
77 products

  • Brewing Basket M Brewing Basket

    德国芬伦 原生纤维茶袋 (100个/盒)

    BREWING BASKET M – The micro-fine permanent filter. The finum® permanent filters offer  ample room for tea leaves to unfold and to release their full flavor. They are made of stainless-steel  micro-mesh in a heat-tolerant frame  from BPA-free material. These filters are durable and dishwasher-safe. The hat of the filter helps to prevent heat loss and doubles as drip-off tray. Highlights suitable for mugs & pots available in black, red, green and blue suitable for brewing tea, coffee or herbs with stainless-steel mesh suitable for brewing tea and coffee filter basket with hang-up hole BPA-free material lid serves as drip-off tray easy to clean, dishwasher-safe

  • 永合豐 压克力 旅行水杯 带滤网

    永合豐 压克力 旅行水杯 带滤网

    永合豐 压克力 旅行水杯 带滤网 杯体透明轻巧方便,附有滤网及可移动式提绳,旋转式杯盖,方便外出及旅行携带 15 fl oz. (7"H x 3“D) 不含BPA(双酚A,又称酚甲烷),不宜微波炉加热使用,宜手洗。


  • 豪派飘逸杯 耐热玻璃茶壶 过滤可拆洗泡茶壶 600ml 豪派飘逸杯 耐热玻璃茶壶 过滤可拆洗泡茶壶 600ml

    豪派飘逸杯 耐热玻璃茶壶 过滤可拆洗泡茶壶 600ml

    豪派飘逸杯 耐热玻璃茶壶 过滤可拆洗泡茶壶 茶具 冲茶器 防爆 600ml 造型时尚,设计新颖 使用方便,可冲泡红茶、花茶、绿茶等 手工吹制晶透玻璃 特设防烫手壶珠设计 采用食品级材料


  • 尚意 龙泉窑茶杯 尚意 龙泉窑茶杯

    尚意 龙泉窑茶杯

    尚意 龙泉窑茶杯 龙泉窑是中国历史上的一个名窑,宋代六大窑系。汉族传统制瓷工艺的珍品。因其主要产区在浙江省龙泉市而得名。 青厚釉瓷器以其莹润如玉的质地形成了自身独特的风格,成为了龙泉窑的代表。这类产品所使用的厚釉技术正是龙泉窑结合南北、融会官民窑业技术的创新成果。 Longquan kiln is a famous kiln in Chinese history, and it is one of the six major kiln series in the Song Dynasty. Treasures of traditional Chinese porcelain making craftsmanship. It is named after its main producing area is in Longquan City, Zhejiang Province.The thick-glazed porcelain has formed its own unique style with its lustrous and jade-like texture, and has become the representative of Longquan kiln. The thick glaze technology used in these products is the innovative result of Longquan kiln combining the north-south and the government and the civilian kiln industry technology.  


  • 酸枝木 不鏽鋼茶刀 酸枝木 不鏽鋼茶刀

    酸枝木 不鏽鋼茶刀

    酸枝木 不锈钢茶刀  Tea Needle,Tea Knife, Gongfu Tea Tool Set,,for Breaking Prying Tea Cake Brick  Overall Length: 15 cm, Handle length: 8 cm,Blade Length: 7 cm Creatively designed with your needs in mind Wooden + Metal Rivet Handle High-quality stainless steel blade WARNING:Sharps. Not for children under 3 yrs! 产品信息 刀刃:3CR13不锈钢 刀柄:酸枝木 铆钉:黄铜


  • 蝶恋花 工艺骨瓷茶漏 蝶恋花 工艺骨瓷茶漏

    蝶恋花 工艺骨瓷茶漏

    蝶恋花 工艺骨瓷茶漏  


  • 玉瓷觀音手茶架 玉瓷觀音手茶架


    Porcelain Kwan Yin Hand(玉瓷觀音手茶架) Material: Ceramic. Color: White. High quality and great value. Adorable Size: 3 Length x 2 Width x 1.7" Height. Perfect Gift: Air plant kit is a perfect gift choice for a birthday, housewarming or other special moments for your friends and family.


  • 養生時尚杯 陶瓷 过滤茶杯 马克杯 養生時尚杯 陶瓷 过滤茶杯 马克杯

    養生時尚杯 陶瓷 过滤茶杯 马克杯

    養生時尚杯 陶瓷 过滤茶杯 马克杯  Size 尺寸:12cm*8cm*8cm 中國陶瓷行業名牌,通過ISO9001國際質量管理體系認證 檢測結果證明養生瓷負離子含量遠高於普通瓷:養生瓷是一種納米複合活性生物陶瓷,中粹瓷業研發的養生瓷是有多種礦物元素、氧化金屬和陶瓷原料調配燒成的,是遠紅外綫轉換材料的最佳材質。 養生瓷的5大特點: 除氯---可將水中的氯快速分解,震蕩揮發 除臭---活化水質使水分子變小,分解水中異味並去除和吸附 排毒---長期飲用可分解殘留體内的重金屬、體脂肪、血脂肪,經代謝排出 抑菌---因震蕩分解單細胞病菌,使其無法繁殖 美容---可使皮膚保濕,預防斑、痘、瘡生長并有止癢、消炎效果 **内置式濾網設計,密集多孔式分佈,出水順暢,有效阻隔過濾茶渣,您可盡心享用。

  • 荷花 满堂 春怡心 蓋碗 荷花 满堂 春怡心 蓋碗

    荷花 满堂 春怡心 蓋碗

    荷花 满堂 春怡心 蓋碗 Item Information: Condition:100% Brand NewMaterial: PorcelainSpecifications:茶杯盖 teacup lid: 3.5 * 1.2茶杯 Tea cup: 3.7 * 1.2托盘 Tray: 4 * 1.1Colour : as the picture showsCraft : handmade Features: Easy to use and convenient. Family use, travel and gift options.


  • 彩繪四季 柔方茶巾 彩繪四季 柔方茶巾

    彩繪四季 柔方茶巾

    彩繪四季 柔方茶巾 (11inch * 11inch) 尺寸: 11inch * 11inch 主要特色:吸水力強、不掉棉絮、去污性強、不易破裂脫紗. 材质:棉纱 发货时会随机款式 Size: 11inch * 11inchMain features: strong water absorption, no lint loss, strong decontamination, not easy to break and take off yarn. Random styles will be delivered when shipped


  • 隔熱陶瓷保溫杯-380ml 陶瓷杯 咖啡杯 水杯 茶杯 隔熱陶瓷保溫杯-380ml 陶瓷杯 咖啡杯 水杯 茶杯

    隔熱陶瓷保溫杯-380ml 陶瓷杯 咖啡杯 水杯 茶杯

    隔熱陶瓷保溫杯-380ml 陶瓷杯 杯子 咖啡杯 水杯 隨行杯

  • 美灶紅玲珑玻璃公道杯350ML 美灶紅玲珑玻璃公道杯350ML


    產品特徵 高硼矽玻璃,美觀透亮;壺口鷹嘴設計出水流暢;兼顧把手承重好安全舒適;採用高硼矽玻璃,晶瑩剔透,質感好。具有較強的機械強度及急冷急熱溫度變化有很強的性能表現。對酸鹼等化學的耐腐蝕力很強。容易清洗,且不吸附茶的味道。 產品用途主要適用於:可適用於綠茶,紅茶,花茶,烏龍茶,普洱茶,工藝花茶,水果茶等衛茶器具,廣泛應用於咖啡,酒店,茶館,西餐廳等場所,有較高的觀賞性,趣味性,提升的不僅僅是您的生活品味。 Product features High borosilicate glass, beautiful and bright;The spout olecranon is designed to produce smooth water;Take into account the handle's load-bearing safety and comfort;Using high borosilicate glass, crystal clear, good texture.It has strong mechanical strength and strong performance in rapid cooling and rapid heating temperature changes.It has strong corrosion resistance to chemicals such as acid and alkali.Easy to clean and does not absorb the taste of tea. Product Usage:Mainly applicable: It can be applied to green tea, black tea, scented tea, oolong tea, Pu'er tea, craft scented tea, fruit tea and other sanitary tea utensils, widely used in coffee, hotels, tea houses, western restaurants and other places, with high ornamental and interesting Sex, enhances more than just your life style. Size(inch): 5.5 * 3.5 * 4



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