


補充劑和生活方式 補充劑和生活方式從今天開始健康生活!我們提供最全面的補充劑和健康食品,讓您做好準備。


320 products

  • 温灸 纯 艾条 10条

    温灸 纯 艾条 10条

    汉宝牌 温灸 纯 艾条 10条 温灸也就是说温和灸,也叫做悬灸,是灸法的一种,用陈年艾草加工后的艾绒,用棉纸或桑皮纸卷起来称之为艾条,点燃艾条,一手持艾条,与身体穴位或经络进行保持一定距离进行熏烤,一般每个穴位十五分钟以上,这样的行为就叫做温和灸,它是保健调理养生治病的一种不错的手段。 艾灸并不是火力越大越好的,真正好的艾条都是属于温和灸的,渗透性强,这样的艾灸出来的效果才事倍功半。艾条要选取艾绒含量较高,这样使用起来才不会伤身。 温灸纯艾条的功效 温经通络,益气活血,祛寒止痛,升阳举陷,补虚固脱。 Moxibustion (Chinese: 灸; pinyin: jiǔ) is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy which consists of burning dried mugwort (wikt:moxa) on particular points on the body. It plays an important role in the traditional medical systems of China, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia. Suppliers usually age the mugwort and grind it up to a fluff; practitioners burn the fluff or process it further into a cigar-shaped stick. They can use it indirectly, with acupuncture needles, or burn it on the patient's skin.


  • 含維他命ADE,蘆薈 4oz.

    韓國高麗人參面霜/含維他命ADE,蘆薈 4oz.

    韓國高麗人參面霜 /含維他命ADE,蘆薈 4oz 韓國高麗人參面霜 是多方位天然護膚保養品,能有助於膠原蛋白生成和抗衰老,無刺激作用,補充肌膚水分,保持皮膚彈性,減少皺紋產生,可使用於緩解皮膚乾裂,皮膚曬傷,皮膚紅疹,改善血液循環促進皮膚細胞的再生。 使用方式:可在需要時或早,晚時使用。


  • 天然辣木籽


    天然辣木籽 辣木籽的种子和叶子中含有丰富的营养成分,不过,由于辣木籽本身含有生物碱、辣木黄酮,高血压、糖尿病患者及孕妇等最好经医师指示后酌量食用。 辣木籽含有很多的蛋白质、脂肪、以及糖类,正常人食用会给人甘甜的口感,但是身体内出现了某些病灶,食用辣木籽就会出现不同的口味,通过辣木籽吃出的味道可以判断出你身体的症状,即“入口五味辨症”,辣木籽也因这“一籽五味”的神奇检测功效而出名。如果吃出的是“酸”味,说明心脏小肠耗弱。如果吃出的是“苦”味,说明肝功能劳损。如果吃起来发“涩”,你要注意脾脏肠肺失衡。而如果吃起来作“呕”,那么要注意脑神经和体弱。而吃起来发“腥”,说明肾脏膀胱亏虚。吃出这五味,就需要日常生活中多加注意和调理。 辣木籽的“五味辩症”告诉我们,如果第一次吃辣木籽是甜的,说明你身体健康。 Moringa Seeds/ La Mu Zi 16oz Moringa oleifera is one of the most valuable plants known to mankind.  The Moringa tree has been popularly called  “The Miracle Tree in Asia.” It is rich in nutrients like vitamin B6, beta carotene, vitamin C, magnesium, and protein. Moringa seeds are obtained from the pods of the Moringa tree. They can be steamed, boiled, or roasted for various purposes Moringa seeds are nutrient-dense and come with many benefits: • Improves Sleep: Steep moringa leaves in hot water for 15 minutes and drink before you go to bed for a good night's rest. • Fiber: Moringa seeds are high in fiber, and help in moving food along your digestive system," • Blood Sugar: Moringa seeds are a great source of zinc and can regulate blood sugar levels which can help manage or even prevent diabetes." • Great Source of Iron: A single serving of moringa has almost three times the amount of iron as spinach • Reduces Joint Pain: Moringa seeds make for a great supplement of calcium and help those suffering from joint pain.  • Lowers Cholesterol: Some plants have been known to reverse bad cholesterol and according to research, moringa is among them, • Induces Death of Cancer Cells: The seeds are well known for their anti-carcinogenic effects. • Promotes Heart Health: Scientists have proved that moringa seeds can reduce the number of oxidized lipids in our body and take care of our cardiac health by safeguarding the heart tissues from constructional damages, • A Powerhouse of Antioxidants: The oil extracted from moringa seeds contains almost 30 antioxidants.  • Promotes Healthy Skin: Moringa seeds are packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties and are thus, very beneficial for skin care. How to eat it:  Moringa seeds need to be peeled, the shell can be soaked in water, eat 5-8 grains a day, drink 300-500ml of warm water after each meal because it is rich in nutrients, it needs water to decompose, otherwise, it will dry mouth.  Moringa seeds are pure natural green foods that contain all the nutrients needed by the human body. It can replace multi-vitamins, calcium supplements, cod liver oil, etc.  It is especially useful for high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, gout, etc. Moringa seeds can help improve and prevent diseases, improve sleep, enhance memory, delay aging, and can also be used to treat diseases in the liver, spleen, meridians, and collaterals.  It also has the effects of treating bad breath and sobering up after drinking too much.  Moringa seed powder has been used to purify water: Soak, peel, dry, and powder 2 seeds and add them to 1 liter of water overnight then strain the purified liquid. 


  • 总统牌 独头黑蒜 黑蒜头250g 总统牌 独头黑蒜 黑蒜头250g

    总统牌 独头黑蒜 黑蒜头250g

      总统牌 独头黑蒜 黑蒜头250g 黑蒜超高的营养价值以及“甜、软、糯”的口感正逐渐被人们认识和认可,正逐步走向百姓生活。食后无蒜臭,具有抗氧化、抗酸化的功效,对糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、癌症等疾病的恢复亦有不错的效果。


  • 金钱牌 无蔗糖 夏桑菊冲剂 (10克x20包) 金钱牌 无蔗糖 夏桑菊冲剂 (10克x20包)

    金钱牌 无蔗糖 夏桑菊冲剂 (10克x20包)

    金钱牌 无蔗糖 夏桑菊冲剂(10克x20包) 疏风散热  清肝明目  除湿润燥  解毒降压 金钱牌无蔗糖夏桑菊颗粒是由夏枯草、桑叶、菊花组方,采用无蔗糖配方,经现代制药工艺浓缩提炼而成。本品效果显著,独立包便于携带,冲泡服用方便,老少皆宜,特别适合忌糖人士,是清凉饮料中的上等佳品。 用法用量:冲服,每日三次,每次1-2包,温开水冲服,24小时内不得超过6小包的服量。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病


  • Bao Ji Wan 广州 保济丸 王老吉药业

    广州 王老吉 保济丸

    广州王老吉 保济丸 王老吉保济丸,是一种治疗胃肠病的中成药,由钩藤、菊花、厚朴、苍术、藿香、薏苡仁、谷芽等组成,具有增加肠收缩幅度、兴奋胃肠平滑肌的作用。 性 状 保济丸为朱红色的水丸;气芳香,味微苦、辛。 用法用量 口服,一次1.85~3.7克,一日3次。 主要成分 保济丸由钩藤、菊花、厚朴、苍术、藿香、薏苡仁、谷芽等组成 功效主治 具有解表、祛湿、和中之功效。对治疗食滞腹胀、水土不服、肠胃不适等症疗效极佳。可作为家庭常备药,在旅游外出时也可随身携带。 药理作用 药理试验表明,本品有增加肠收缩幅度、兴奋胃肠平滑肌的作用,在高浓度时,有抑制肠管平滑肌的收宿力和节律的作用,无促进胃酸分泌作用;对胃肠功能低下的消化不良有确切疗效。 注意事项 1.忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。 2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。 3.外感燥热者不宜服用。 4.有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。 5儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱者应在医医师指导下服用。 6.发热体温超过38.5℃的患者,应去医院就诊。 7.吐泻严重者应及时去医院就诊。 8.服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。 9.对保济丸过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 10.保济丸性状发生改变时禁止使用。 11.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 12.请将保济丸放在儿童不能接触的地方。 13.如正在使用其他药品,使用保济丸前请咨询医师或药师。   Great food supplement to help ease stomache aches, indigestions, and the stomach flu. Proprietary blend: Uncaria rhynchophylla, Chrysanthemum, Trichosanthes, Chinese mint, Rice seed, Tribulus, Tangerine, Poria sclerotium, Job's tears seed, Patchouli aboveground parts, Magnolia bark of stem, twigs and root, Cang-Zhu atractylodes rhizome, Fragrent angelica root. Net: 3.7g x 20 vials  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  


  • 金錢牌夏桑菊沖劑(20包*10克)GColin Chrysmori Bev.sugar(20bags*10g) 金錢牌夏桑菊沖劑(20包*10克)GColin Chrysmori Bev.sugar(20bags*10g)

    金钱牌 夏桑菊冲剂(10克*20包)

    金钱牌 夏桑菊冲剂(10克*20包) 防治四时感冒  清除咽喉肿痛  夏日消暑散热  秋冬润燥降火 疏风散热  清肝明目  除湿润燥  解毒降压 本品是有夏枯草、桑叶、菊花等组方,经采用现代制药工艺加工而成,制品效果显著,独立包装便利携带,冲泡服用方便,常饮清热解毒,老少皆宜。 用法用量:口服,每日三次,每次1-2包,温开水冲服,20小时内不得超过6包的服用量。怀孕禁用。(实际产品的包装及材料可能含有更多本网站没有涵盖的产品信息) **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。


  • 860986 Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Oil (50ml)

    黄道益 活络油 50ml

      黄道益 活絡油 50ml 功能:舒筋活絡  作用:暫時緩解因下列症狀引起的肌肉和關節輕微疼痛;普通背痛丶關節炎丶損傷丶瘀傷丶扭傷 用法 找出患處最痛之痛點 (痛點多位於骨隙或腫實之肌肉間) 搽上2-3滴黃道益活絡油於痛點之上,用拇指尖在痛點上按壓15-20分鐘,力度由輕至重,以患者不過度痛楚為宜 每天按壓三至五次,直至痊癒


  • 562967 Comvita® Propolis Soft Gel Capsules PFL30 (100 capsules) 康維他特強蜂膠膠囊 PFL™30 (100粒)

    康維他特強蜂膠膠囊 PFL™30 (100粒)

    為了保護家園免受細菌感染及破壞,蜜蜂會採集樹脂或樹液,並混合自己分泌出 的酵素製成抗菌的蜂膠,塗在蜂巢每個入口之上。因此,人們稱蜂膠為「最佳的 天然防禦」。我們在蜂巢上適量提取蜂膠作原料,生產出多款各具效益的產品。蜂膠的主要功效來自其類黃酮(又稱生物類黃酮)成分,而康維他為其蜂膠產品訂立 了一個類黃酮含量的顯示指標 – PFL® (Propolis Flavonoids)。PFL® 15代表每個建議服用量含15毫克類黃酮;PFL® 30則代表每個建議服用量含30毫克類黃酮。蜂膠的功效:增強肝臟解毒功能,保護肝臟增強免疫力抗病菌/病毒/真菌加快傷口癒合速度適合:關注肝臟健康人士免疫力減弱人士有吸煙或飲酒習慣的人士夜睡/睡眠不足人士受炎症困擾/長期或重複性感染患者 


  • 10% OFF
    521141 Comvita Multiflora Honey

    康維他百花蜜 (1000g)

    康維他百花蜜 (1000g)  Comvita Multiflora Honey (1000g) Multiflora Honey is a distinctive blend of pure honey from New Zealand's forests and pastures. Comvita Multiflora Honey is created using our world-renowned 'creamed' honey process to create honey with a beautiful smooth texture and superb spreadability. Studies suggest that honey might offer antidepressant, anticonvulsant and anti-anxiety benefits. In some studies, honey has been shown to help prevent memory disorders. Wound care. Topical use of medical-grade honey has been shown to promote wound healing, particularly in burns. (mayoclinic.org) Honey mainly consists of sugars and water. Apart from sugars, honey also contains several vitamins, especially B complex, and vitamin C, together with a lot of minerals. Some of the vitamins found in honey include ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, and riboflavin; while minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc are also present. Honey has been used for its healing, nutritional and therapeutic properties since ancient times. Its antibacterial potentials even against multi-drug resistant bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacterbaumanni have been proved. Honey is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacities, which may be useful for the prevention of chronic inflammatory processes like atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases.  https://www.longdom.org/open-access/honey-and-its-anti-inflammatory-anti-bacterial-and-anti-oxidant-2327-5146.1000132.pdf


  • 罐 罐

    南姜黑糖/红糖 全新独立包装 200克/罐

      南姜黑糖/红糖 全新独立包装 200克/罐 永合豐南姜汁黑糖块是采用日本冲绳黑糖制作方法,并严选高品质黑糖糖蜜和南姜而制作出最自然、最原味的南姜汁黑糖块。厚实浓郁的口感,带点微微的南姜香气,绝对是南姜汁黑糖块中的极品。 使用方法:把黑糖溶入 128 毫升的热开水后即可饮用。可依个人喜好增减开水的用量。 存放指示:请存放在阴凉干燥的地方,并避免阳光直接照射。由于本产品不添加防腐剂,开封后请冷藏,并尽快食用。


  • 100g 100g

    永合豐 原味姜糖/软糖 20粒/100g

     永合豐 原味姜糖/软糖 20粒 独立包装 永合豐老薑軟糖選用中國優質老薑和純蔗糖為原料,經傳統工藝精心製作,保留薑的獨特辛香與蔗糖的天然甜味,打造出純天然健康食品。適合男女老少,四季皆宜,不僅是理想的日常伴手禮,也是居家旅行的必備佳品。 薑具有抗炎特性,能夠自然增強體內能量。它有助於改善血液循環、緩解噁心、促進消化,並為身體帶來溫暖。



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