皮为 2015 年陈化,历经多年自然陈化,柑皮中的物质发生奇妙转化。其香气愈发醇厚浓郁,陈香四溢,带有独特的岁月韵味。轻轻嗅闻,那股醇厚的陈香沁人心脾,为品茶、烹饪等增添别样风味。 三、营养丰富,健康之选 富含挥发油、黄酮类化合物等多种营养成分。在传统认知中,陈皮具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰等功效。日常以热开水煮泡饮用,可品味其独特风味与健康益处;作为烹饪调味食材,能为菜肴增添独特香气,提升口感,是养生与美食的双重选择。 CHENPICUN 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel (150g) Chenpicun 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel is an excellent choice for dried tangerine peel lovers to taste, collect and for daily health - preservation, leading you to appreciate the unique charm and profound heritage of Xinhui dried tangerine peel. I. Authentic Origin, Source of Quality Chenpicun 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel is produced in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, a well - known high - quality production area for dried tangerine peel. The unique soil, water and climate conditions in Xinhui give birth to high - quality citrus peels, laying a solid foundation for the production of high - quality dried tangerine peel. This dried tangerine peel is carefully selected from high - quality citrus peels in Xinhui and is made in strict accordance with traditional techniques. After years of precipitation, its quality is excellent. II. Aged Aroma, Long - lasting Flavor This dried tangerine peel has been aged since 2015. After years of natural aging, the substances in the citrus peel have undergone wonderful transformations. Its aroma has become more mellow and rich, with a strong aged fragrance and a unique charm of time. A gentle sniff reveals a mellow aged aroma that refreshes the heart and spleen, adding a special flavor to tea - tasting, cooking, etc. III. Rich in Nutrients, a Healthy Choice It is rich in various nutrients such as volatile oils and flavonoids. In traditional understanding, dried tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. When brewed with boiling water for daily drinking, you can savor its unique flavor and health benefits; as a seasoning ingredient in cooking, it can add a unique aroma to dishes and enhance the taste, making it a dual choice for health - preservation and gourmet food.


  • YuanPinTang Moxa Herbal Patch (5pcs) YuanPinTang Moxa Herbal Patch (5pcs)

    YuanPinTang Moxa Herbal Patch (5pcs)

    源品堂 艾灸貼 5片裝 【主要成分与功效】艾灸贴主要成分可能含有艾叶等中药材,艾叶具有温经散寒、通络止痛等传统功效。通过热敷的方式,艾灸贴能够将这些功效作用于人体,帮助缓解肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛等不适症状,促进局部血液循环,达到舒缓放松的效果。 【使用便捷性】该产品设计为一次性使用的热贴,使用时只需将其贴在需要热敷的部位,无需其他复杂操作,方便快捷。并且每盒有 5 贴,适合日常保健和缓解临时不适时使用。 【使用说明和注意事项】仅用于外用。贴上温控贴,并定期检查皮肤温度,以防烫伤。不要与膏霜、药膏、洗剂或软膏类外用镇痛产品同时使用。不要将一次性热贴贴在破损或敏感的皮肤上。不要在睡觉时、婴儿或孕妇身上使用。高血压、糖尿病患者或对热过敏者请勿使用。储存在阴凉、干燥处,避免阳光直射。   【Main ingredients and efficacy】The main ingredients of the moxibustion patch may include traditional Chinese medicinal materials such as mugwort leaves. Mugwort leaves have traditional effects such as warming meridians to expel cold, dredging collaterals to relieve pain, etc. Through the method of hot - compress, the moxibustion patch can exert these effects on the human body, helping to relieve discomfort symptoms such as muscle soreness and joint pain, promoting local blood circulation, and achieving a soothing and relaxing effect. 【Convenience of use】This product is designed as a disposable hot - compress patch. When using it, simply stick it on the area that needs hot - compress, without the need for other complicated operations, which is convenient and fast. Moreover, each box contains 5 patches, suitable for daily health care and relieving temporary discomforts. 【Directions for Use】For external Use Only. Apply Temperature Control Sheet, and check skin temperature regularly to avoid overheat burn.Do not use in combination with cream, rub, lotion or salve - type external analgesic products.Do not apply Disposable Hot Patch to broken or sensitive skin.Do not use during sleep, on infants or pregnant women.Persons with high blood pressure, diabetes or allergic to heat do not use.Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.


  • Jia Bao Rock Sugar Waxberry Jia Bao Rock Sugar Waxberry

    Jia Bao Rock Sugar Waxberry

    佳宝 冰糖杨梅 广东老字号 凉果类蜜饯 【净含量】168克 【原产地】中国


  • Jia Bao Prune Jia Bao Prune

    Jia Bao Prune

    佳宝 原滋西梅 广东老字号 凉果类蜜饯 【净含量】180克 【原产地】中国


  • Quantity Discount
    BaiYunShan Keteling Jiaonang 30capsules BaiYunShan Keteling Jiaonang 30capsules

    BaiYunShan Keteling Jiaonang 30capsules

    白云山 咳特灵胶囊 30粒 【功能主治】镇咳,祛痰,平喘,消炎。用于咳喘及慢性支气管炎咳嗽。 【使用方法】口服,一次1粒,一日三次 【成分】小叶榕干浸膏、马来酸氯苯那敏。辅料为淀粉、滑石粉 【注意事项】 1.忌烟,酒及辛辣,生冷,油腻食物 2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药 3.有支气管扩张、肺脓疡,肺心病,肺 结核患者出现咳嗽时应去医院就诊 4.本品含马来酸氯苯那敏。膀胱颈梗阻,甲状腺功能亢进,青光眼。高血压和前列腺肥大者慎用,哺乳期妇女慎用。服药期间不得驾驶机、车,船,从事高空作业。机械作业及操作精密仪器 5.严格按照用法用量服用,儿童、年老体弱者应在医师指导下使用 6.本品不宜长期服用,股药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊 7.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用 8.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用



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