
21 products

  • 15% OFF
    澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g) 澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g)

    澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g)

    澳洲极品 维多利亚清汤鲍鱼 二头/罐 (425g) 鲍鱼是名贵的“海珍品”之一,味道鲜美,营养丰富,被誉为海洋“软黄金”。鲍鱼是名贵的海洋食用贝类,被誉为“餐桌黄金,海珍之冠”,其肉质细嫩、营养丰富。 鲜品可食部分蛋白质24%、脂肪0.44%;干品含蛋白质40%、糖元33.7%、脂肪0.9%以及多种维生素和微量元素,是一种对人体非常有利的高蛋白、低脂肪食物。鲍鱼因富含谷氨酸,味道非常鲜美。 罐头鲍鱼,亦称汤鲍,因其便于携带、食用方便、保质期长,能在一定程度上保持鲜活鲍鱼的风味,因此成为欧美、澳洲等国鲍鱼的主要加工和销售方式。 成分:鮑魚、水、鹽、復合磷酸、抗氧劑罐頭净重:425g 鲍鱼肉净重:213g 產品有效日期:03/24/2025  


  • 15% OFF
    精選 生曬 南非 紅螺頭 (16 oz) 精選 生曬 南非 紅螺頭 (16 oz)

    精選 生曬 南非 紅螺頭 (16 oz)

    精选 生晒  南非红螺头(16oz/包) 红螺的贝壳呈球状,壳质坚厚,表面生有肋纹及棘突。壳口内面很光滑,呈橘红色,所以便获得了红螺的名称。它们的肉特别是足部的肌肉肥厚,也同鲍鱼一样,是很好的海产食品。 红螺肉含丰富的蛋白质,无机盐及多种维生素,性味甘凉,具有清热明目等作用,如配以山珍之晶竹荪,不仅味鲜美,而且营养价值也很高。以此做汤含有较高的蛋白质、碳水化事物,以及人体所必需的多种氨基酸。具有养肝明目、滋肾补中的功效。常吃可治疗脾胃虚弱、神经,衰弱、两目昏花、视物不清等症。 材料:红螺头150克、竹荪80克、猪骨400克、赤小豆80克、生姜4片。 烹制:红螺头用盐水搓擦洗净;竹荪、赤小豆温水浸泡发好;猪骨切段。一起下瓦煲,加清水2500毫升(约10碗量),武火滚沸后改文火煲约2小时,下少许盐便可。为4~5人用。 Dried Red Conch Meat (16oz) Conch possess anti-cancer properties and boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. An average snail is comprised of 80% water, 15% protein, and 2.4% fat. They contain essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K, and B12...Why we should eat it: Virtually fat-free, carbohydrate-free, and sugar-free, escargot is an excellent source of lean protein. They're rich in iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Like other mollusks, snails are a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the brain produce serotonin.Conch Meat Bamboo Fungus SoupIngredients: 150 grams of red conch meat, 80 grams of bamboo fungus [aka dried white bamboo, bamboo pith, Phallus indusiatus] 400 grams of pork bones, 80 grams of red [adzuki] beans, 4 slices of ginger.    Cooking: Rub the conch meat with saltwater and scrub it; soak the bamboo fungus and chi xio dou [adzuki] in warm water; cut into sections. Put it in a  pot and add 2,500 ml of water (about 10 bowls). After is boiled, change to a simmer for about 2 hours. Finally, add a little salt, then serve for 4~5 people.

    $57.80 - $74.80

  • 10% OFF
    帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g) 帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g)

    帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g)

    帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼 两头 罐装(425g)  罐頭鮑魚:將新鮮鮑魚製成入罐。由放罐中注湯,亦稱湯鮑。  Emperor Brand  Australian Abalone (425g) ● Contains 1 and 1/2 pcs● Canned in Australia The can contains 1 and 1/2 pieces of large abalone (marine snail.) It is canned in Australia and known as soup abalone. You can use the abalone and sauce in the can to make a delicious soup.  Abalone (marine snail), fresh and rich, are extremely delicious and nutritious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.  Pregnant women who consume Omega-3 may have healthy and intelligent children and it also improves the quality of breast milk. Omega-3 is essential for improving mental and physical health of the baby. When compared to protein sources such as beef, tuna, salmon or eggs, snail protein content is higher than all sources except mutton. Snail contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12. Vitamin A is beneficial for the health of the eyes, while vitamin E may act as an antioxidant. Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that is needed to prevent and control diabetes. Snail provides choline which is an essential component of the nervous system and is a high source of iron. Snail contains high levels of magnesium. Magnesium plays important roles in the body, which is needed for more than 325 enzymatic reactions, including involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins and nucleic acids, neural activity, muscle contraction and relaxation, cardiac activity and bone metabolism. Chinese cooks add canned snails to soups and stir fries along with pork, dried scallops, mushrooms, chicken or goose meat or prepared sea cucumber. Do not overcook them. They will be tender and delicious.


  • 10% OFF
    Domaine Faivele Musigny Grand Cru 2018

    Domaine Faivele Musigny Grand Cru 2018

    This item only can pick up at our store. Domaine Faiveley combines the principles of modern winemaking methods with the time honored traditions that have been practiced for centuries within their 19th century cellars. Each terroir and each vintage, benefits from special attention which makes the cuvées unique. Each bottle therefore becomes the faithful reflection of its terroir. Terroir: The famed vineyard of Musigny sits high on the hillside adjacent to Echézeaux to the south and Clos de Vougeot direct below. Domaine Faiveley owns approximately .08 acres of the heavily divided 30 acre vineyard. Exposure is mainly east/ southeast with soils of shallow limestone, red clay and gravel. Vinification: Grapes are hand harvested and sorted upon arrival at the domaine. Following a short maceration the must undergoes primary fermentation in a combination of stainless steel and wooden vats. The young wines are aged in 70% lightly toasted new oak barrels for 16 to 18 months.  


  • 15% OFF
    Domaine Armand Rousseau Chambertin Grand Cru 2015

    Domaine Armand Rousseau Chambertin Grand Cru 2015

    This item only can pick up at our store. Vin Amok: 97. Unbelievable textured. Well, yes this wine is young, yet so smooth as velvet. Supple tannins and layers of charming fruit, truffles, wild mushrooms and a very fine herbal touch. What a treat! True tour de force, no less. And a special thanks to my 3,000 followers, what a milestone! --!! Donners !!


  • In-Store Pickup Only
    Macallan 25 Years Sherry Cask

    Macallan 25 Years Sherry Cask

    Macallan 25 Years Sherry Cask is a remarkable single malt Scotch whisky from Speyside. It uses "Golden Promise" barley and is distilled in small stills. Aged for at least 25 years in Spanish sherry casks, it shows a beautiful color and has a complex aroma of citrus, cinnamon, sherry, and dried fruits. The taste is full-bodied, smooth, and rich in flavors. With a long finish and limited availability, it's highly prized by collectors for its quality and potential value.


  • SALE
    Richard G. Peterson Pinot Noir 2019

    Richard G. Peterson Pinot Noir 2019

    94 points Antonio Galloni (Vinous): "The 2019 Pinot Noir is racy and exuberant right out of the glass. Crushed flowers, sweet red berry fruit, blood orange, rose petal, mocha and spice abound. Racy and ripe, yet also understated the Pinot is absolutely joyous in 2019. Drink: 2021-2027. (Jan 2022)"94 points James Suckling: "This is really beautiful and balanced with bright fruit and hints of orange peel. Medium-bodied with creamy tannins and a long, flavorful finish. Bright acidity. Best ever. Such finesse and brightness. Drink now. (Nov 2021)"


  • 15% OFF
    日本蠔豉 蛎干 16oz

    日本蠔豉 蛎干 16oz

    日本 蠔豉 蚝豉 牡蛎干 L #380 需要保持冷藏  蚝豉,也称“蛎干”,一种海味,牡蛎(也称蚝)肉的干制品。是广东人民春节必食的菜肴。 春节是吃蚝好时机,蚝肉肥美,富含蛋白质,但忌豪吃,每天最好只吃一餐蚝肉,蚝豉的烹饪要注意食物的配伍原则。 购买蚝豉要注意几个原则:第一,看产地,一般认为日本产的最佳;湛江、潮汕等地的居次;珠海、深圳的也不错,但广州产的就不值得恭维。第二,手捏蚝豉的感觉要干和饱满,这意味着蚝肉新鲜、肉质丰富。第三,闻起来要有蚝香味。第四,观察颜色,金黄色蚝豉才是上品。 买好食材后,如果不是立即食用,就要注意保管问题,最好冷藏,并且一个月内吃掉,否则一旦空气侵蚀了蚝干,不仅流失了美味,而且对身体也不好。 Japanese Dried Oyster KEEP REFRIGERATED Dried oysters are famous for regulating body organs and supplementing weak functions, nourishing the Yin and the blood, invigorating the kidneys and strengthens male functions. Rich in proteins and various nutrients, and is a precious food for improving skin and beauty. Oysters are extremely rich in zinc, which is essential for testosterone production and maintenance of healthy sperm. And even though women have much less testosterone than men, it also plays a key part in the female libido. Oysters also boost dopamine, a hormone that increases libido in both men and women. Dried oysters, or ho see, are small, glossy and slightly shriveled, with a chewy texture and intense, salty-sweet flavour that is vastly different from the briny, light, refreshing taste of fresh bivalves. The flavour can be overwhelming, so the oysters should be used in small quantities. . .  Dried oysters need to be rinsed and soaked in warm water. The soaking liquid has a lot of flavour and can be included in the dish in place of broth or plain water. If the oysters are to be used whole in a stir-fry, steam them to soften further. Here is a healthy recipe useful for breakfast or for recovery from illness or fatigue: Rice congee with dried scallops and dried oysters Seafood Rice Congee Ingredients:  1 cup medium-grain rice soaked for 30 minutes  12 cups filtered water  1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1 carrot, diced  6 dried oysters, pre-soaked  4  dried scallops, pre-soaked  2 scallions (aka spring onions), chopped  Soak dried oysters and scallops in cold water separately for at least 2 hours to soften them. Retain the soaking liquid. Shred the scallops, and cut oysters into small pieces. Peel carrot and dice into small cubes. Wash and rinse the rice several times. Place rice in a pot, add water and seafood liquid (used to soak the dried seafood), and bring to a boil. Add oysters, carrots, and 1 tsp oil. Let the congee boil, then lower heat to let it bubble for 20 minutes. Add the shredded scallops, and let congee simmer for 20-30 minutes. Do stir occasionally to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot. Turn heat off, and serve garnished with sliced spring onion. From the manufacturer:   Oyster sauce, also called "dried oyster" is dried seafood, (also called oyster meat.) It is a must-eat dish for the people of Guangdong during the Spring Festival [Chinese New Year]. The Spring Festival is a good time to eat oysters. Oyster meat is plump and rich in protein, but avoid excessive consumption. It is best to eat only one meal a day. When cooking oyster, pay attention to the principle of food compatibility. There are a few principles to pay attention to when buying oysters:  First, look at the place of production. Generally speaking, the best are produced in Japan; after that Zhanjiang, Chaoshan and other places are second; Zhuhai and Shenzhen are also good, but Guangzhou produced is not worthy of compliment.  Second, the oyster sauce should feel dry and full by hand, which means that the oyster meat is fresh and rich.  Third, it should smell of oysters [fresh, mild, and tasty].  Fourth, observe the color, golden oyster sauce is the top grade. After buying the ingredients, if you don't eat them immediately, you must pay attention to storage. It is best to refrigerate and eat them within one month, otherwise once the air erodes the dried oysters, it will not only lose the deliciousness but also be bad for the body.

    $21.24 - $39.94

  • 15% OFF
    Orin Swift 8-Year In The Desert Red St Helena California 2019

    Orin Swift 8-Year In The Desert Red St Helena California 2019

    Winemaker Notes Heady aromas of brambly raspberry, black fig, and peppercorn dominate; time in glass exposes more—dark chocolate, fennel, and High Sierra forest floor. The palate is lush and opulent with blackberries, dark plums, and currants. More flavors add to the quality of the blend—a visceral minerality and fresh Herbs de Provence. Fully integrated with puckering tannins, the wine bows out with finesse. 53% Zinfandel, 23% Syrah, 20% Petite Sirah, 4% Grenache


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    印尼爪哇 天然 原色燕盏/燕窝(227g/454g/600g/盒)

    永合豐 印尼爪哇 天然 原色燕盏/燕窝(227g/454g/600g/盒) 品牌: 永合豐 品名: 印尼爪哇燕盞 產地: 印度尼西亞 爪哇島 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 8-10倍 保質期: 三年 淨含量: 227g/ 454g / 600g 等級: 一級 含水率: 10%-15% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 此燕窩產品為純天然手工加工產品,會有輕微絨毛殘留。由於此產品未經過任何漂白和漂洗,更適合孕婦滋補食用。請在食用前多清洗兩到三次。如果有任何顧慮,請勿購買此產品。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心  質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -   For over 1,200 years, Asian people have enjoyed processed swallow’s nests prepared as a soup. The nests have high nutritional and medicinal value, with anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Some people use the soup to improve complexion quality, due to the high collagen content, and to improve concentration and raise libido. Bird's Nest is also a good supplement for growing children: Bird's Nest contains proteins, amino acids and minerals essential for healthy development. According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, regular consumption of Bird's Nest helps prevent colds and flu. Wing Hop Fung Brand Natural Bird’s Nest, First Class Grade, is unbleached. The origin is Indonesia from Java Island. Net content: 227g/ 454g/ 600g Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. Shelf life is three years.Bird’s Nest is highly suitable for pregnant women, as well as men and women who wish to remain healthy and beautiful. It is rich in glycoprotein, collagen, amino acids, antioxidants, hormones and various minerals. Have Bird’s Nest soup on an empty stomach or ½ hour before meals to enhance absorption. It is “neutral” in temperature, neither too heating nor cooling for the body. It enters the lung, stomach and kidney meridians. Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women. The method of stewing: Soak for 2-4 hours, clean and change the water, and simmer for 30 minutes.This bird's nest product is purely natural and hand-processed without bleaching and rinsing. It is darker in color which is a suitable tonic for pregnant women. Please wash two or three more times before eating. If you have any individual concerns, please do not purchase this product.Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.REFRIGERATE All BIRD'S NESTS. They are shipped Same Day Shipping or 2nd Day Shipping. Other options risk deterioration of the product. Purchases are not refundable.

    $781.20 - $1,708.20

  • 10% OFF
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    印尼爪哇 纯天然原色 大三角 燕盏/燕窝 (8oz/2.65oz/盒)

    印尼爪哇 纯天然原色 大三角 燕盏/燕窝 5-8 片/兩 品牌: 永合豐 產地: 印度尼西亞 原料: 一级 天然燕窩 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 7-8倍 保質期: 二年 含水率: 10%-15% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 此燕窩產品為純天然手工加工產品,會有輕微絨毛殘留。由於此產品未經過任何漂白和漂洗,更適合孕婦滋補食用。請在食用前多清洗兩到三次。如果有任何顧慮,請勿購買此產品。 永合豐燕窩的金絲燕是在受保護的莊園培育,良好的生態環境為這些珍稀鳥類提供了一個舒適的環境,以產生這種高價值的燕窩,有質量保證。所有的燕窩都需要保持冷藏,當天發貨或第二天發貨。建議UPS 2nd Day Air®或UPS Next Day Air®,使用其他運輸選項導致產品運輸途中變質,不予退還。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心   質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -     Wing Hop Fung Java Original Bird's Nest A beautiful gift or precious treat for your health and beauty. Bird’s nests (yàn wō) are a rare Asian delicacy that has been passed down by generations of beautiful women. It has high protein content (about 70%), namely collagen. The main health and beauty benefits of bird's nest soup are: Skin health and repair. Easy to digest (for absorption of nutrients) Postnatal health supplement. Reduces fatigue. Enhances nerve functions. Increases immunity. Anti-aging Super-food supplement. Restores damaged cells and stimulates new cell growth.   Wing Hop Fung set up bird's nest processing plant in Bali, Indonesia  Three times more manpower and sanitation equipment than the same industry to ensure safety and reliability  100% natural, no bleaching, no additives, no preservatives Color: Unbleached Grade: Five Stars  Shelf life: three years  Storage method: Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. This product is suitable for everyone: pregnant women, men, and women. Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women  Method of preparation for the swallow's nest: Soak in cold water for 6 hours or overnight, change the water twice, and clean any lasting foreign particles. The nest expands after soaking. Simmer in a double boiler for 30 minutes. It tastes smooth and clean after stewing. It can be cooked with sweet fruit such as an Asian pear or add red dates and goji berries.  Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where top quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.   All BIRD'S NESTS MUST BE REFRIGERATED. NEXT DAY SHIPPING or 2ND DAY SHIPPING. Other shipping options cause deterioration of the products. Purchases are not refundable.

    $251.09 - $710.09

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    永合豐 貢品級 天然官燕燕盞/燕窝(8 oz/盒)

    永合豐 貢品級 天然官燕燕盞/燕窝(8 oz/盒) 品牌: 永合豐 品名: 天然貢品級 官燕燕盞 產地: 印度尼西亞 色澤: 米白色 發頭: 8-10倍 保質期: 三年 淨含量: 600 g/16兩 等級: 一級 含水率: 10%-15% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您 買得放心 吃的舒心  質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -   WHF Supreme Bird's Nest (8oz/box) A beautiful gift or precious treat for your health and beauty  Bird’s nests (yàn wō) are a rare Asian delicacy that has been passed down by generations of beautiful women. It has high protein content (about 70%), namely collagen. The main health and beauty benefits of bird's nest soup are: Skin health and repair. Easy to digest (for absorption of nutrients) Postnatal health supplement. Reduces fatigue. Enhances nerve functions. Increases immunity. Anti-aging Super-food supplement. Restores damaged cells and stimulates new cell growth. Bird's nest is a traditional precious natural tonic that has been consumed in China since the Ming Dynasty. It has traditionally been an effective tonic for emperors and nobles. The bird's nest is formed by condensing saliva from the swiftlet swallow of the same genus. The bird's nest is high in protein, with a delicate fragrance and a slight stickiness when chewed. Since ancient times, bird's nest has been regarded as fine food and precious product for nourishing yin body fluids and beauty.   Wing Hop Fung set up bird's nest processing plant in Bali, Indonesia  Three times more manpower and sanitation equipment than the same industry to ensure safety and reliability  100% natural, no bleaching, no additives, no preservatives Color: Unbleached Grade: Five Stars  Shelf life: three years  Storage method: Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. This product is suitable for everyone: pregnant women, men, and women. Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women  Method of preparation for the swallow's nest: Soak in cold water for 6 hours or overnight, change the water twice, and clean any lasting foreign particles. The nest expands after soaking. Simmer in a double boiler for 30 minutes. It tastes smooth and clean after stewing. It can be cooked with sweet fruit such as an Asian pear or add red dates and goji berries.  Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where top quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.   All BIRD'S NESTS MUST BE REFRIGERATED. NEXT DAY SHIPPING or 2ND DAY SHIPPING. Other shipping options cause deterioration of the products. Purchases are not refundable. Bird's nest is a traditional precious natural tonic that has been consumed in China since the Ming Dynasty. It has been an effective tonic for emperors and nobles. Now you can enjoy its beauty and health benefits.  



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