Loose Pu'erh Tea

A great treasure from Asia is the many varieties of delicious, healing teas that began in ancient China and Japan. Wing Hop Fung specializes in a wide tea selection that improves digestion, weight loss, and mood.


Twinbirds Tea Collection Twinbirds Tea Collection Tea is serenity, medication, peace and everything a lover adore. Directly from our tea gardens in China and Japan.

A great treasure from Asia is the many varieties of delicious, healing teas that began in ancient China and Japan. Wing Hop Fung specializes in a wide tea selection that improves digestion, weight loss, and mood.

30 products

  • 菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454 菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454

    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454

    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱熟茶 #1454 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶                      WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 菊花迷你熟沱茶  普洱熟茶  Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu'er Dark Tea 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripen Tea 产品配料: 普洱散茶、黄山贡菊 茶汤Liquor: 茶汤红润,口感香醇,整叶压制,条索分明Red, mellow and smooth Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 整叶压制,沱型分明,拼配贡菊,花香浓郁。无需长时间存放汤色即红润诱人,叶底条索分明,绝非碎茶压制。 Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu-Erh Dark Tea #1454 Chrysanthemum flowers are naturally sweet and delicious. Their effect is cooling and relaxing and the tea is often used to avoid headaches, eye strain, and fever. This tea combines delicate chrysanthemum flowers with ripe digestive Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan. Ripe (aka cooked) Pu-Erh tastes earthy, sweet, and mellow. It soothes stomach upset and eases digestion. It contains a natural statin to help regulate cholesterol.  This Chrysanthemum tea’s flowers, from the Yellow Mountain in China, are of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum Indicum, which are most popular in East Asia. The tea has adenine, choline, vitamins A, B, amino acids, glycosides, volatile oil, and more. Chrysanthemum tea has many traditional medicinal uses, including as an aid in recovery from influenza, acne and as a "cooling" herb. According to traditional Chinese medicine, tea can aid in the prevention of sore throat and promote the reduction of fever. In Korea, the chrysanthemum is known well for its medicinal use in making people more alert and is often used as a pick-me-up to render the drinker more awake. In western herbal medicine, Chrysanthemum tea is drunk or used as a compress to treat circulatory disorders such as varicose veins and atherosclerosis.  In traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum tea is also said to clear the liver and the eyes. It is believed to be effective in treating eye pain associated with stress or yin/fluid deficiency. It is also used to treat blurring, spots in front of the eyes, diminished vision, and dizziness. The liver is associated with the element Wood which rules the eyes and is associated with anger, stress, and related emotions.


  • 2009 Pu-Erh Tea (Small Squares 6g) #1303

    2009 Pu-Erh Tea (Small Squares 6g) #1303

    易武普洱茶小方片2009年熟普 #1303 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 易武,云南 Yi Wu, Yunnan 茶类Sort: 普洱熟茶Pu-erh Dark Tea 等级Level: 一级Premium 采摘Season: 春季Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 采用纸包、紫砂罐或陶罐存放,避免潮湿,在无异味、避光、通风的地方存放Store in paper packaging, a purple clay jar, or a ceramic jar. Keep in a dry, odor-free, light-proof, and well-ventilated place. 保质期Shelf life: 长期保存Long-term storage 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 2009年存下来的易武散熟茶压成小片, 春茶料发酵,芽头多,条索嫩,喝起来香气纯净,醇厚,内质丰富,犹如米汤一般的糯感,无掺杂任何堆味异味,十余泡仍香甜可口。The Yi Wu loose ripened tea stored since 2009 was pressed into small pieces. Made from spring tea leaves, it is richly fermented with many buds and tender leaves. The taste is pure and mellow, with a rich flavor profile, offering a sticky rice-like texture. There are no off-flavors or fermentation tastes, and the tea remains sweet and flavorful even after more than ten infusions. 【制作工艺 Production Process】 茶青采回来后制成毛茶,再采用渥堆发酵工艺,经过5-8次的翻堆使其均匀发酵,工序约45-60天完成,再进行干燥、机器筛选茶叶等级,最后进行干仓储存使普洱茶越陈越香。After the tea leaves are harvested, they are processed into maocha (raw tea), then undergo a wet-piling fermentation process. The tea is piled and turned 5-8 times to ensure even fermentation, which takes about 45-60 days. Afterward, the tea is dried, machine-sorted by grade, and finally stored in a dry warehouse, allowing the Pu-erh tea to age and develop more aroma over time. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 六克一片的便携式薄片,色泽褐红有活力。Convenient thin slices weighing 6 grams each, with a vibrant reddish-brown color. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 红褐色茶汤,通透明亮,滋味醇和。The tea liquor is reddish-brown, clear and bright, with a mellow and smooth taste. 【风味 Tea Taste】 陈香,木质香,醇厚回甘。Aged aroma, woody fragrance, with a rich, smooth aftertaste. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 普洱熟茶性温,具有减肥降脂、体寒护胃、抗血栓等功效。Pu-erh ripe tea is warm in nature and offers benefits such as weight loss, fat reduction, protecting the stomach from cold, and preventing blood clots. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 此茶茶气醇厚,适合喝过茶的人群。This tea has a rich and smooth tea aroma, making it suitable for those who are familiar with tea. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 盖碗、紫砂壶。Teapot or Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 100度沸水冲泡,茶水比1比20-25,投五克茶可用100-125毫升器具Brew with boiling water at 100°C, using a tea-to-water ratio of 1:20-25. For 5 grams of tea, use 100-125 milliliters of brewing vessel. 【冲泡次数 Number of brews】 一般8~9泡。Typically, 8 to 9 infusions. 【冲泡次数时间 Brewing time】 第一冲润茶20秒倒掉不喝,第二道5秒出汤,第五道开始10-15秒出汤,可依据个人口感增减时间。泡到没味后可煮茶,茶水比1:60-70左右,六克茶可放入400-500毫升水煮15-20分钟可喝。For the first infusion, rinse the tea for 20 seconds and discard it. For the second infusion, steep for 5 seconds. Starting from the fifth infusion, steep for 10-15 seconds. You can adjust the steeping time according to personal taste. After the tea loses its flavor, it can be boiled. Use a tea-to-water ratio of 1:60-70. For 6 grams of tea, add it to 400-500 milliliters of water and boil for 15-20 minutes.

    $31.99 - $119.99

  • 雲南典藏級 1988年 普洱熟茶#1182

    雲南典藏級 1988年 普洱熟茶#1182

    典藏级 1988年 云南普洱熟茶#1182 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 典藏级普洱熟茶  Supreme Pu-erh Ripen tea 年份 Production Date: 1988 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripen Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤Liquor: 汤色深褐润滑,香气四溢,口味香醇厚重,喝后喉咙甘甜,暖热茶气渗入肺腑Deep brown and smooth,  natural earthy and smoky wood taste with a lingering sweet aroma. 此茶拆自1988年產的雲南普洱熟餅,經「渥堆」發酵後的熟茶,其性溫和,暖和脾胃。陳存三十多年後,茶味愈見香醇,滋味厚重,湯色深褐紅潤,沖泡後蔘香四溢,喝後喉頭甘甜,暖熱茶氣滲入肺腑。 This 1988 Pu-Erh is a post-fermented tea, that enhances its complex flavors and health benefits. Woody, earthy, with a lingering sweet aroma, Pu-Erh has been known to aid digestion, and skin health and contain high anti-oxidants.  How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $289.99 - $1,119.99

  • 1995 Premium Pu-Erh Tea #1404

    1995 Premium Pu-Erh Tea #1404

    95特级普洱茶(熟茶) #1404 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南勐海Menghai, Yunnan 茶类Sort: 普洱熟茶Pu'er Dark Tea 等级Level: 特级Premium 采摘Season: 春秋茶拼配Blended Spring and Autumn Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 干燥通风湿度小的环境A dry, well-ventilated environment with low humidity. 保质期Shelf life: 长期干仓存放Store in a dry place for long-term storage 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 干茶香气独特浓郁陈香(类似陈旧木材或药材的香味),茶汤红褐透亮,口感醇厚,入口即化,带有些许生津,喉韵让人感觉舒适顺滑,滋味悠长持久,具有沉稳的陈年韵味,每次冲泡的口感丰富各有特色。The dry tea leaves have a unique and rich aged aroma. The liquor is reddish-brown and clear, with a full-bodied taste that melts in the mouth. It has a slight mouth-watering effect, and the aftertaste is smooth and soothing, leaving a long-lasting, mellow flavor. The tea has a stable aged character, and each brew offers a rich and distinctive taste. 【制作工艺 Production Process】 本品茶叶选自春茶和秋茶的大叶种晒青毛茶,传统渥堆发酵,挑选特级散装干仓通风,贮存多年,长时间陈化而成。This tea is selected from large-leaf sun-dried green tea made from spring and autumn harvests. It is traditionally fermented through wet piling, then carefully selected and stored in a dry, well-ventilated place for many years, allowing it to undergo long-term aging. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 茶叶条索完整显毫,标准特级条形,色泽棕褐,油润光泽,具有陈香。The tea leaves are whole and well-formed with a standard top-grade shape. The color is brownish, with an oily luster, and it has an aged aroma. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 红褐透亮,香气持久纯正,陈香悠长润喉。The liquor is reddish-brown and clear, with a lasting and pure aroma. The aged fragrance is long-lasting and smooth on the throat. 【风味 Tea Taste】 陈香醇厚。Aged fragrance is mellow and rich. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 有利于保护肠胃,促进胃肠蠕动,调节胃肠功能促进消化,辅助降脂,帮助消食。It helps protect the stomach, promote gastrointestinal motility, regulate digestive function, assist in lowering fat, and aid digestion. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 适合大多数健康人群。Suitable for most healthy individuals. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 盖碗、紫砂壶。Teacup, Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 100度沸水。212℉ / 100℃ Water 【冲泡次数 Number of brews】 反复冲泡。Repeated brewing 【冲泡次数时间 Brewing time】 随着冲泡次数延长冲泡时间。Increase the brewing time with each infusion.

    $107.99 - $424.99

  • 極品 冰島古樹 普洱生茶#1494 極品 冰島古樹 普洱生茶#1494

    極品 冰島古樹 普洱生茶#1494

    极品 冰岛古树普洱茶 生茶#1494 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶            WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 极品冰岛古树普洱生茶  Supreme Pu-erh Ripen tea 年份 Production Date: 1988 分类 Sort: 普洱生茶 Pu-erh Raw Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤Liquor: 浓烈甘甜,茶气特强Strong and sweet 冰岛古树生茶是指用云南勐库冰岛大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,生茶是新鲜的茶叶采摘后,经杀青、揉捻、毛茶干燥后以自然的方式陈放,未经过渥堆发酵处理的茶,冰岛古树生茶制作方法类同。 冰岛古树生茶主要功效是:清理肠道,有降脂,提神,降压和减肥功效,适合年轻人群,不过生茶的活性成份较多,因此易失眠者、感冒发热者、胃溃疡患者、孕妇不宜饮用。 冰岛长叶茶植株高大,自然生长情况下树高可达8.2米,树幅4.6米,树姿直立,主干明显。叶特大,叶形长椭圆。叶色绿稍黄,富光泽,叶面微隆起,叶质软。嫩芽黄绿色,茸毛特多。一芽三叶百芽重137.6克。春茶一芽二叶含氨基酸3,4%,茶多酚35.1%,咖啡碱4.9%,儿茶素总量16.7%,水浸出物48.1%。故收敛性(茶气)特强,浓烈甘甜,是加工普洱茶的上乘品种。   Bingdao Old Tree Raw Pu-Erh Tea#1494 Pu’er (Pu’erh) tea has beautifying and anti-aging benefits. It is a fermented tea known to reduce harmful cholesterol, enhance digestion and reduce body fat. Raw Pu-Erh has a slightly bitter green taste and satisfying sweet aftertaste. It helps to detoxify the body, improve circulation and enhance vitality. Pu-Erh contains a natural statin that reduces harmful cholesterol and therefore is well suited for a diet high in fats, calories, and a stressful lifestyle. . . . Pu-Erh or Pu-erh is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China. The town of Pu-Erh is named after the tea that is produced close by.\ Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $334.99 - $1,229.99

  • 老班章 古树生茶 普洱茶#1075 老班章 古树生茶 普洱茶#1075

    老班章 古树生茶 普洱茶#1075

    老班章 古树生茶 2017年 普洱茶#1075 Lao Ban Zhang Old tree Raw Pu-erh Tea  #1075 Pu-Erh is a fully fermented tea that goes through complex processing in which it is shaped into cakes and, like a fine wine, is aged for years to mature the full bloom of its flavors. This process creates a unique aroma and earthly flavor along with many added health benefits. Pu-Erh is believed to aid in reducing cholesterol and fat and is best enjoyed around 15 - 20 minutes after a meal to aid in digestion.   The “old tea trees” are hundreds to thousands of years old which gives a more complex taste and healing benefits. Rich and earthy, this traditional-aged and fermented Pu'er tea offers a smooth, robust cup with notes of chocolate and espresso. Pu'er (or Pu-erh) tea is also known as "hei cha" or 'dark tea'. For generations, the ethnic groups of southwest Yunnan province have wild-harvested leaves from ancient tea plants, some centuries old and as tall as trees. This tea can be prepared 'gongfu' style, using a small teapot and preparing multiple infusions from the same leaves. It is best enjoyed if it's rinsed with boiling water prior to steeping. The thick body and dense chestnut flavor of Pu’er leave a smooth-yet-resounding finish on the palate. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $384.99 - $1,459.99


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