
Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Boost your health and mental power with thousands of years old herbalism tradition

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.

76 products

  • 醇舊肉蓯蓉片(45克)


    精选 肉苁蓉片 (45克) 肉松蓉、黑司令、纵蓉、地精、马足、马芝、大芸、寸芸 男性滋补佳品 性味 味甘;咸;性温 功能主治 为列当科植物肉苁蓉的肉质茎。补肾,益精,润燥,滑肠。治男子阳痿,女子不孕,带下,血崩,腰膝冷痛,血枯便秘。 经脉 归肾经;大肠经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或浸酒。 注意事项 胃弱便溏,相火旺者忌服。 1.《本草蒙筌》:忌经铁器。 2.《本草经疏》:泄泻禁用,肾中有热,强阳易兴而精不固者忌之。 3.《药品化义》:相火旺,胃肠弱者忌用。 4.《得配本草》:忌铜、铁。火盛便闭、心虚气胀,皆禁用。 食疗方 1.肉苁蓉粥 做法:以肉苁蓉30克,粳米30克,共煮粥,每日服用1次,连服1周。功效:可补肾、润肠、通便,也可治疗老年多尿症、肾虚和便秘。 2.巴戟苁蓉鸡肠汤 做法:巴戟天12克,肉苁蓉12克,鸡肠1具。将鸡肠剪开,清洗肠内、外壁,再用盐擦洗,洗净后切成段;将巴戟天,肉苁蓉用纱布袋包好,扎紧袋口,与鸡肠共入砂锅中,加水,放入精盐、姜片。先用武火煮沸,再用文火煎熬60分钟即成。喝汤食肠。 功效:温补肺肾,固精止遗。用治肺肾阳虚气弱,阳萎,早泄,遗精,滑精,遗尿,夜尿多,气短喘促。 3.肉苁蓉羹 肉苁蓉30克,甘薯50克,羊肉100克。葱、生姜、精盐各适量。将肉苁蓉刮去鳞,用酒洗,去黑汁,切成薄片,甘薯、羊肉洗净后各切成薄片,共放入锅中,加入姜片和水适量,先用武火煮沸,再用文火煎煮35分钟,放入葱、盐即成。 功效:温补肝肾。主治肾阳虚衰、肝血不足所致的阳痿、腰痛、头晕目暗、耳鸣等。 4.牛膝当归蜜膏 牛膝50克,肉苁蓉500克,当归50克,蜂蜜适量。牛膝、肉苁蓉、当归加水适量浸泡透发,再加热煎煮,每20分钟取煎液一次,加水再煎,共取3次,合并煎液,再以小火煎熬浓缩成稠膏时,加蜂蜜1倍,至沸停火,待冷装瓶备用。 功效:温阳通便。 5.鸡肉炖苁蓉 小公鸡1只,肉苁蓉30克。将小公鸡宰杀,去毛及肠杂,洗净,切块;肉苁蓉洗净,滤干,放入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口,与鸡肉共入砂锅内,加入料酒和适量清水,先用武火煮沸,再用文火慢纯,以鸡肉熟烂为度。加入精盐调味,当菜或点心食用。 功效:补肾助阳益气。用治肾阳虚衰,阳萎,早泄,滑精,尿频或遗尿。 Desertliving Cistanche / Rou Cong Rong (45g) The active ingredients isolated from Herba Cistanche have three main biological functions: improvement of brain function, immune-boosting effect, and nourishing aphrodisiac effect. Cistanche deserticola is used for constipation, tetanus, infertility and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. . .Cistanche deserticola contains chemicals that act as antioxidants. It also contains chemicals that might modify levels of hormones in the body.   From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, sour, and salty; It is warming. It enters the Kidney and Large Intestine meridians. Function and Indication: It nourishes the kidney and nourishes essence, moisturizes dryness, smooths intestines. It has been used to cure men's impotence, women's infertility, exhaustion, blood collapse, cold waist and knee pain, and dry constipation. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, ~11.16g: or made into pills or in soup Cautions: Avoid use with a weak stomach and loose stools. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their doctor or health specialist.    Diet Therapy Cistanche Black Chicken Soup   Ingredients:  black-bone chicken (500g), cistanche (20g), white yam (8 pieces), codonopsis (20g), astragalus (20g), wolfberry (1 spoon), red dates (8), chestnuts (10), water (2200ml)  Seasoning: salt (appropriate amount)  Cut the black-bone chicken into large pieces, wash the cistanche and smash into pieces, wash the codonopsis and cut into small sections, wash the red dates and remove the pits, peel the chestnuts, and wash the astragalus, yam and wolfberry.   Boil the water to blanch the chicken to remove the blood and excess fat.   Put all the ingredients in the soup pot, add water and bring to a boil over high heat and change to low heat. If it is a pressure cooker, boil it for another 40 minutes, if it is another pot, boil it for another 2 hours.   After the soup is cooked, add salt, stir evenly with a spoon, and then eat.      Efficacy: The soup is used for invigorating the liver, kidney, spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and blood. It is suitable for the loss of essence and blood caused by the deficiency of the liver and kidney, weakness in the waist and knees, male impotence, female infertility, etc.


  • 生地片 干地黃 6oz

    生地片 干地黃 6oz

    生地片 / 干地黃 6oz 干地黄、原生地、干生地性味:味甘;苦;微寒功效:为玄参科植物地黄的块根。用于热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。经脉:归心经;肝经;肾经 主治:滋阴清热,凉血补血。主热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。用法用量内服:煎汤,10~15g,大剂量可用至30g;赤可熬膏或入丸、散;或浸润后捣绞汁饮。外用:适量,捣敷。注意禁忌:脾虚泄泻、胃虚食少、胸膈多痰者慎服。 【食疗方】1. 三味地黄酒生地黄(切)100克,大豆(炒)200克,牛蒡根(切)100克,酒2升。将药用白纱布袋盛之,置于净器中,入酒浸泡,密封,5日后开启,过滤后装瓶备用。不拘时,随量饮之。每日1~2次,每次饮服1~2小盅。功效:补肾除烦,祛风止痛。适应症肾虚,心烦,关节疼痛。 2.桃仁粥桃仁、生地各10克。桃仁浸泡后,去皮弃尖,加入适量冷水,武火煮沸,改文火慢煎。30分钟后,除去药渣,将洗净的粳米洗净加入药汁中煮粥。粥熟加入桂心粉(药店有售)2克,红糖50克。每次食1小碗,每天3至4次。功效:活血止痛、滋养脾胃;适用于消化性溃疡出血停止后或无发生出血者。** 3.生地百部炖团鱼百部20克,生地20克,地骨皮12克,知母10克,团鱼(甲鱼)1只,葱姜佐料各适量。将团鱼头宰下,放血,入沸水锅中略氽,当裙边与甲壳分离时捞出,去粗皮与内脏,宰成块,中药放纱布袋内封口,锅置旺火上,加清水,下垫鸡骨,加入团鱼,烧开后撇去血沫,加中药包、姜、葱、绍酒,移至小火上炖至熟软,除去鸡骨、葱、姜,加入精盐、味精调味即成。功效:滋阴清热,润肺止咳。主治肺结核,肺虚咯血,阴虚潮热盗汗等症。 4.海带生地绿豆瘦肉汤取海带30克,生地18克,绿豆100克,陈皮3克,瘦猪肉100克。将海带洗净泡发切丝,猪肉、陈皮洗净切丝,与生地、绿豆同置砂锅内,加水适量用小火煲2小时,加食盐少许即可食用。服法:煮粥服用。 功效:此药膳具有清热解毒、凉血养阴之功效,常服可治疗粉刺反复发作。 5.人参地黄粥人参10克,栗米100克,生地黄30克,冰糖适量。水煎人参、生地、去渣留汁,入栗米煮粥。将熟加冰糖适量,稍煎待溶即成。酌情服食,温凉为宜。功效:益气养阴。 Drying Rehmannia Root / Sheng Di Pian (6oz) Rehmannia root clears heat, cools blood, nourishes yin, and promotes body fluids production. Rehmannia root is often used in conditions like fever, fluid exhaustion, consumptive diseases, bleedings, anemia, dizziness, palpitations, and menstrual disorders...  Rehmannia root contains sterol, glycosides, and polysaccharides, its active components are mainly iridoid glycosides, such as catalpol, rehmanniosides A-D, leonuride, aucubin, melittoside, jioglutoside A-B, 6-O-E-feruloyl ajugol, rehmaglutins A-D, glutinoside, purpureaside C, echinacoside, jionosides A1 & B1, cistanosides A & F, and acteoside. Its polysaccharides include stachyose, raffinose, glucose, sucrose, fructose, manninotriose, galactose and rehmannia glutinosa polysaccharides (RPS-b). Rehmannia root also contains over 20 kinds of amino acids, as well as alkaloids, phosphoric acid, organic acids, adenosine, trace elements, lecithin and vitamin A.  The actions of Rehmannia root include regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, and immune functions. It can also affect the pituitary-adrenal and thyroid secretions, as well as anti-inflammation, cooling body, diuresis, anti-tumor, anti-aging, liver protection, promoting blood clotting, stimulating blood cells growth and gland secretions From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, bitter; and it is slightly cold in effect. It is the root tuber of Scrophulariaceae plant Rehmannia glutinosa. It is used for fever polydipsia, internal heat, it is used to reduce thirst, bone steaming [inflammatory aarthritis] and fatigue, febrile plaque, hematemesis, uterine bleeding, blood in urine, blood in stool caused by blood heat, blood deficiency, and chlorosis, dizziness, palpitations, blood loss, and amenorrhea. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: It nourishes yin and clears away heat, cools, and nourishes the blood.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g, large doses can be used up to 30g; It can be used to make an ointment or pills or powder, or pounded juice after infiltration. External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.   Cautions: Use caution with patients who have spleen deficiency, diarrhea, stomach deficiency, loss of appetite, and excessive sputum in the chest, stomach, and lungs.


  • 包)

    海玉竹 (8oz/包)

    海玉竹(8oz) 海玉竹是一味中药,属黄精的一种,具清热、养阴、生津、润燥、润肺的作用,这些与普通的玉竹功效大致相同,不过海玉竹还能调和人体气血运行,亦能降血脂和血压,而且味道较香无酸味,因此售价上要比玉竹贵。 性味 甘,平。 功效 本品为百合科植物玉竹的干燥根茎。 治热病阴伤,咳嗽烦渴,虚劳发热,消谷易饥,小便频数。 经脉 入肺经、胃经。 主治 养阴,润燥,除烦,止渴。治热病阴伤,咳嗽烦渴,虚劳发热,消谷易饥,小便频数。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g;熬膏、浸酒或入丸、散。 外用:适量,鲜品捣敷;或熬膏涂。阴虚有热宜生用,热不甚者宜制用。 注意禁忌 胃有痰湿气滞者忌服。   Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal / Hai Yu Zhu (8oz) P. sibiricum is a medicinal plant and widely consumed as tea. The plant is capable of reducing blood glucose and lipid levels, regulating and enhancing the immune system, and fighting aging. However, there are no reports on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Solomon's seal is an herb. It is sometimes used to make medicine. Solomon's seal is used for lung disorders, swelling (inflammation), and skin conditions such as bruises, boils, and hemorrhoids. From the manufacturer:  Polygonatum odoratum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a kind of Polygonatum. It has the effects of clearing heat, nourishing yin, promoting body fluid, moisturizing dryness and moisturizing the lungs. These functions are roughly the same as ordinary polygonatum, but it can also regulate the movement of human blood; it can also lower blood fat and blood pressure, and the taste is more fragrant without sourness, so the price is more expensive than polygonatum.  The taste is sweet and mild. This product is the dried rhizome of Polygonatum odoratum. It has been used to cure the febrile injury, cough and polydipsia, asthenia and fever, excess hunger, and frequent urination. It enters the Lung and Stomach meridians. Indications: To nourish yin, moisturize dryness, relieve irritability, quench thirst.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6~12g; boil ointment, soak in wine or pill or powder. External use: appropriate amount, fresh product pounded and applied; or boiled ointment applied. If there is heat in yin deficiency, it is better to produce and use [internally].  Cautions: People with phlegm and dampness in the stomach [nausea, excess saliva and diarrhea] should not take it.


  • 包)

    沙薑片/山奈(4 oz/包)

    沙姜片/ 山奈/山辣/三奈子(4 oz/包) 性味 辛,温。 功效 为姜科植物山柰的根茎。 主治心腹冷痛,停食不化,跌打损伤,牙痛。用于胸隔胀满,脘腹冷痛。饮食不消。 经脉 入胃经。 主治 温中,消食,止痛。治心腹冷痛,饮食不消化,跌打损伤,牙痛,胸隔胀满。 ①《品汇精要》:辟秽气;为末擦牙,祛风止痛及牙宣口臭。 ②《纲目》:暖中,辟瘴疠恶气。治心腹冷气痛,寒湿霍乱,风虫牙痛。 ③《本草汇言》:治停食不化,一切寒中诸证。 ④《岭南采药录》:治跌打伤,又能消肿。治骨哽,以之和赤芍、威灵仙等分,水煎服。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~6克;或入丸、散。 外用:捣敷,研末调敷或吹鼻。 注意禁忌 阴虚血亏,胃有郁火者忌服。   Rhizoma Kaempferiae / Galangal / Sha Jiang/ Shan Nai(4 oz/bag) Galangal contains anti-inflammatory properties and therefore is beneficial in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. - It also helps to relieve discomfort caused due to inflammation of the abdomen and ulcers too. - To curb sea and motion sickness, nausea, chew a few slices of fresh galangal. Most Effective as an aphrodisiac, for impotence, and multiple sclerosis Caution: fresh root is toxic causing nausea; avoid during pregnancy; avoid use with salt. Ginger vs. Galangal: Their biggest difference is their taste: galangal has a sharp citrusy, almost piney flavor, while ginger is fresh, pungently spicy, and barely sweet — that means that they cannot be used interchangeably. Galangal is said to mask the fishy flavor, so it is a popular spice to use in seafood dishes, like a Vietnamese braised carp with a sweet-salty galangal sauce. I added a couple of teaspoons of the powdered spice to a Thai-style coconut-curried shrimp dish, similar to tom kha goong Soak dried galangal in warm water. .. Galangal is often used by Chinese, Indian and European physicians to treat hiccups, nausea, and other stomach discomforts From the manufacturer:  The taste spicy, sweet. It is the rhizome of the ginger family Serrata. Indications: For cold and pain in the abdomen, bruises, toothache. Used for the fullness of the thoracic septum and cold pain in the abdominal abdomen. It enters the Stomach meridian. Indications: It is warm in nature, improves digestion, and relieves pain. It has been used to cure cold and pain in the abdomen, indigestible diet, bruises, toothache, fullness of the thoracic septum. Cautions: Do not use with yin deficiency and blood deficiency and stomach depression.


  • 廣東 精製 川芎片

    廣東 精製 川芎片

    广东 精制川芎片 山鞠穷、芎藭、香果、胡藭、马衔、芎藭、雀脑芎、京芎、贯芎、抚芎、台芎、西芎 为伞形科植物川芎的根茎。 性味 味辛;性温 经脉 归肝经、胆经、心包经 主治 行气开郁,祛风燥湿,活血止痛。治风冷头痛旋晕,难产,产后瘀阻块痛,痈疽疮疡,月经不调,经闭痛经,瘕腹痛,胸胁刺痛,跌扑肿痛,风湿痹痛。 食疗方 1.羊肾馄饨 羊肾50克,肉桂3克,川椒(花椒)2克,川芎5克,面粉250克,酱油、精盐适量。将肉桂、川椒、川芎研末备用。将羊肾去皮漂洗,使腰臊除净,剁成肉茸,加入药末及适量的酱油、精盐拌匀成馅。以常法做成馄饨。温热食用。 功效 温阳散寒,活血止痛,主治痛经。 2.川芎蛤蜊汤 蛤蜊肉200克,川芎10克,土豆、调料等各适量。将川芎加水适量煎取约50毫升的药汁,过滤去渣后备用,把土豆切片放入锅中,倒入川芎汁和适量的水,煮至土豆将熟时,把用盐水洗过的蛤蜊肉放入锅中,煮开后加入葱等调味品即可。 功效 强精、活血、造血及安神。主治冠心病,心绞痛,月经不调,痛经等症。 3.川芎鳝鱼汤 川芎6克,当归15克,鳝鱼500克,料酒适量。将鳝鱼剖去背脊骨、内脏、头尾,切成鱼片后切丝,将当归、川芎装入纱布袋内封口。将鱼丝、药袋放入锅中,加入料酒、调味品、适量清水用武火烧沸,去浮沫再用文火煎熬1小时,捞出药袋加入味精即成。食鱼饮汤,分餐食用。 功效 活血养血,通脉止痛。主治辅治损伤、头痛、眩晕。   Slice Of Rhizoma Ligustic / Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Chuanxiong (RC), the dried rhizome of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. (Umbelliferae), is a major cardiovascular protective Chinese herb especially for treating angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, and stroke. Ligusticum Wallichi , also known as Ligusticum Root is a Herb used to improve the circulation of blood throughout the body. It helps in the formation of blood and prevents stagnation of Blood. As a helping assistant [herb], it can expel wind-dampness, regulate the Qi in the head and relieve headache. Chuan Xiong also serves as assistant and is used to activate the Qi and blood, expel wind and relieve headache. Chuan xiong [ligusticum] and tang kuei steeped as a tea is a pleasant tasting nervous headache remedy. Lamb Kidney wonton   Ingredients: 50 grams of lamb kidney, 3 grams of cinnamon, 2 grams of pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum), 5 grams of Ligusticum chuanxiong, 250 grams of flour, soy sauce and salt.  Grind the cinnamon, pepper, and Chuanxiong into the powder for later use. Peel the sheep kidneys and rinse them to remove the scum on the waist, chop them into minced meat, add the powdered medicine, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, and salt to mix well to form a filling. Make it as Wonton as usual way. Efficacy: Warming Yang and dispelling cold, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, and treating dysmenorrhea. Ligusticum chuanxiong Clam soup   Ingredients: 200 grams of clam meat, 10 grams of Ligusticum chuanxiong, potatoes and seasonings.  Simmer the chuanxiong with water in an appropriate amount to cook about 50ml of concoction, filter to remove the residue, and set aside. Put the potato slices into the pot, pour the chuanxiong juice and appropriate amount of water, boil until the potatoes are almost cooked. Wash the clams with saltwater. Put the clam meat in the pot, and add the onion and other condiments after it is boiled.   Efficacy:Strengthens essence, invigorates blood, hematopoiesis, and soothes the nerves. Indications: for coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and other diseases.

    $6.59 - $29.99

  • 包)

    干葛片/葛根(12 oz/包)

    干葛片/葛根 12oz 干葛 甘葛 粉葛 葛麻茹 葛子根 葛条根 鸡齐根 葛 粉葛根 煨葛根 性味 甘;辛;平 经脉 脾经;胃经;肺经;膀胱经 主治 升阳解肌,透疹止泻,除烦止温。治伤寒、温热头痛项强,烦热消渴,泄泻,痢疾,癍疹不透,高血压,心绞痛,耳聋。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或捣汁。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 1.张元素:不可多服,恐损胃气。 2.《本草正》:其性凉,易于动呕,胃寒者所当慎用。 3.《本草从新》:夏日表虚汗多尤忌。 食疗方 葛粉羹 葛粉250克,荆芥穗30克,淡豆豉150克。将葛粉做成面条,荆芥穗、淡豆豉水煮6~7沸去滓取汁,煮葛粉面条至熟。早晚各食1次。 功效:滋养肝肾,熄风开窍。主治适用于肝肾阴亏之中风,言语蹇涩,神志昏愦,半身不遂,中老年人脑动脉硬休等。亦可作预防中风之用。   Lobed Kudzuvine Root/ Dried Ge Gen Pian(12oz) Kudzu's roots, flowers, and leaves are used to make medicine. It has been used in Chinese medicine since at least 200 BC. As early as 600 AD, it was used to treat alcoholism. Today, kudzu is used to treat alcoholism and to reduce symptoms of alcohol hangover, including headache, upset stomach, dizziness, and vomiting Liver disease: There is some concern that taking kudzu might harm the liver. In theory, kudzu might make liver diseases, such as hepatitis, worse. People with liver disease or a history of liver disease should avoid kudzu. There is information that suggests kudzu contains ingredients that counteract alcohol. It might also have effects like estrogen. Chemicals in kudzu might also increase blood circulation in the heart and brain. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g; or mashed juice. External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.   Diet Therapy    Kudzuvine Root Powder Soup   Ingredients: 250 grams of Kudzuvive powder, 30 grams of nepeta [catmint leaf], and 150 grams of light tempeh. Make kudzu noodles, boil the nepeta ears, and light tempeh in water for 6~7 minutes to boil to remove the juice, and cook the kudzu noodles until cooked. Eat 1 time each morning and evening.   Efficacy: nourishes the liver and kidney, reduces wind [nerve pain], and resuscitates. Indications are suitable for liver and kidney yin deficiency, stroke, astringent speech [aphasia], dizziness, hemiplegia, and cerebral arteries in the elderly. It can also be used to prevent stroke.


  • 熟地黃 6oz

    熟地黃 6oz

    熟地/ 熟地黄(6oz) 熟地 伏地 大熟地 熟地炭性味:味甘;性温功效:为玄参科植物地黄的块根,经加工蒸晒而成。 主治阴虚血少,腰膝痿弱,劳嗽骨蒸,遗精,崩漏,月经不调,消渴,溲数,耳聋,目昏。经脉:归肝经;肾经 主治:滋阴补血,益精填髓。用于肝肾阴虚,腰膝酸软,骨蒸潮热,盗汗遗精,内热消渴,血虚萎黄,心悸怔忡,月经不调,崩漏下血,眩晕,耳鸣,须发早白。用法用量:内服:煎汤,10~30g;或入丸散;或熬膏,或浸酒。注意禁忌:脾胃虚弱,气滞痰多,腹满便溏者忌服。 【食疗方】1.熟地酒:熟地黄60克,枸杞子30克,白酒1000毫升。将熟地黄、枸杞子洗净,干燥,切碎,装入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口,置于瓷坛内,加入白酒,密封坛口。每日振摇1次,7天后改为每周1次。浸泡20天后饮用。服完后,药渣可再加白酒500克,浸泡15天后饮用。每次15毫升,1日2次。功效:补血养阴,滋肾益精。主治精血不足、健忘、脱发、不孕、腰膝酸软等。 2.当归山鸡汤:当归15克,山鸡肉250克,熟地15克,女贞子12克,料酒、盐、姜片、胡椒粉、鸡清汤各适量。先将山鸡肉洗净,放入沸水中焯一下,捞出洗净血水,斩块。再将当归、熟地、女贞子洗净,装入纱布袋扎口。锅中加入鸡汤,放入山鸡肉、药袋、料酒、精盐、味精、姜片、胡椒粉,武火烧沸,文火炖到肉熟,去药袋、姜片,盛入汤盆中即成。食肉喝汤。 功效 可滋血气,强筋健骨,调经活血。主治妇女肾阴虚引起的崩漏带下之症。对于跌打损伤等外科疾患,食此汤菜有辅助治疗作用。 3.枸杞熟地炖甲鱼:甲鱼300g,枸杞子30g,熟地黄15g,北黄芪10g。将甲鱼洗净,去头、爪,切成小方块置锅内,放入枸杞、熟地黄、北黄芪,加适量清水烧开,去浮沫,移文火炖至甲鱼肉熟透即成。功效:滋阴补血,适于肿瘤病人形瘦无力,面色恍白或萎黄,精神疲倦,贫血明显,或伴有盗汗虚热。 Prepared Rehmannia Root/Shu Di Huang(6 oz/Bag) Rehmannia is commonly found in herbal combinations used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rehmannia is used for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), "tired blood" (anemia), fever, weakened bones (osteoporosis), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and allergies. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1155/rehmannia According to the traditional outlook, the harmony of the opposite, but complementary, forces – yin and yang – underlies good health. Rehmannia is thought to help with yin energy imbalances. It is traditionally used to fight bacterial infections, as a tonic, and for a variety of conditions associated with inflammation, like asthma and arthritis. Rehmannia is also often combined with other herbs to remedy “yin deficiency”. https://selfhacked.com/blog/rehmannia/ For example teas from Wing Hop Fung: Thirst Quencher Tea 消渴玉泉湯 (Xiao Ke Yu Quan Herbal Soup) Moistening, refreshing, helps balance blood sugar  A number of herbs in this tea are used in medicinal formulas that treat diabetes and reduce stress. In that way it is similar to Relax and Thrive (aka Six Flavor Rehmannia Tea) and Beauty and Longevity Tea. However, this formula adds balsam pear, polygonum multi., snake gourd, wolfberry (aka goji berry), and astragalus which raises its potential as an immune-boosting treatment.  [Caution: Rehmannia contains L-arginine and should be used with caution and with herbal guidance by people with herpes since excess use may encourage a rash to surface. ] The taste is sweet; it is warm in nature. It is the root tuber of the Scrophulariaceae plant Rehmannia glutinosa, which is processed by steaming and drying. Indications: For deficiency of Yin and blood, weak waist and knees, fatigue, steaming of bones [inflammatory arthritis], nocturnal emission, metrorrhagia, irregular menstruation, thirst, dryness, deafness, dizziness. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes yin and blood, nourishes essence, and enhances bone marrow. For liver and kidney yin deficiency, waist and knee weakness, bone steaming and hot flashes, night sweats, nocturnal emission, internal heat, to quench thirst, improve blood deficiency and chlorosis, heart palpitations, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, dizziness, tinnitus, prematurely white hair. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~30g; or pill powder; or boil ointment, or soak in wine.  Cautions: People with weak spleen and stomach [nausea, diarrhea, edema], qi stagnation and excessive phlegm, and loose stools should not take it. Diet therapy   Rehmannia wine   Ingredients: 60 grams of Rehmannia Root, 30 grams of wolfberry, and 1000 ml of white wine. Wash the Rehmannia root and wolfberry berries, dry, chop them, put them into a gauze bag, tie the mouth of the bag tightly, place it in a porcelain jar, add white wine, and seal the mouth of the jar. Shake once a day and change to shaking it once a week after 7 days. Drink after soaking for 20 days.  After serving, add 500 grams of white wine to the medicine residue, soak for 15 days and drink. 15 ml each time, twice a day.   Efficacy: nourishing blood and yin, nourishing the kidney, and nourishing essence. Indications: insufficient essence [vitality/immunity] and blood, forgetfulness, hair loss, infertility, waist and knee weakness, etc.   Angelica pheasant soup  [or turkey} Ingredients: 15 grams of angelica, 250 grams of pheasant [or turkey], 15 grams of Rehmannia, 12 grams of Ligustrum lucidum, cooking wine, refined salt, optional monosodium glutamate, ginger, pepper, and chicken broth.  First wash the pheasant, blanch it in boiling water, remove the washed blood, and chop it into pieces. Then wash the angelica, Rehmannia, and Ligustrum lucidum, put them into a gauze bag, and tie them. Add chicken soup to the pot, add pheasant, medicine bag, cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger slices, and pepper. Bring to a boil, simmer until the meat is cooked, remove the medicine bag and ginger slices, put it in the soup bowl, and serve. Eat meat and drink soup. Efficacy: It can nourish blood qi, strengthen muscles and bones, regulate menstruation and promote blood circulation. Indications: for uterine bleeding caused by the deficiency of kidney yin in women. For surgical diseases such as bruises, eating this soup has an adjuvant therapeutic effect.


  • 永合豐 鲜姜粉 8oz

    永合豐 鲜姜粉 8oz

    永合豐 鲜姜粉 8oz 姜作为一种药食兼用的调料,其味辛辣芳香。用姜制成姜粉,可以用来调味、腌渍、调汤,用起来更加快捷方便。若给九个月以上宝宝做鱼丸子、肉丸子、蔬菜豆腐丸子、包饺子、煎鱼、煎土豆饼、熬汤、煮粥等。不仅有利于宝宝吞咽还能促进孩子食欲、帮助消化、防治感冒、散寒镇咳等食疗功效。 Ginger Powder(8oz/Bag) The method used to create ground ginger from fresh ginger reduces the amount of gingerol (one of the ingredients that contributes to its health properties) in the root, but it also appears to increase levels of other compounds, such as shogaols, which appear to have impressive medicinal benefits and maybe even more potent than gingerol. Plus, ground ginger is more convenient to cook with, so you’ll probably use more of it. Try adding it to smoothies, marinades, dressings, healthy muffin recipes, spiced pumpkin, and oatmeal. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help the stomach neutralize the digestive juices and further stimulate food digestion and absorption, eliminating the excess gas from intestinal tracts. The dry ginger powder contains thermogenic agents that are useful to burn fat.


  • 包)

    甘草粉(4 oz/包)

    甘草粉(4 oz/包) 性味 味甘,性平。 归经 归心、肺、脾、胃经。 功效 补脾益气,清热解毒,祛痰止咳,缓急止痛,调和诸药。 主治 用于脾胃虚弱,倦怠乏力,心悸气短,咳嗽痰多,脘腹、四肢挛急疼痛,痈肿疮毒,缓解药物毒性、烈性。 禁忌 不宜与海藻、京大戟、红大戟、甘遂、芫花同用。 Licorice Powder / Gan Cao Powder / Glycyrrhiza  (4 oz) Licorice root is used to soothe gastrointestinal problems. In cases of food poisoning, stomach ulcers, and heartburn, licorice root extract can speed the repair of the stomach lining and restore balance. This is due to the anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties of glycyrrhizic acid. Licorice root is promoted as a dietary supplement for conditions such as digestive problems, menopausal symptoms, cough, and bacterial and viral infections. Licorice gargles or lozenges have been used to try to prevent or reduce the sore throat that sometimes occurs after surgery...  Although licorice root is generally considered safe as a food ingredient, it can cause serious side effects, including increased blood pressure and decreased potassium levels, when consumed in large amounts or for long periods of time. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet and flat in nature. It enters the Lung, Spleen, and Stomach meridians. Effect: It can invigorate the spleen and qi, clear away heat and detoxify, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough, relieve emergency and relief pain, harmonize various herbal medicines. Indications: It is used for spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, coughing and excessive sputum, abdominal and extremity contractures, acute pain, carbuncle swelling, and sores. It can be used to relieve [herbal] drug toxicity and potency. Cautions: It is not suitable for use with seaweed, Beijing Euphorbia, Red Euphorbia, Kansui, and Daphne.


  • 玄參 16oz

    玄參 16oz

    玄参 16oz 重台、正马、玄台、鹿肠、鬼藏、馥草、黑参、野脂麻、元参、山当归、水萝卜 性味 味甘;苦;咸;性微寒 功效 为玄参科植物玄参的根。清热凉血,滋阴降火,除烦,解毒。治热病伤阴,舌绎烦渴,发斑,骨蒸劳热,夜寐不宁,自汗盗汗,津伤便秘,吐血衄血,咽喉肿痛,痈肿,瘰疬,温毒发斑、目赤、白喉、疮毒。 经脉 归肺经;胃经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷或研末调敷。 注意禁忌 脾胃有湿及脾虚便溏者忌服。 食疗方 玄参炖猪肝 玄参15克,猪肝500克,菜油,葱,生姜,酱油,白糖,黄酒,水豆粉各适量。 1.将猪肝洗净,与玄参同放铝锅内,加水适量,煮1小时,捞出猪肝,切成小片备用。 2.将锅内加菜渍,放入葱、姜,稍炒一下,再放入猪肝片。 3.将酱油,白糖、料酒少许,加原汤少许,收汁,勾入水豆粉 4.将透明汤汁倒入猪肝片中,拌匀即成。 服法:佐餐食功效 养肝明目。 适用于肝阴不足之目干涩、昏花、夜盲、慢性肝病等症。 Figwort Root / Xuan Shen (16oz) Figwort is a good diuretic and blood cleansing herb. It has mild laxative and analgesic (suppress pain) properties. It helps stimulate the liver, heart, and blood circulation. Used to treat skin disorders the herb is often combined with yellow dock (Rumex Crispus).  Also known as the Chinese figwort, Scrophularia grows in the Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces of China. The root is used medicinally and is harvested in the winter... It clears heat toxins, eliminates nodules, and benefits the throat. . . . Scrophularia should not be used in cases with weakness of the spleen and stomach, especially when the patient has a poor appetite or diarrhea is present. It also should not be combined with the herb black hellebore (li lu). As always, make sure to consult with a qualified health care provider before taking Scrophularia or any other herbal remedy or dietary supplement. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, bitter, salty; it is slightly cold in nature and its effects. It is the root of the Scrophulariaceae plant Scrophulariaceae. It is used to clear heat and cool blood, nourish yin and reduce fire, eliminate troubles, and detoxify. It has been used to cure fever, yin [deficiency], polydipsia, spotting, bone steaming, restless night sleep, spontaneous sweating, body sweating, constipation, vomiting and bleeding, sore throat, carbuncle, scrofula, warm toxin spotting, red eyes, diphtheria, sore toxin. It enters the Lung, Stomach, and Kidney meridians.  Dosage: Oral administration: Decoction, 9~15g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, mashed or pulverized to apply.  Cautions: Those with wet spleen and stomach and loose stools with spleen deficiency should not take it. Diet therapy   Figwort stewed pork liver   Ingredients:  15 grams of Figwort, 500 grams of pork liver, vegetable oil, green onions, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, water soy flour, each amount [according to taste]       Wash [and soak] the pig liver, put it in an aluminum pot with Figwort, add the appropriate amount of water, cook for 1 hour, remove the liver, cut into small pieces for later use.      Add vegetables to the pot, add green onions and ginger, simmer for a while, and then add pork liver slices.      Add soy sauce, sugar, a little cooking wine, add a little original soup, collect the juice Pour the transparent soup into the liver slices, mix well and serve.   Nourishes liver and improves eyesight. It is suitable for dry eyes, dim vision, night blindness, and chronic liver disease with insufficient liver yin.


  • 牛蒡根 切片(8 oz)

    牛蒡根 切片(8 oz)

    牛蒡根 切片 Root of Great Burdock 性味 味苦;微甘;性凉 性状 根呈纺锤状,肉质而直,皮部黑褐色,有皱纹,内呈黄白色;味微苦而性粘。 功效 菊科植物牛蒡的根,祛风热,消肿毒。治风毒面肿,头晕,咽喉热肿,齿痛,咳嗽,消渴,痈疽疮疥。 经脉 归肺;心经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6-15g;或捣汁;或研末;或浸酒。 外用:适量,捣敷;或熬膏涂;或煎水洗。 注意禁忌 《本草拾遗》:恶实根,蒸暴干,不尔,令人欲吐。 牛蒡根的药方 ①治热攻心,烦躁恍惚:牛蒡根捣汁一升,食后分为三服。(《食医心镜》) ②治头面忽肿,热毒风内攻,或手足头面赤肿,触着痛:牛蒡子根洗净烂研,酒煎成膏,摊在纸上,贴肿毒,仍热酒调下,一服肿止痛减。(《斗门方》) ③治反花疮,并治积年诸疮:牛蒡根热捣,和腊月猪脂封上。(《千金方》) ④治喉中热肿:鼠粘根(切)一升,以水五升,煮取三升,分温三、四服。忌蒜、面。(《延年方》) ⑤治头晕痛:牛蒡子根四两,老人头(酒洗)一两,熬水服。(《重庆草药》) ⑥治热毒牙痛,齿龈肿痛不可忍:牛蒡根一斤,捣汁,入盐花一钱,银器中熬成膏,每用涂齿龈上,重者不过二、三度。(《圣惠方》) ⑦治痔疮:牛蒡子根、漏芦根,嫩猪大肠服。(《重庆草药》) ⑧治瘿:鼠粘草根汤洗,细切除皮者一升,以水三升,煮取一升半,分温三服,服相去如人行四、五里一服,宜服六剂。(《救急方》) ⑨治耳卒肿:牛蒡根净洗细切,捣绞取汁一升,于银锅中熬成膏,涂于肿上。(《圣惠方》) ⑩治虚弱脚软无力:牛蒡子根炖鸡、炖肉服。(《重庆草药》)   Root of Great Burdock/Niu Bang (8 oz) People take burdock to increase urine flow, kill germs, reduce fever, and “purify” their blood. It is also used to treat colds, cancer, anorexia nervosa, gastrointestinal (GI) complaints, joint pain (rheumatism), gout, bladder infections, complications of syphilis, and skin conditions including acne and psoriasis.  


  • #412430 五指毛桃 五指牛奶 五爪龍 8oz

    五指毛桃 五指牛奶 五爪龍 8oz

    五指毛桃  五指牛奶  五爪龍 8oz 为旋花科植物五爪金龍的根或莖葉。秋季採收,切段曬乾 性味---甘;性平;入肝、肺、腎、膀胱四經。 功效---为桑科植物裂掌榕的根。 健脾化濕,行氣化痰,舒筋活絡。用于肺結核咳嗽,慢性支氣管炎,風濕性關節炎,腰腿疼,脾虚浮腫,病後盗汗,白帶。也是食药同源的植物,經常飲用能增强人體免疫功能。 食療方 五指毛桃茯苓鸡汤 材料:五指毛桃30克,茯苓20克,陳皮5克,鷄半隻,薑3片(2人份)做法:將鷄焯水,藥材洗净,一同放入砂鍋中,大火燒開後轉中小火煲1個小時,加鹽調味即可食用。功效:健脾祛濕、潤肺化痰。 五指毛桃鸡骨草猪骨汤 材料:五指毛桃30克,鷄骨草30克,薏苡仁30克,猪骨500克(2人份)做法:將猪骨焯水,藥材洗净,一同放入砂鍋中,大火燒開後轉中小火煲1個小時,加鹽调味即可食用。功效:健脾祛濕、清熱解毒。

    $6.49 - $7.49


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