Winter Treasures: Cordyceps
, by Web Admin, 3 min reading time
, by Web Admin, 3 min reading time
Winter Treasures: Cordyceps Winter is a Yin season in the northern hemisphere. Days are shorter and temperatures are colder. Our energy draws inward to protect vital organs and endurance. It is a time to eat time-honored Chinese medicinal herbs to ensure health, happiness, and long life.
Winter is a Yin season in the northern hemisphere. Days are shorter and temperatures colder. We enjoy staying in bed during chilly mornings, curling up with a good book or beloved pet and listening to soothing music. Our loved ones gather for winter celebrations featuring revitalizing slow cooked soups and super-nutritious ingredients. Our energy draws inward to protect vital organs and endurance. It is a time to eat time-honored Chinese medicinal herbs to insure health, happiness and long life.
Cordyceps sinensis (Cordyceps, Dong Chong Xia Cao)
This rare, precious herbal medicine is also known as Chinese caterpillar fungus, one of the most commonly used ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is a fabulous overall tonic due to its anti-aging properties that enhance physical endurance and brain health.
Cordyceps is probably the strongest energy tonic of all the mushrooms. It originates in the high Himalayas and is able to stimulate our immune system and resistance against viruses, bacteria, parasites, and stress. A powerful adaptogen, it supports the kidneys, their essence and yang and facilitates production of testosterone.
Cordyceps History
Cordyceps, a legendary Taoist tonic, originating in the Qing Dynasty, has been used for over 2000 years. Wild Cordyceps was so highly prized by the emperor that it was illegal to possess unless you were a member of the ruling class. Cordyceps mushroom is traditionally renowned as a potent kidney and adrenal tonic. In Taoism and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidneys are one of the most important organ systems for being the house of “Jing” the foundational energy that nourishes and supports all organ systems. Jing has been compared to our sexual hormones.
The West first noticed Cordyceps during the 1993 Chinese National games. During the competition, the Chinese broke numerous world records, dazzling the media. After being negatively tested for steroids and other banned substances, it was revealed that the coach of the athletics team had their athletes supplementing with Cordyceps. The team attributed their incredible success and historical athletic accomplishments to this powerful medicinal mushroom.
Cordyceps, the Science
Studies show that Cordyceps may enhance aerobic capacity, strength, stamina, physical performance, promote fast recovery, support the lungs, help lower cholesterol, boost libido and fertility. As a potent antioxidant and immunomodulatory agent, Cordyceps lowers inflammation and fights free radicals.
Webmd Reports Cordyceps Uses:
This powerful medicinal mushroom improves many aspects of our health and overall wellbeing. Its anti inflammatory benefits help elevate our energy and performance levels to new heights.
Uses in Cooking
Add cordyceps to simmer in soups or steam a small amount in a double boiler as a tonic. Its flavor is mild and pleasant.
It has been recommended to avoid cordyceps with autoimmune illness, including lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Avoid use during pregnancy and breast feeding. Avoid use with blood thinning medicines, bleeding disease, and prior to surgery because it may increase bleeding from surgery. Avoid use for young children.
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