零食點心 & 飲料

82 products

  • La Cheeta 有機即食甘栗 300g La Cheeta 有機即食甘栗 300g

    La Cheeta 有機即食甘栗 300g

    La Cheeta 有機即食甘栗 300g 栗子的营养价值与益处:栗子不同于其他坚果和种子,热量较低、脂肪含量少,但富含矿物质、维生素和植物营养素,对健康有显著益处。栗子是优质膳食纤维的来源,每 100 克含有 8.1 克纤维(约为每日推荐量的 21%)。膳食纤维有助于降低血液胆固醇水平,并限制肠道对多余胆固醇的吸收。栗子还富含多种重要的 B 族维生素。每 100 克栗子提供 11% 的烟酸、29% 的维生素 B-6、100% 的硫胺素和 12% 的核黄素。


  • 话梅姜 话梅姜


    丹迪仕 话梅姜 Preserved Ginger 200g


  • Jia Bao Tangerine Damson Jia Bao Tangerine Damson

    Jia Bao Tangerine Damson

    佳宝 陈皮梅 广东老字号 话化类蜜饯 【净含量】200克 【原产地】中国


  • 盐津陈皮 盐津陈皮


    丹迪仕 盐津陈皮 Preserved Citrus Peel 180g


  • 台灣特產 化應子 乾果蜜餞 110g

    台灣特產 化應子 乾果蜜餞 110g

    台湾特产 海龙王牌 化应子 干果蜜饯110g HLW Preserved Plum 110g Dried plums, or prunes, are known for improving several health conditions, including constipation and osteoporosis. They Contain Many Nutrients Vitamin A: 5% of the RDI. Vitamin C: 10% of the RDI. Vitamin K: 5% of the RDI. Potassium: 3% of the RDI Known by many as the ‘Kingdom of Fruit’, Taiwan excels at growing a diverse array of delicious fruits that are available year-round thanks to Taiwan’s suitable climate, geographical location, skillful farmers, and creative use of agricultural technology. . . . Local people appreciate dried fruits as a gastronomic delight; they offer delectable flavors, convenient transport and storage, and ease of sharing while socializing with families and friends. Hence, dried fruits are popular snacks at festivals and parties.


  • 台灣特產 凍頂茶梅 乾果蜜餞 150g

    台灣特產 凍頂茶梅 乾果蜜餞 150g

    台湾特产 海龙王牌 冻顶茶梅 干果蜜饯150g HLW Dongding Sasanqua 150g Dong Ding Tea is a traditional Oolong from Taiwan that has a creamy, sweet, toasted nutty flavor with a mildly smoky, long-lasting finish. The tea gives an enchanting flavor to dried plum fruit.


  • 台灣特產 脆梅 乾果蜜餞 150g

    台灣特產 脆梅 乾果蜜餞 150g

    台湾特产 海龙王牌 脆梅 干果蜜饯150g  成分: 梅子,鹽,砂糖 HLW Cuimei 150g Ingredients: plums, salt, sugar  


  •  台灣特產 碳熏烏梅 乾果蜜餞 130g

    台灣特產 碳熏烏梅 乾果蜜餞 130g

    台湾特产 海龙王牌 碳熏乌梅 干果蜜饯 130g HLW Carbon Smoked Plum 130g A rich smoky flavor and proven health benefits:  It is used to treat ascariasis (intestinal parasite), vomiting, cough, and diarrhea. It is reported to relieve phlegm, inhibit intestinal motility, and fight bacteria in pharmacologic experiments. Researchers have shown a diet containing dried plums can positively affect microbiota, also referred to as gut bacteria, throughout the colon, helping reduce the risk of colon cancer.


  • 咀香園 甘草欖 澳門特產 140g

    咀香園 甘草欖 澳門特產 140g

    咀香园 澳门特产 甘草橄榄 140g 成分:青橄榄,甘草,蜂蜜,盐,糖,香料 天口㷫最啱就係食啲酸嘢喇!食酸嘢嘅時侯,口水分泌會增加,同時有助生津止渴、健胃消食嘅功效。   Choi Heong Yuen Bakery Liquorice Olive 140g Ingredients: green olives, licorice, honey, salt, sugar, spices A common traditional Chinese sweetmeat, this healing snack consists of crisp yellow olives coated in a thin layer of licorice root powder that imparts a salty sweetness to its dried flesh. Used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat everything from coughs to gastric discomforts or to detoxify the body, olives and licorice are healthy nibbles that make a wonderful addition to your diet to open up the appetite! Avoid during pregnancy.


  • 咀香園 甘草檸檬王 澳門特產 140g

    咀香園 甘草檸檬王 澳門特產 140g

    咀香园 澳门特产 甘草 柠檬王 140g 成分:柠檬,甘草粉,蜂蜜,盐,糖,甜味剂,酸味剂,防腐剂 Ingredients: lemon, honey, liquorice, salt, sugar, sweetener, sour agent, preservative 夏天又悶又熱,淨係想狂飲水止渴,仲邊有胃口食好嘢?!依啲時候真係要澳門咀香園嘅甘草檸檬王為你嘅胃口開路,佢味道酸酸甜甜,即刻刺激你味蕾~幫你解渴之餘,嗒多兩嗒更令你瞬間開胃,等美食可以全面進場!


  • 咀香園 檸汁薑 澳門特產 140g

    咀香園 檸汁薑 澳門特產 140g

    咀香园 澳门特产 柠汁姜 140g 成分:薑,桂皮,丁香,檸檬,鹽,糖,食用糖精,甜味劑,酸味劑,防腐劑 Ingredients: Ginger, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, salt, sugar, saccharin, sweetener, acid, preservative


  • 新会陈皮村 陈皮丝 100g 新会陈皮村 陈皮丝 100g

    新会陈皮村 陈皮丝 100g

    陈皮村 2013新会陈皮丝100g 正宗新会陈皮丝,精选2013年足年份陈皮制作而成。用途广泛,可用于烹饪增香、药膳调理、泡茶品茗、泡制陈皮水,或加入糖水提升口感风味。 XinHui 2013 ChenPiSi / Tangerine Peel Strips 100g Authentic XinHui Dried Tangerine Peel Strips, crafted from premium 2013 vintage peels.Versatile in use, perfect for enhancing flavors in cooking, medicinal recipes, tea brewing, making tangerine peel water, or adding to desserts for a delightful taste boost.



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