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2216 products

  • 茉莉花蕾 干花 #1324 茉莉花蕾 干花 #1324

    茉莉花蕾 干花 #1324

    茉莉花蕾 干花 #1324 每100克茉莉花含挥发油性物质2-3克,主要成分为苯甲醇或其脂类、茉莉花素、芳樟醇、安息香酸芳樟醇酯等,还含有吼哚,素馨内酯等物质。 Dried Jasmine Flower Buds #1324 Jasmine flowers are a symbol of feminine sweetness and beauty. They also symbolize deep affection, happiness, and elegance. Jasmine has a delicately sweet scent and brews a light tea when infused with hot water. It is also known to have a cooling and calming effect on one’s body. The jasmine flower is used to make medicine. Jasmine has been used for liver disease (hepatitis), liver pain due to cirrhosis, and abdominal pain due to severe diarrhea (dysentery). It is also used to cause relaxation (as a sedative).

    $8.99 - $29.99

  • 精選 西湖龍井 绿茶#1323 精選 西湖龍井 绿茶#1323

    精選 西湖龍井 绿茶#1323

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 浙江杭州 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 精选 西湖龙井 Premium Dragon's Well Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 18 months 分类Sort: 炒青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 扁平光洁,匀长挺直, 绿中带黄,糙米色Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves 茶汤Liquor: 香气浓郁,豆香、栗香,鲜甜甘爽,回味悠久Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place Longjing Green Tea originates from the mountains surrounding West Lake in the Zhejiang province of China. Today, Longjing Green Tea remains a specialty of this region even though it is now also grown in other parts of China. The leaves are hand-fired in a large wok immediately after picking and have an appearance of smooth flat green leaves with pointed ends, resembling a sparrow's tongue. The name was given according to legend of a dragon that lived in a well near West Lake Village. It is said that it saved the village from a long drought by bringing rain.  Longjing Green Tea is pure and delicate and has can be infused more times than other dragon's well green teas. Recommend Brewing Method Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  185℉ / 85℃  185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity:  2 g  4 g  Brewing time:  5 - 8 mins  5 steeps: 30s, 30s, 45s, 60s, 80s    

    $29.99 - $109.99

  • 台灣梨山 烏龍茶#1317

    台灣梨山 烏龍茶#1317

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台湾  Taiwan 品名Name: 台湾梨山乌龙茶  Taiwan Lishan Oolong Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽墨绿 Large leaves handmade rolled into tightly even ball shape,glossy and dark green 茶汤 Liquor: 清醇滑润,茶韵持久,耐冲泡 Smooth and robust with nutty notes and a buttery finish 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 此茶芽叶柔软,叶肉厚,果胶质含量高,香气淡雅,茶水色蜜绿显黄,滋味甘醇,滑软耐冲泡,茶汤冷后更能凝聚香甜。每年产期:春茶五月下旬、六月上旬;秋茶八月上旬;冬茶十月下旬为最佳时期。一年才采收两到三次所以叶面大而肥厚,其茶水长而柔软,回甘后劲强。同时因常年云雾笼罩,温度寒冷又冬季下雪之故,生长期长,造就茶叶叶肉肥厚特色。其口味甘醇,冷矿味特别重,味道带有水果香,得天独厚的色,香,味甘特色。 Grown on the mountains of Li Shan in Taiwan, this tea is picked from the top of the tea bush and consists of two or three leaves to a stem. The processed leaves are dried in a way so that the leaves are crumpled up. When infused, the leaves well unfurl to release its fragrant aroma and distinct creamy and nutty tones for the most satisfying cup of tea. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds  

    $36.99 - $139.99

  • 高山 烏龍茶 #1316

    $18.99 - $69.99

  • 阿薩姆 紅茶 #1315

    阿薩姆 紅茶 #1315

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 印度阿萨姆邦 Assam India 品名Name: 阿萨姆红茶Assam Black Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 36 months 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索均匀,色泽乌润,香气馥郁This being a full leaf Assam, it is a medium-bodied tea.  茶汤Liquor: 色泽醇厚,明亮橙黄,香气馥郁Surprisingly smooth and floral with citrus and malty notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place   Assam Black tea comes from Assam Valley in India, which is on the border with China, Burma, and Bangladesh. This full-bodied tea has a warm reddish color and a strong yet smooth taste. Black tea, called “red tea” in Chinese due to its bold reddish brownish brew, generally yields a bolder flavor and contains the most caffeine of all teas. Black tea is produced from mature leaves that are plucked early in the day and processed in 4 basic steps. First, the leaves are withered- laid out for 8-24 hours so that the moisture from the tea leaves can be evaporated. Second, they are rolled, which gives the leaves their form and appearance. Following they are fermented by placing them on an oxidation table, where the leaves turn black and lends its distinctive flavor. Finally, the leaves are fired in large ovens at high temperatures. Brewing Method: Teacup Water volume: 12oz / 355ml Temperature: 190-212°F Tea Quantity: 3g - 5g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins   此款阿萨姆红茶来自印度的阿萨姆山谷,该地区与中国、缅甸和孟加拉国接壤。 茶叶外形细扁,色呈深褐;汤色深红稍褐,带有淡淡的麦芽香、玫瑰香,滋味浓,属烈茶,是冬季饮茶的最佳选择。 适合与牛奶或植脂末配合,制成阿萨姆奶茶。也可以用沸水冲泡的红茶中加入生姜和红糖,就成了驱寒祛湿的姜红茶。

    $9.99 - $36.99

  • 出水芙蓉 花果茶#1314 出水芙蓉 花果茶#1314

    出水芙蓉 花果茶#1314

    出水芙蓉 花果茶#1314 A caffeine-free blend of botanical herbs, flowers, fruits and spices. The deep russet brew and tangy flavor comes from hibiscus flowers. Pineapple Dreams is made from hibiscus, rose hips, apple bits, citrus peels and pineapple bits.  一种無咖啡因的花草果茶。此款果茶是由芙蓉花、玫瑰果、苹果片、柑橘皮和菠萝片做成的。 An alternative product name ”Water Lilies #1314 出水芙蓉“。

    $12.99 - $48.99

  • 热带风情 花果茶#1313 热带风情 花果茶#1313

    热带风情 花果茶#1313

    Tropical Passion Fruit Tea #1313 热带风情 花果茶#1313  A caffeine-free blend of botanical herbs, flowers, fruits and spices. The deep russet brew and tangy flavor comes from hibiscus flowers. Tropical Passion is made from hibiscus, rose hips, apple bits, citrus peels, pineapple bits, papaya bits and mango bits. An alternative product name "Purple House The Love of Magic #1313 紫屋魔恋"

    $12.99 - $48.99

  • 清秀佳人 花果茶 #1312 清秀佳人 花果茶 #1312

    清秀佳人 花果茶 #1312

    清秀佳人 花果茶 #1312 Apple Verbena Fruit Tea #1312 A caffeine-free blend of botanical herbs, flowers, fruits, and spices. The deep russet brew and tangy flavor come from hibiscus flowers. Summertime Bliss is made from hibiscus, rose hips, apple bits, citrus peels, grapes, and pineapple bits.  An alternative product name "Graceful Lady 清秀佳人"

    $11.00 - $47.00

  • 仲夏夜之梦 花果茶#1311 仲夏夜之梦 花果茶#1311

    仲夏夜之梦 花果茶#1311

    仲夏夜之梦 花果茶#1311 A caffeine-free blend of botanical herbs, flowers, fruits and spices. The deep russet brew and tangy flavor comes from hibiscus flowers. Summertime Bliss is made from hibiscus, rose hips, apple bits, citrus peels, grapes and pineapple bits.

    $12.99 - $48.99

  • 巴黎香榭 花果茶#1310 巴黎香榭 花果茶#1310

    巴黎香榭 花果茶#1310

    巴黎香榭 花果茶#1310 Parisian Romance Fruit Tea is a blend of botanical herbs, flowers, fruits and spices. The deep russet brew and tangy flavor comes from hibiscus flowers. Caffeine-free with aromatic notes, it is sure to tickle your taste buds. Parisian Romance is made from hibiscus, rose hips, apple bits, citrus peels, grapes, pineapple bits and mint. 巴黎浪漫果茶由芙蓉,玫瑰果,苹果,柑橘皮,葡萄,菠萝和薄荷制成。口感醇香,悠長,讓身心沐浴在浪漫之中。 An alternative product name ”Paris of Ave Champs #1310 巴黎香榭“

    $12.99 - $48.99

  • 黑森林 花果茶 #1305 黑森林 花果茶 #1305

    $11.99 - $46.99

  • 安溪 高山鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1304

    安溪 高山鐵觀音 烏龍茶#1304

    品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 福建 安溪 Fujian, China 品名 Name: 安溪高山 铁观音 Anxi High Mountain Tie Guan Yin 等级 Level: 二级Regular 分类 Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期 Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 Faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 饱满颗粒状,色泽墨绿Tightly curled into semi-ball, dark green color 茶汤Liquor: 金黄透亮,甘醇鲜爽,香气清新Toasty & nutty with malty, creamy notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 铁观音是乌龙茶的极品,其品质特征是:茶条卷曲,肥壮圆结,沉重匀整,色泽砂绿,整体形状似蜻蜓头、螺旋体、青蛙腿。冲泡后汤色金黄浓艳似琥珀,有天然馥郁的兰花香,滋味醇厚甘鲜,俗称有“音韵”。 Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  8 steeps: rinse, 25s,25s,30s,40s,60s,90s,120s,180s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds   High Mountain Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea  #1304 (4 oz) High altitude and a consistently cool, humid climate are ideal for growing the rich, complex flavors of oolong tea. The bouquet may vary, according to location and processing, from mild with a floral aroma and sweet aftertaste to dark, rich and smoky. Tie Guan Yin oolong is named for the Chinese Goddess of Compassion. This tea is smooth, creamy, toasty and nutty with malty notes. Delightful for sipping, it contains more caffeine than green tea and a stronger flavor. The dark green leaves are curled into tight little semi-balls that open with brewing to release its heavenly flavor. Gongfu method of brewing: Traditionally oolong teas have been made using the Gongfu method of brewing using a small yixing tea pot and little tasting cups. It is a time-honored tea ceremony to be enjoyed with friends. First the pot and cups are warmed by pouring boiling water in them which is discarded. Then dry tea leaves are placed in the empty warm teapot, keeping the lid on for 10-20 seconds to awaken the aroma. Lift the lid to enjoy the fragrance. Then add boiling water to the pot, swish it around, rinse the tea for 5 seconds and discard the water. That prepares the tea leaves. Finally boiling water is added and briefly steeped as shown. High Mountain Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea made in a small yixing tea pot, may be steeped 8 times for these times in seconds: 25s,25s,30s,40s,60s,90s,120s,180s. Use: 3.8oz /110ml of water with the temperature at 212℉ /100℃ degrees for 7 grams (1.5 teaspoons) of tea. If you prefer using a larger brewing cup, use 12 oz./355 ml. water at 212F/100C degrees for 5 grams (1.18 teaspoon) of tea and steep for 3-5 minutes. Store the tea in airtight, opaque packaging in a cool, dry place. The shelf life is 24 months.    

    $28.99 - $109.99


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