Packaged Black Tea

A great treasure from Asia is the many varieties of delicious, healing teas that began in ancient China and Japan. Wing Hop Fung specializes in a wide tea selection that improves digestion, weight loss, and mood.


Twinbirds Tea Collection Twinbirds Tea Collection Tea is serenity, medication, peace and everything a lover adore. Directly from our tea gardens in China and Japan.

A great treasure from Asia is the many varieties of delicious, healing teas that began in ancient China and Japan. Wing Hop Fung specializes in a wide tea selection that improves digestion, weight loss, and mood.

21 products

  • 正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种野茶100克 特级红茶 正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种野茶100克 特级红茶

    正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种野茶100克 特级红茶

    正山堂茶业 武夷山桐木关 正山小种野茶100克 特级红茶 ZST Lapsang Souchong / Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong Black Tea (100 g/TIN) The name Lapsang Souchong came from Wuyi Rock Tea... Its name was recorded as early as the year 1734 when the name Souchong or Xiao-Zhong referred to the best quality tea trees grown at the rocky area of Wuyi mountain which was used to produce oolong tea. The smoky aroma is produced from burning pine wood that enters the processing building through the flue, allowing the smoky flavor to permeate through the small gaps between the bamboo in which the tea is stored. ... Made in this way, the Lapsang Souchong black tea takes on a distinctive smoky scent both on its dry tea and tea liquid. Lapsang souchong was first created in 1646, as civilians in the Wuyi Mountain areas fled from Qing soldiers who were advancing through the area on their Manchu unification campaign against the Southern Ming. Before they fled, to avoid spoilage of newly plucked leaves, batches were quickly dried over pinewood fire and buried in sacks. Afterward, the tea leaves were shipped and sold to the Dutch traders. At the time, the months-long journey from China to Europe necessitated preservation methods and the partial oxidation of this Wuyi tea, an oolong tea graded as bohea or souchong, was better able to preserve its quality. The smoky souchong tea became popular.     厂名:福建武夷山国家级自然保护区正山茶业有限公司 厂址:武夷山市星村镇桐木村庙湾 配料表:红茶 储藏方法:干燥、防潮、常温、防晒、避光、防异味 保质期:1095 天 食品添加剂:无 产品名称:元正正山堂 正山堂/野茶/... 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 罐装 茶种类: 正山小种 级别: 特级 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 城市: 武夷山市 食品工艺: 小种红茶 品牌: 元正正山堂 系列: 正山堂/野茶/100g/罐  


  • 2023 松针古树红茶(6g * 12 bags) 2023 松针古树红茶(6g * 12 bags)

    2023 松针古树红茶(6g * 12 bags)

    云南松针红茶是一种来自中国云南省的特色茶品。它以其独特的香气、口感和健康功效而闻名。这种红茶采用云南本地的松针作为原料,经过精心加工而成。以下是一些关于云南松针红茶的特点和优点: 独特的口感:云南松针红茶具有浓郁的香气和醇厚的口感,带有一丝松针的清香,令人回味无穷。 丰富的营养:松针红茶富含多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素C、氨基酸和儿茶素,有助于提高免疫力和保持健康。 滋润肌肤:松针红茶中的多酚等成分具有抗氧化和抗衰老的作用,可以帮助保持肌肤的健康和光滑。 消化调理:喝松针红茶有助于促进消化,减轻胃部不适和消化不良的症状。 放松神经:松针红茶中的茶多酚和咖啡碱能够起到提神醒脑、放松身心的作用,有助于缓解压力和焦虑。


  • Tin) Tin)

    No.9 Yinghong Bailu Black Tea (145g/Tin)

    英红九号白露茶 (145g/罐) 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 广东英德Yingde, Guangdong 茶类Sort: 红茶Black Tea 等级Level: 特级Premium 采摘Season: 白露节气White Dew Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 避光防潮,隔氧,適合玻璃器皿。Store in a light-proof, moisture-proof, and oxygen-isolating container, preferably glassware. 保质期Shelf life: 18个月18 months 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 白露节气时采摘的茶叶,属老樹英九红茶的一种。这种茶的口感香甜,香气高扬,具有明显的甜香、蜜香和一丝标志性的甜薯香。其甜度适中,口感甜醇绵密,滋味平和甘醇,每一泡的口感变化不大,没有刺激性和收敛性。The tea leaves harvested during the White Dew season belong to a variety of Old Tree Ying Jiu Hong tea. This tea has a sweet taste with a high, uplifting aroma, featuring distinct notes of sweetness, honey, and a hint of signature sweet potato fragrance. Its sweetness is moderate, and the taste is smooth and mellow, with a balanced and mellow flavor. The taste remains consistent with each infusion, without any bitterness or astringency. 【制作工艺 Production Process】 老樹英九白露秋茶是在白露节气时采摘的茶叶,一般采的是一芽一叶或嫩芽。制作过程中,鲜叶需要经过八至十四小时的萎凋,然后进行机器揉捻、发酵八小时,最后炒干成茶。从采茶到成品一般需要1天的时间。Old Tree Ying Jiu White Dew Autumn Tea is harvested during the White Dew season, typically consisting of one bud and one leaf or tender buds. During the production process, the fresh leaves undergo withering for eight to fourteen hours, followed by machine rolling and an eight-hour fermentation, and then are finally pan-fried to dry into tea. The entire process from plucking to finished tea generally takes one day. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 老树英九红茶的干茶条索肥壮紧结,茶叶较为匀整,色泽乌黑油润,金毫显露。金毫的多少会因等级不同有所差异,等级越高,金毫越丰富。The dry leaves of Old Tree Ying Jiu Hong Tea are thick, tightly rolled, and relatively uniform. The leaves are dark black with an oily sheen, and the golden tips are visible. The amount of golden tips varies with the grade, with higher grades having more abundant golden tips. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 茶汤红浓明亮。The tea liquor is golden yellow and orange-yellow, clear and bright. The taste is rich, mellow, and fresh, with a refreshing sweetness in the aftertaste. 【风味 Tea Taste】 口感醇厚鮮爽甜滑香高氣扬。The tea liquor is rich and bright. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 红茶具有多种保健功效。其含有的咖啡碱可以刺激大脑皮质,提神醒脑、增强记忆力,并对血管和心脏产生兴奋作用,促进血液循环和新陈代谢。此外,红茶还能通过促进发汗和利尿来减轻疲劳。夏季饮用红茶还能生津清热,缓解口渴,调节体温,保持身体的生理平衡。同时,红茶的咖啡碱和芳香物质的组合有助于增加肾脏血流量,促进尿量增加。红茶中的多酚类成分还有助于抑制破坏骨细胞的物质,起到强壮骨骼的作用。Black tea offers a variety of health benefits. The caffeine it contains stimulates the cerebral cortex, helping to refresh the mind, enhance memory, and excite the cardiovascular system, promoting blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, black tea helps reduce fatigue by promoting sweating and urination. In summer, drinking black tea can quench thirst, clear heat, and regulate body temperature, maintaining physiological balance. The combination of caffeine and aromatic compounds in black tea also helps increase kidney blood flow and promote increased urine output. Furthermore, the polyphenols in black tea help inhibit substances that damage bone cells, contributing to stronger bones. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 老少咸宜。Suitable for all ages. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 玻璃或陶瓷盖碗。Glass or Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 一般每120毫升的水需要投放5克左右。冲泡水温一般控制在85℃-95℃之间。Typically, use about 5 grams of tea for every 120 milliliters of water. The brewing water temperature is generally controlled between 85°C and 95°C. 【冲泡次数 Number of brews】 一般8~9泡。Typically, 8 to 9 infusions. 【冲泡次数时间 Brewing time】 第一泡的时间约为30秒,后续每泡增加10秒。出汤时间要快,避免茶叶在水中浸泡过久,影响口感‌。The first infusion should last about 30 seconds, with each subsequent infusion increasing by 10 seconds. The steeping time should be kept short to avoid over-brewing the tea, which could affect the flavor.


  • 康巴天骄九龙高原红(礼盒) 康巴天骄九龙高原红(礼盒)


    #128151(藍色禮盒10gx20bags) 此茶產於四川九龍縣位於青藏高原東南部,是歷史記載中整個藏區的唯一產茶地,清朝雍正年間產的茶葉,曾作爲貢品送入宮中,稱爲“雪域貢品”。 九龍茶山平均海拔都在2000米以上,高寒空氣好,如同生長于人間天上的“天空之茶”,内含物豐富,茶葉葉片非常肥厚,條索粗壯結實,病蟲害少。此茶按照九曲紅梅的製作技藝,製作出高原雪域紅茶,清亮如琥珀的茶湯,入口清冽、口感甘潤醇和,甘甜綿柔有悠悠的花香,兼有紅茶的嬌柔、雪域的純净,喝過的人無不讚賞,2023年康巴天驕-絨巴雪域紅茶,成爲中國成都國際茶博會官方指定用茶,并在全國紅茶大賽中,獲得了金獎。  


  • 永合丰 吉祥纳福礼盒 (黃枝香125g+芝蘭香125g) 兩小罐 永合丰 吉祥纳福礼盒 (黃枝香125g+芝蘭香125g) 兩小罐

    永合丰 吉祥纳福礼盒 (黃枝香125g+芝蘭香125g) 兩小罐

    永合丰 吉祥纳福礼盒 (黃枝香125g+芝蘭香125g) 兩小盒 吉祥纳福礼盒 包括:黄枝香125g,芝蘭香125g 凤凰栀子乌龙茶是由中国广东自宋代以来就有的茶树栽培而成。 据说它们曾经只为皇室保留。 如今,由于产量有限,这种茶仍然很稀有,但现在可以享受到其丰富而复杂的风味。凤凰单丛芝蘭香,特点是兰花香气幽雅,汤色橙黄,香气浓郁,滋味醇厚。 单丛级芝兰香气浓郁,回味甘甜。 茶叶卷紧,色泽黑褐色,油润有光泽,具有兰花的天然香气。 香气浓郁持久,汤色橙黄明亮,味道醇厚正宗,回味甘甜浓郁。 由于采用传统工艺和中度至高度木炭烘烤,因此具有很强的耐冲泡性。 凤凰单丛黄枝香,特点是香气清高,带黄栀花香,汤色金黄,滋味醇厚,耐冲泡。品质特点:条索硕长。紧结较直,色青绿,尚润。黄枝香单枞是高香型凤凰单枞类型之一,


  • 2023年 古树红茶礼盒(312gs) 2023年 古树红茶礼盒(312gs)

    2023年 古树红茶礼盒(312gs)

    野生红茶是一种独特的茶品,常常源自于自然生长的野生茶树。这些茶树往往生长在山野、丛林或荒地中,没有接受过人工栽培或农药处理。由于生长环境的不同,野生红茶通常具有与传统红茶不同的口感特点。采摘时,通常只选择最嫩的茶芽和叶子,加工过程可能更为简单,以保留茶叶的自然特点。 野生红茶的独特之处在于它的口感和营养价值。由于野生茶树在自然环境中生长,茶叶可能具有更浓郁的花香或果香,同时保留一些野生茶树的自然味道。此外,野生红茶可能含有更多的天然营养物质,如抗氧化剂和维生素,这些营养物质有助于维持身体健康。 然而,野生红茶也因其特殊的生长环境和采摘工艺而显得稀有。野生茶树的生长地点通常难以访问,采摘工艺可能更为复杂,这导致野生红茶相对于传统红茶来说更为稀有。因此,野生红茶不仅是一种享受口感的茶品,也是一种代表自然美的珍贵收藏品。


  • 2023年野生古树红茶(6g * 12 bags) 2023年野生古树红茶(6g * 12 bags)

    2023年野生古树红茶(6g * 12 bags)

    野生红茶是一种独特的茶品,常常源自于自然生长的野生茶树。这些茶树往往生长在山野、丛林或荒地中,没有接受过人工栽培或农药处理。由于生长环境的不同,野生红茶通常具有与传统红茶不同的口感特点。采摘时,通常只选择最嫩的茶芽和叶子,加工过程可能更为简单,以保留茶叶的自然特点。 野生红茶的独特之处在于它的口感和营养价值。由于野生茶树在自然环境中生长,茶叶可能具有更浓郁的花香或果香,同时保留一些野生茶树的自然味道。此外,野生红茶可能含有更多的天然营养物质,如抗氧化剂和维生素,这些营养物质有助于维持身体健康。 然而,野生红茶也因其特殊的生长环境和采摘工艺而显得稀有。野生茶树的生长地点通常难以访问,采摘工艺可能更为复杂,这导致野生红茶相对于传统红茶来说更为稀有。因此,野生红茶不仅是一种享受口感的茶品,也是一种代表自然美的珍贵收藏品。


  • Chrysanthemum Black Tea (250g) Chrysanthemum Black Tea (250g)

    Chrysanthemum Black Tea (250g)

    小柠菊 (250g/罐) 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 中国福建Fujian, China 茶类Sort: 红茶Black Tea 等级Level: 一级Premium 采摘Season: 春季Spring Caffeine Level: ☆ 储存方法Storage: 避光防潮,隔氧,適合玻璃器皿。Store in a light-proof, moisture-proof, and oxygen-isolating container, preferably glassware. 保质期Shelf life: 18个月18 months 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 柠檬红茶小皇菊,加工而成,泡开后,滋味清爽香甜,带有红茶的果香,又有柠檬的清香,汤色金黄清澈。Lemon Black Tea with Chrysanthemum is processed and made from a blend of ingredients. Once brewed, it has a refreshing and sweet taste, with the fruity aroma of black tea and the refreshing fragrance of lemon. The liquor is golden and clear. 【制作工艺 Production Process】 新鲜的柠檬,滇红,金丝皇菊,加工烘焙而成。Fresh lemon, Dianhong tea, and Golden Silk Chrysanthemum are processed and baked to create this blend. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 整粒。whole. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 汤色金黄,花果柠檬香,滋味甜爽。The liquor is golden, with a floral and fruity lemon fragrance, and a sweet, refreshing taste. 【风味 Tea Taste】 柠檬花香。Lemon Blossom fragrance. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 富含丰富的维生素C,具有抗氧化,美容养颜,清热,开胃醒脾。Rich in vitamin C, it has antioxidant properties, promotes beauty, clears heat, and aids digestion. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 适合广泛人群。Suitable for a wide range of people. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 盖碗、壶。Teapot or Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 取岀柠檬菊,整个放入盖碗或壶中注水,开口向上,开水冲入顶部开口,5秒即可出汤,即可饮用。Take the lemon chrysanthemum and place it whole into a gaiwan or teapot, with the opening facing upwards. Pour hot water into the top opening, and the tea will be ready to brew in 5 seconds, ready for drinking. 【冲泡次数 Number of brews】 可重复冲泡。It can be re-brewed multiple times. 【冲泡次数时间 Brewing time】 随着冲泡次数增加而增加冲泡时间。Increase the brewing time with each subsequent infusion.


  • 康巴天骄绒巴雪域红(礼盒装) 康巴天骄绒巴雪域红(礼盒装)


    #128151(藍色禮盒10gx20bags) 此茶產於四川九龍縣位於青藏高原東南部,是歷史記載中整個藏區的唯一產茶地,清朝雍正年間產的茶葉,曾作爲貢品送入宮中,稱爲“雪域貢品”。 九龍茶山平均海拔都在2000米以上,高寒空氣好,如同生長于人間天上的“天空之茶”,内含物豐富,茶葉葉片非常肥厚,條索粗壯結實,病蟲害少。此茶按照九曲紅梅的製作技藝,製作出高原雪域紅茶,清亮如琥珀的茶湯,入口清冽、口感甘潤醇和,甘甜綿柔有悠悠的花香,兼有紅茶的嬌柔、雪域的純净,喝過的人無不讚賞,2023年康巴天驕-絨巴雪域紅茶,成爲中國成都國際茶博會官方指定用茶,并在全國紅茶大賽中,獲得了金獎。



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