Delight in treasures for health and beauty from land and sea
Experience various exotic delicacies and healthy food from all over the world
Delight in treasures for health and beauty from land and sea
Delight in treasures for health and beauty from land and sea
Experience various exotic delicacies and healthy food from all over the world
Delight in treasures for health and beauty from land and sea
精选茶树菇 Agrocybe Cylindracea 茶树菇隶属真菌门,又名柱状田头菇、杨树菇、茶薪菇、柱状环锈伞、柳松茸等,原为江西广昌境内的高山密林地区茶树蔸部生长的一种野生蕈菌。现在,经过优化改良的茶树菇,盖嫩柄脆,味纯清香,口感极佳,可烹制成各种美味佳肴,其营养价值超过香菇等其他食用菌,属高档食用菌类。 茶树菇的营养价值 1.茶树菇蛋白质营养丰富,其中蛋白质中有18种氨基酸,人体必需的8种氨基酸含量齐全,赖氨酸的含量高达1.75%。2.茶树菇还含有葡聚糖、菌蛋白、碳水化合物、抗癌多糖等营养成分,并且有丰富的B族维生素和钾、钠、钙、镁、铁、锌等矿质元素。 茶树菇的存储 储存于通风干燥处即可。 茶树菇的烹饪小技巧 1.新鲜的茶树菇在烹调前用清水冲洗干净并沥干水分,可配用鲜肉或鲜蛋煎、炒、煲汤。 2.干品先用清水快速将茶树菇冲洗1次,入清水中浸泡35分钟左右,烹调时将茶树菇和浸泡水一并放入肉类汤中煲汤,也可炒烩、凉拌及涮食。 3.茶树菇柄盖厚、气味香郁,不但适于鲜销,而且适于制作罐头、茶树菇原汁、酱油、饮料、旅游休闲食品等。 Agrocybe Cylindracea/ Cha Shu Gu (12oz) This mushroom contains vitamins, phytochemicals, and minerals. It is particularly rich in Copper and Pantothenic acid which is Vitamin B5. The Chestnut also contains Folate, Biotin, Niacin or Vitamin B3, Selenium, Potassium and Riboflavin or Vitamin B2. . . . The mushroom has a strong taste and fits well in different dishes, in sauces, salads, pasta, quiches, soups, casseroles, omelets, among others. Fresh foods lose their flavor and nutritional value if not kept properly. This preservation of nutrients is paramount especially because many of the elements in the mushroom have medicinal value. When taken in the food, the medicinal elements ensure various ailments are kept at arm’s length and the consumer leads a relatively healthy life. From the manufacturer: Tea tree mushroom belongs to the fungus phylum, also known as columnar field head mushroom, poplar mushroom, chestnut mushroom, chaxin mushroom, columnar ring rust umbrella, willow matsutake, etc. It was originally a wild mushroom growing on tea tree stalks in high mountain dense forest areas in Guangchang, Jiangxi. Now, the optimized and improved tea tree mushrooms have a tender and crisp top, a pure and fragrant taste, and are an excellent cooking ingredient. They can be cooked into a variety of delicious dishes, and their nutritional value exceeds other edible mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms. The nutritional value of tea tree mushroom Tea tree mushroom is rich in protein nutrition. There are 18 kinds of amino acids in its protein, including 8 kinds of amino acids that are necessary for the human body are complete, and the content of lysine is as high as 1.75%. Tea tree mushroom also contains dextran, a bacterial protein, carbohydrates, anti-cancer polysaccharides, and other nutrients, and is rich in B vitamins and mineral elements such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Storage of tea tree mushroom: Store in a ventilated and dry place. [If kept in the refrigerator, place the mushrooms into a paper bag to absorb excess moisture and use them within a few days. Discard discolored or odorous mushrooms.] Cooking tips for tea tree mushroom Fresh tea tree mushrooms should be rinsed with clean water and drained before cooking. They can be used with fresh meat or eggs for frying, baking, and soup. For the dried product, rinse the tea tree mushroom with water once, soak it in water for about 35 minutes. When cooking, put the tea tree mushroom and soaking water into the meat soup to boil the soup. It can also be stir-fried, cold, and rinsed. The tea tree mushroom has thick skin and a fragrant smell. It is not only suitable for cooking, but also suitable for making canned food, tea tree mushroom juice, soy sauce, beverages, and snack foods, etc.
永合豐 姬松茸 (8oz/包) 姬松茸Agaricus blazei Murr.,别名小松菇、柏氏蘑菇、巴西蘑菇、松茹、松口蘑、老鹰菌、松傘菌等。主要野生于吉林和黑龍江赤松林地中。另外,雲南、貴州、廣西、四川、西藏、安徽等地的山區松林、闊葉樹混交林地亦有少量分布。它是一種夏秋生長的腐生菌,生活在高温、多濕、通風的環境中,具杏仁香味,口感脆嫩。姬松茸菌蓋嫩,菌柄脆,口感極好,味純鲜香,食用價值頗高。 食用功效 1、姬松茸能增强人体免疫功能。2、姬松茸可促進人骨髓的造血功能。3、姬松茸可促進化療藥物環磷酰胺、 5-Fu 的效果。4、姬松茸對干擾白血病的細胞增殖有抑制作用。5、姬松茸對肝、腎有保護作用,可長期服用。
$14.99 - $28.99
精装 墨西哥 生晒鲍螺片(8oz/盒) 鲍螺片清补凉煲瘦肉 材料:干鲍螺片3两左右,清补凉一包,瘦肉8两左右,姜片3片 做法:干鲍螺片洗净,略泡一会,清补凉也用水冲净,瘦肉飞水,然后将所有材料加入瓦煲,加够水,用大火煮开后转小火慢煲3小时,加盐调味即可。鲍螺片有助健脾开胃,养阴除烦,清毒去湿。瘦肉可以滋阴补肌,健体营养,加上清补凉的温和清凉降火功效,此汤清甜滋补,有去湿开胃,除痰健肺,特别适宜身体瘦弱,虚不受补者饮用,是夏秋季节的合时汤水。 建议:清补凉可以买配好的包装成品,也可以自己配齐,有淮山,杞子,党参,玉竹,百合,莲子,红枣,芡实,薏米等,每种材料大概15-20克左右。 MEXICAN DRIED ABALONE TOPSHELL SLICE Abalone meat is tender and nutritious, high in protein 24%, and low fat 0.44% with many vitamins and trace elements that are very beneficial for our health. Abalone is rich in glutamic acid and tastes very delicious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of: Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells Vitamin B12 Magnesium Selenium Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure. Abalone Tonic Soup Ingredients: 3 taels (4 oz) of dried abalone slices 1 package Sweet Soup-清補涼 (Qing Bu Liang Herbal Soup) 8 taels (1/2 pound) of lean meat 3 slices of ginger Instructions: Rinse the dried abalone slices with warm water, soak them in fresh cold water for three hours or overnight. Rinse off the lean meat with water, and add all the ingredients to the clay pot. Add enough water to cover, and bring it to a boil over high heat then turn to low heat for 3 hours. When the ingredients are cooked and soft, add salt to taste. Sweet Soup 清補涼 (Qing Bu Liang Herbal Soup) helps to invigorate the spleen and improve appetite, nourish yin and relieve chronic discomforts, clear toxins and remove dampness (edema.) Lean white meat without fat or skin can nourish yin and improve muscles and nourish the body. The mild cooling, anti-inflammatory effects are cleansing and replenish vitality. This tonic soup is tasty and nourishing, improves appetite and digestion, removes phlegm and strengthens the lungs. It is especially suitable for those who are thin and weak. It is a timely soup for summer and autumn.
智利 生晒 特大圆鲍片 响螺片(16 oz/包) 尺寸:直径 11cm-12cm 鲍螺片不是把鲍鱼切片,而是以响螺的肉切片晒干而成,所以鲍螺片又叫响螺片。上等鲍螺片干度足,片薄,每一块都差不多厚度。其味道鲜美似鲍鱼。 鲍螺片的营养价值 响螺片是有名的滋阴海产品。 响螺是名贵海产食用贝类,体大肉嫩,营养丰富,清香甘美,是煲汤的上好材料。 含有丰富蛋白质、多种矿物质、维生素,及微量元素。 鲍螺片清补凉煲瘦肉 材料:干鲍螺片3两左右,清补凉一包,瘦肉8两左右,姜片3片 做法:干鲍螺片洗净,略泡一会,清补凉用也用水冲净,瘦肉飞水,然后将所有材料加入瓦煲,加够水,用大火煮开后转小火慢煲3小时,加盐调味即可。鲍螺片有助健脾开胃,养阴除烦,清毒去湿。瘦肉可以滋阴补肌,健体营养,加上清补凉的温和清凉降火功效,此汤清甜滋补,有去湿开胃,除痰健肺,特别适宜身体瘦弱,虚不受补者饮用,是夏秋季节的合时汤水。 建议:清补凉可以买配好的包装成品,也可以自己配齐,有淮山,杞子,党参,玉竹,百合,莲子,红枣,芡实,薏米等,每种材料大概15-20克左右。 花旗参响螺片生鱼汤 材料: 花旗参20克切片、响螺片60克、生鱼一条重约380克、猪展300克、红枣十粒去核、姜一片。 做法: 1、花旗参、红枣洗净。响螺片用清水浸约一小时。 2、把适量之水煲滚,放下姜一片,下响螺片、猪展煮五分钟捞起洗净。 3、生鱼刽后,洗净抹干水。 4、烧热镬,下油一汤匙,放下生鱼,煎至两面皆微黄色铲起。 5、水十二杯或适量放入煲内煲滚,放入生鱼、花旗参、猪碾、响螺片、红枣煲滚,慢火煲三小时半,下盐调味。 功效: 花旗参益血补脾肺。生鱼生肌涧肤。响螺片滋补润燥、明目。红枣补脾和胃、益气生津。 Snail meat contains protein, fat (mainly polyunsaturated fatty acid), iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamins A, B6, B12, K and folate. The high-protein, low-fat content of snail meat makes it a healthy alternative to industrially raised foods. Snails possess anti-cancer properties and boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. An average snail is comprised of 80% water, 15% protein and 2.4% fat. They contain selenium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K and B12.Pork, tonic herbs and sea snails in a stew pot Ingredients: 3 dried sea snail slices a pack of tonic herbsabout 8 pieces of lean meat 3 ginger slices Directions: Wash the dried sea snail slices and soak them for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water and discard the water. Rinse the lean meat, then add all the ingredients to the clay pot. Add enough water to cover the ingredients. Boil on high heat for 10 minutes, remove the foam from the boiling water to reduce the fat content and turn to low heat for 3 hours to make a rich tasting, nuttritious soup. Season with salt. Chinese tonic herbs can improve spleen/pancreas function and appetite, nourish yin body fluids, eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation, and help prevent infection and water retention. Spleen/pancreas tonic herbs improve poor digestion. Lean meat nourishes internal organs and muscles, strengthens resistence to illness and nourishes the blood. The mild anti-inflammatory effects of a Qing Bu Liang sweet cold soup mix is especially enjoyable in summer and autumn. We suggest cooking the above ingredients with our Sweet Soup / Qing Bu Liang SoupOr you can make a Qing Bu Liang soup yourself with 15-20 grams each of White Yam, Goji berry, Codonopsis, Solomon’s seal (Yuzhu,) Lily flower, Lotus Seed, Jujube Red Date, Fox Nuts (Gorgon,) Barley, etc.
永合豐 干晒虾米 M(16oz) 請保持冷藏 Please Keep Refrigerate 海米也称虾米或虾仁,为海产白虾、红虾、青虾加盐水焯后晒干,纳入袋中,扑打揉搓,风扬筛簸,去皮去杂而成,即经加盐蒸煮、干燥、晾晒、脱壳等工序制成的产品。因如舂谷成米,故称海米。以白虾米为上品,色味俱佳,鲜食成美。白虾须长,身、肉皆为白色,故前人有“曲身小子玉腰肢,二寸银须一寸肌”之咏。海米食用前加水浸透,肉质软嫩、味道鲜醇,煎、炒、蒸、煮均宜。 功效作用 虾米味甘、咸、性温; 具有补肾壮阳、理气开胃之功效。
加勒比海 刺皇參 #527 尺寸 Size:20-32 支/磅 海参富含蛋白质,烟酸和核黄素,并含有影响人体健康的物质,包括:硫酸软骨素(存在于人类软骨中)腔积液(其功能类似于人白细胞)棕榈酸,硬脂酸和亚油酸(具有强抗氧化作用的脂肪酸)角鲨烯(充当类固醇前体的化合物)三萜类化合物(一类化合物被认为可以减缓癌症的生长)预防多种疾病,包括关节炎,心血管疾病,便秘,勃起功能障碍,牙周炎,牙龈疾病和某些类型的癌症。海参可抵抗炎症,促进伤口愈合并减缓衰老过程。传统用途:由于海参具有滋阴养阳的功能,如滋补肾,精,滋血,润燥,滋养胎儿等。它可以提高男性的内分泌能力,改善女性的新陈代谢,促进性激素的分泌,并改善性功能。注意事项:海参具有稀释血液的作用(它会降低有害的胆固醇)。对贝类过敏的人应避免食用。在怀孕和哺乳期间避免使用它或在医生的指导下使用。 Spiky Sea Cucumber #527 Size:20-32 pieces/ LBSea cucumbers are ocean dwellers, though some inhabit the shallows and others live in the deep ocean on or near the ocean floor—sometimes partially buried beneath it. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal (pepino do mar.) The preparation takes several days of soaking and cooking and the nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate Chinese New Year soups. Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including: Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process. Traditional Uses: Because sea cucumber is warm in nature, it has the functions of nourishing yin and yang, such as nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing blood and moistening dryness, nourishing the fetus and promoting labor. It can improve the endocrine ability of men and improve the metabolism of women, promote the secretion of sex hormones, and improve sexual function. Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
元貝也稱「乾貝」或稱「江瑤柱」,主要來自日本、中國及越南等地,當中以日本北海道元貝為最佳;因爲北海道的海水,由北半球阿拉斯加冰川融化後,向南流而來,其海水長期維持在零度左右,被日本人譽爲接近無菌的海水,再加上海床礦物質成分豐盈,故北海道所產的海鮮,在日本甚至是全球,是出名的高品質。 日本北海道元貝,是出產元貝最著名的地方,北海道元貝體積較大,一般帶有少許裂紋、色澤金黃、表面乾爽、身少鹽霜、入口無渣,香味特別濃郁味道鮮甜。 元貝含有豐富蛋白質,磷酸鈣、維生素A、B、D,屬於一種營養豐富的海味,元貝性平,味甘鹹;具有滋陰補血、平肝清熱、調中下氣、利五臟等之功效,天然鮮味,加上營養豐富,對於肝腎虛弱、病後初愈體弱、精神不振、胃口欠佳、產後滋補者最適合食用。 元貝功效高而且味道特別鮮美,加上元貝的做法多樣,可與其他食材搭配更增添鮮美,因此廣受歡迎,是自用及饋贈親朋好友送禮的最佳選擇。 處理程序:只要將元貝略清洗後,以清水浸泡約半小時或以上(視元貝大小而定,浸泡至稍軟身即可),連水留用,便可進行烹調。 儲存方法:放於通風陰涼處,如預較長時間存放,建議密封好擺放入冰箱0-8℃為佳
日本 3L大蠔豉 蚝豉 牡蛎干 #384 需要保持冷藏 蚝豉,也称“蛎干”,一种海味,牡蛎(也称蚝)肉的干制品。是广东人民春节必食的菜肴。春节是吃蚝好时机,蚝肉肥美,富含蛋白质,但忌豪吃,每天最好只吃一餐蚝肉,蚝豉的烹饪要注意食物的配伍原则。购买蚝豉要注意几个原则:第一,看产地,一般认为日本产的最佳;湛江、潮汕等地的居次;珠海、深圳的也不错,但广州产的就不值得恭维。第二,手捏蚝豉的感觉要干和饱满,这意味着蚝肉新鲜、肉质丰富。第三,闻起来要有蚝香味。第四,观察颜色,金黄色蚝豉才是上品。买好食材后,如果不是立即食用,就要注意保管问题,最好冷藏,并且一个月内吃掉,否则一旦空气侵蚀了蚝干,不仅流失了美味,而且对身体也不好。 Japanese Dried Oyster 3L #384 KEEP REFRIGERATED Dried oysters are famous for regulating body organs and supplementing weak functions, nourishing the Yin and the blood, invigorating the kidneys and strengthens male functions. Rich in proteins and various nutrients, and is a precious food for improving skin and beauty. Oysters are extremely rich in zinc, which is essential for testosterone production and maintenance of healthy sperm. And even though women have much less testosterone than men, it also plays a key part in the female libido. Oysters also boost dopamine, a hormone that increases libido in both men and women. Dried oysters, or ho see, are small, glossy and slightly shriveled, with a chewy texture and intense, salty-sweet flavour that is vastly different from the briny, light, refreshing taste of fresh bivalves. The flavour can be overwhelming, so the oysters should be used in small quantities. Dried oysters need to be rinsed and soaked in warm water. The soaking liquid has a lot of flavour and can be included in the dish in place of broth or plain water. If the oysters are to be used whole in a stir-fry, steam them to soften further. Here is a healthy recipe useful for breakfast or for recovery from illness or fatigue: Rice congee with dried scallops and dried oysters Seafood Rice CongeeIngredients: 1 cup medium grain rice soaked for 30 minutes 12 cups filtered water 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1 carrot, diced 4 Xlarge dried oysters, pre-soaked 4 dried scallops, pre-soaked 2 scallions (aka spring onions), chopped Soak dried oysters and scallops in cold water separately for at least 2 hours to soften them. Retain the soaking liquid. Shred the scallops, and cut oysters into small pieces.Peel carrot and dice into small cubes.Wash and rinse the rice several times. Place rice in a pot, add water and seafood liquid (used to soak the dried seafood), and bring to a boil.Add oysters, carrots and 1 tsp oil.Let the congee boil, then lower heat to let it bubble for 20 minutes.Add the shredded scallops, and let congee simmer for 20-30 minutes. Do stir occasionally to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot.Turn heat off, and serve garnished with sliced spring onion. From the manufacturer: Oyster, also called "dried oyster" is dried seafood, (also called oyster meat.) It is a must-eat dish for the people of Guangdong during the Spring Festival [Chinese New Year]. The Spring Festival is a good time to eat oysters. Oyster meat is plump and rich in protein, but avoid excessive consumption. It is best to eat only one meal a day. When cooking oyster, pay attention to the principle of food compatibility. There are a few principles to pay attention to when buying oysters: First, look at the place of production. Generally speaking, the best are produced in Japan; after that Zhanjiang, Chaoshan and other places are second; Zhuhai and Shenzhen are also good, but Guangzhou produced is not worthy of compliment. Second, the oyster sauce should feel dry and full by hand, which means that the oyster meat is fresh and rich. Third, it should smell of oysters [fresh, mild and tasty]. Fourth, observe the color, golden oyster sauce is the top grade. After buying the ingredients, if you don't eat them immediately, you must pay attention to storage. It is best to refrigerate and eat them within one month, otherwise once the air erodes the dried oysters, it will not only lose the deliciousness, but also be bad for the body.
$29.99 - $56.99
竹荪 竹笙 无硫 纯天然 八珍之一(3.5oz) Dried Bamboo Fungus Bamboo Mushroom 竹荪(Dictyophora indusiata (Vent.ex Pers) Fisch)又名竹笙、竹参,是寄生在枯竹根部的一种隐花菌类,形状略似网状干白蛇皮,它有深绿色的菌帽,雪白色的圆柱状的菌柄,粉红色的蛋形菌托,在菌柄顶端有一围细致洁白的网状裙从菌盖向下铺开,被人们称为“雪裙仙子”、“山珍之花”、“真菌之花”、“菌中皇后”。 竹荪营养丰富,香味浓郁,滋味鲜美,自古就列为“草八珍”之一。湘菜中的“竹荪芙蓉”是我国国宴的一大名菜,此外,如竹荪响螺汤、竹荪扒风燕、竹荪烩鸡片等,都是很有名的美味佳肴,深受国内外宾客的喜爱。 营养价值 1. 竹荪含有丰富的多种氨基酸、维生素、无机盐等,具有滋补强壮、益气补脑、宁神健体的功效; 2. 竹荪的有效成分可补充人体必需的营养物质,提高机体的免疫抗病能力; 3. 竹荪能够保护肝脏,减少腹壁脂肪的积存,有俗称“刮油”的作用,从而产生降血压、降血脂和减肥的效果; 4. 云南苗族人患癌症的几率较低,这恐怕与他们经常用竹荪与糯米一同泡水食用有关。现代医学研究也证明,竹荪中含有能抑制肿瘤的成分。 Dried Bamboo Fungus Zhu Sheng (3.5oz) Bamboo fungus is high in protein, low fat, and has 8 kinds of amino acids that human body needs. It is good for eyes and lung. It could help lose weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol level and prevent cancer. Containing 20% protein, it’s a good choice for vegetarian/vegan friends. Dried bamboo fungus should be stored in a dry, cool place. ... Recommended Uses - Fish maw abalone soup - Mushroom fungus soup
精選 南美深海 黄花膠筒#438(14-16頭/磅) 花胶的主要成分为高级胶原蛋白、多种维生素及钙、锌、铁、硒等多种微量元素。其蛋白质含量高达84.2%,脂肪仅为0.2%,是理想的高蛋白低脂肪食品。 从中医角度,花胶极有滋补食疗作用,《本草纲目》记载:花胶能补肾益精,滋养筋脉,能治疗肾虚滑精及产后(产后食品)风痉。花胶含丰富的蛋白质及胶质,具滋阴养颜,补肾,强壮机能。腰膝酸软,身体虚弱,最适宜经常食用。 South American Dried Fish Maw #438 (14-16 pcs/Lb) The main components of flower maw are high-grade collagen, a variety of vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium, and other trace elements. The protein content is as high as 84.2%, and the fat is only 0.2%. It is an ideal high-protein and low-fat food. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, flower maw has a nourishing and therapeutic effect. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: flower maw can nourish the kidney and essence, nourish muscles and veins, and can treat kidney deficiency and smooth essence and postpartum (postpartum food) wind cramps. Flower maw is rich in protein and gum, with nourishing yin, nourishing skin, nourishing kidney, and strengthening functions. The waist and knees are sore and weak, and the body is weak, so it is most suitable for regular consumption.
$218.99 - $428.99
特级 甘肃 发菜 髮菜(4 oz/盒) 广东人取“发”(fà)的谐音“发”(fā)而写成“发菜”,意为发财,广东通用简体字后,一律简化成“发”,使之变为互通,在农历新年的广东菜式中更为常见。 发菜始见载于清代李渔(1611-约1679年)《闲情偶记》,“菜有色相最奇而为《本草》、《食物志》诸书之所不载者,则西秦所产生之头发菜是也浸以滚水,拌以姜醋,其可口倍于藕丝、鹿角菜。” 上等的发菜颜色乌黑而丝长,煮出来的汤水呈红色。市面上有假发菜出售,多以粟米须或金鱼水草染黑仿制。要辨别真假,可用水试浸发菜,真发菜浸水后变粗发涨,且不易折断。外形整齐、长度约10厘米的发菜为佳,不要选太细密的,不要有油污味。 金钱发菜 【材料】:发菜,鸡蛋,鸡胸肉. 【做法】: 发菜泡发;鸡蛋两个,蛋清和蛋黄分开放,蛋黄加盐胡椒面打散摊成蛋黄饼。切成条。 蛋清加淀粉打散摊成蛋皮。 鸡胸肉剁成馅,加盐,胡椒面,蚝油水,拌成鸡肉馅。 蛋皮上面摊上鸡肉馅。 铺上发菜,中间放切成条的蛋黄条。 卷成条,放入蒸锅,大火蒸五分钟左右。 蒸好出锅的发菜卷,切成一厘米厚的片,摆盘。 Black Moss/ Fa Cai Gift Box (4 oz/box) Black moss is a bacterium (Nostoc flagelliforme) that grows in specific parts of China. Black Moss is known as fat choy which sounds like “good fortune” in Cantonese: gong hei fat choy! thus making it a favorite during Chinese New Year. Besides bringing in good fortune, it brings health benefits. . . [eaten in small amounts] It is low in fat and cholesterol and is often thought to be quite nutritious. Its effect is cooling in nature, reducing heat and phlegm. It is also said to contain high protein and carbohydrates, as well as aid the production of blood cells due to its high iron content. Babies, young children, and pregnant women should consume it with caution and in limited quantities. Black moss is a terrestrial cyanobacterium (a type of photosynthetic bacteria) that is used as a vegetable in Chinese cuisine.
澳洲 特大豬婆參 尺寸 Size:1~2 支/磅猪婆参,分白猪婆参、花猪婆参和黑猪婆参三种,其中花猪婆参又叫麻石参,它们的名字是由加工后的干参的表面颜色来划分的,顾名思义,白猪婆参就是表皮白色的,花猪婆参是表皮有花纹,黑猪婆参是表皮黑色。猪婆参因其腹部两侧各有一排粗壮的刺,类似母猪的乳头,并且鲜活的猪婆参因个体很大,趴在海底远远看去,类似趴窝的小猪,因而起名叫猪婆参。 猪婆参营养很高,口感好,广东地区高档婚宴就是用猪婆参,也是名菜佛跳墙中的海参原料,干参泡发后色泽白中带黄,肉多而软滑;可以补肾益精 养血降压。对高血压与冠心病、消痔疮、治疗胃溃疡、预防癌症等都有一定的疗效。可滋阴补肾, 壮阳温补,对胆固醇过高及糖尿病患者, 中老人有很好的食疗功效,特别已婚的女性多需补血,为生育或是产后进补和保健必备, 猪婆参是最适合孕产妇食用的海参,对产妇少奶有很好的催奶效果。 在营养价值上,以澳洲最好,东南亚最次(比如印尼产猪婆参),澳洲产猪婆参,干参饱满,表面光滑,肉质肥厚,泡发量很高,而东南亚出产的猪婆参,参体瘦小,参体表面多褶皱,泡发量小很多,营养更大打折扣。 Australia Sea Cucumber #422(16oz) Size:1~2 pieces/poundSea Cucumber, one of the earth’s oldest living creatures (it has existed for over 500 million years), the slug of the sea has developed an extraordinary immune system–one that, surprisingly, resembles that of humans. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer), and Portugal. The preparation takes several days of soaking, cleaning, and cooking, and its nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often prepared in elaborate Chinese New Year soups. Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including: Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid functions similarly to human white blood cells Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid have potent antioxidant effects Squalene is a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids Triterpenoids are a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease, and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process. Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood-thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use it under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.