黑豆(16 oz/包) 主治 健脾益肾,养阴除烦。主治阴虚烦热,自汗盗汗,风湿痹症。 Black soybeans/ Hei Dou (16 oz/Bag) “Black soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr) are merely a black variety of soybean containing a variety of phytochemicals. These phytochemicals in black soybean (BSB) are potentially effective in human health, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cerebro-vascular diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases.” May 4, 2017 “A Critical Review on Polyphenols and Health Benefits of Black Soybeans” (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) “Black soybeans are a good source of vitamin K, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and riboflavin.” From the manufacturer: Indications: Invigorate the spleen and kidney, nourish yin and eliminate chronic discomforts. Indication for yin deficiency [lack of fluids] and excess heat, spontaneous sweating and night sweats, rheumatism.
烏梅/熏梅 4oz 性味 酸、涩,平。 功效 为蔷薇科植物梅的干燥未成熟果实。 治久咳,虚热烦渴,久疟,久泻,痢疾,便血,尿血,血崩,蛔厥腹痛、呕吐,钩虫病,牛皮癣,胬肉。 经脉 归肝经、脾经、肺经、大肠经。 主治 敛肺止咳,涩肠止泻,止血,生津,安蛔。治久咳,虚热烦渴,久疟,久泻,痢疾,便血,尿血,血崩,蛔厥腹痛、呕吐,钩虫病,牛皮癣,胬肉。 乌梅汤 黄芪、乌梅各200克,红砂糖250克。将黄芪、乌梅加水1000毫升,煮取500毫升,去渣,入红砂糖收膏。每次20毫升,日服2次。 功效:补中益气,止痢。 Dark Plum Fruit / Smoked Plum/ Wu Mei (4oz) Some health benefits of Wu Mei, Mume fruit, jamuns or black plums: Fight Diabetes. Jamun, or jambol juice, is one of the best dietary cures for diabetes out there. ... Improve Digestion. Jamun can improve digestion to a great extent. ... Help In Weight Loss. ... Improves Oral Health. ... Minimizes Risk Of Cancer. From the manufacturer: Taste Sour, astringent effect It is the dry immature fruit of the Rosaceae plum. [It has been used to] cure chronic cough, polydipsia due to deficiency heat, chronic malaria, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, blood in the stool, blood in the urine, hematuria, abdominal pain, vomiting, hookworm disease, psoriasis, and pterygium. It enters the Liver, Spleen, Lung, and Large Intestine meridians. Indications: Astringes the lungs to relieve cough, astringent for intestines to relieve diarrhea, stops bleeding, promotes body fluids, and relieves roundworms. It has been used to cure chronic cough, polydipsia due to deficiency heat, chronic malaria, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, blood in the stool, blood in the urine, hematuria, abdominal pain, vomiting, hookworm disease, psoriasis, and pterygium. Mume Soup: Ingredients: Astragalus and ebony (mume fruit) 200g each, 250g brown sugar. Add 1000 ml of water into astragalus and ebony mume, then boiled into 500 ml, remove the residue, add brown sugar and cook to thicken as cream. Take 20 ml each time, 2 times a day. Efficacy: nourishes the middle and nourishes qi, stops diarrhea.
金丝蜜枣 16oz 无硫有核原色硬金丝蜜枣,粒粒精选,色泽金黄,颗粒饱满。蜜枣在广东比较常用来煲汤,因为每次放3~5粒煲汤,煲出来的汤非常清甜,又健康,无论煲汤,煲糖水,煲粥都非常清甜! Dried Honey Dates/ Mi Zao (16 oz/Bag) Candied jujube/honey dates (Mi Zao) helps to strengthen the lungs, thereby preventing common cold and reduces allergic symptoms such as asthma and nasal inflammation. . . . They are larger and sweeter (as sweet as honey) than dried red dates. These dates are used as a sweetener in traditional Chinese healing soups and drinks. From the manufacturer: Dried candied dates are made from peeled and seedless candied dates. They are crispy, sweet, and tasty. They are more convenient to store than ordinary candied dates. They have a longer shelf life and higher nutritional value. In addition to ordinary candied dates, they are also suitable for snacks.
精選 生薏米/ 薏苡仁 (16oz/包) 生薏米又名薏苡仁、薏仁等,是藥食兩用的常用藥材之一,中國古代一薏米作爲貢品,被譽爲"薏苡明珠“,是傳統的藥食兼用的穀物資源。在國外被稱爲”生命健康之禾“。 薏苡仁味甘、淡、性涼,入脾胃肺經,具有利水消腫,健脾止瀉補中的功效。最宜用於脾虛的腹瀉、水腫、脚氣浮腫等症狀,可與黨參、白朮、黃芪、茯苓等藥材搭配製作成藥膳食用。如薏苡仁茯苓粥、薏苡仁參苓瘦肉湯。同時,薏苡仁性偏涼,能清熱利濕,最適合夏季暑熱的食療佳品,可搭配冬瓜、陳皮、荷葉等一同調配藥膳食用,一般家庭常用來煮水、煮粥、煲湯。 由於薏苡仁擅長利濕,對於熱病后津液耗損,或者平素陰虛、陰虛火旺者及孕婦慎用。 薏米祛濕方推薦: 方一:白扁豆薏米冬瓜煲排骨湯----材料:白扁豆50克、薏米50克、冬瓜適量、排骨500克、清水適量(白扁豆具有健脾化濕、和中消暑的功效,而薏米利水滲濕,冬瓜利尿,合而煲湯可以健脾、祛濕、利尿) 方二:薏米紅豆水(祛濕消水腫湯)---材料:紅豆100克、薏米50克,清水適量(紅豆有清心養神、健脾益腎的功效,并有消腫、輕身的功效,兩者結合一起煮水,有解暑祛濕的功效,味道清爽,非常適合夏天飲用,老少皆宜。 生薏米、熟薏米、洋薏米/珍珠薏米的區分: 生薏米:屬性偏寒。禾本科植物薏苡的乾燥成熟種仁。顏色灰白,圓形,質地堅硬,有一條寬而深的縱溝。功效:利水袪濕,袪濕力較其他薏米強。 熟薏米:屬性平和。經炒製後的熟薏仁形狀較生薏仁大,呈灰白色,質感較鬆散及輕。功效:補脾止瀉,補脾力較好。 洋薏米/珍珠薏米:屬性為涼。是磨去殼皮的大麥,狀如白米粒,呈灰黃色。功效:只是食物,但含豐富纖維,有助腸道蠕動。
香港 和兴白花油 0.676oz/20ml- 传统配方 Traditional formula is blended from the same old one that the late Mr Gan first developed the product in 1927. The product speaks for itself and has successfully established a profound market place since the 1920's demonstrating a solid proof of the quality and efficacy of the product. Applications Provide relief from the stuffed-up feeling associated with catarrah, cold or influenza Relieve dizziness and headache Temporarily relieve muscular pain Good for travel and motion sickness Antiseptic Stop itching resulted from insect and mosquito bite Refreshing 自1927年来,和兴白花油沿用同一配方,并在市场上确立地位,此为产品优良质量及显著功效的有力证明。 功能:疏风散热 消炎止痛 宣窍醒神 应用范围: 解除因伤风或感冒引起之鼻塞 减轻头晕头痛 暂时舒缓肌肉疼痛 舟车晕浪 具有消炎杀菌作用 对蚊虫咬伤具止痒作用 令精神舒畅 使用说明: 用二至三滴和兴白花油,涂于患处,轻轻按摩,可涂搽于鼻孔下。如有需要,每两小时重复一次。 外用忌食。 用前请摇匀,用后请妥封瓶盖。 如使用后出现红肿疼痛,应立即停止使用。 症状或红肿持续,应立即请教医生。切勿与眼睛接触,若情况发生,请即用冷水冲洗。 婴儿及孕妇不宜使用。 患有感冒、水痘或发热病的儿童避免使用含有水杨酸甲酯的产品。如对水杨酸有过敏反应者,使用本品前请咨询中医师或医生的意见。贮藏于摄氏30度或以下。 *详细使用方法, 请参阅说明书
云南白药酊 Yunnan Bai yao Tincture (50 ml) 功能主治 活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,风湿麻木,筋骨及关节疼痛,肌肉酸痛及冻伤。 用法用量 口服,按剂量杯所示刻度量取,常用量一次3格至5格(3~5毫升),一日3次,最大量一次10格(10毫升);外用,取适量擦揉患处,每次3分钟左右,一日3~5次,可止血消炎;风湿筋骨疼痛,蚊虫叮咬,一、二度冻伤可擦揉患处数分钟,一日3~5次。 禁忌 孕妇禁用;对云南白药过敏者忌用。 注意事项 1.皮肤破伤处不宜使用。2.用药后一日内,忌食蚕豆、鱼类、酸冷食物。3.皮肤过敏者停用。4.按照用法用量使用,小儿、年老患者应在医师指导下使用。5.对酒精及本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。。6.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。7.儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。8.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。9.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 Yunnan Baiyao Tincture(50 ml) Function Indications: Promotes blood circulation, dissipates blood stasis, reduces swelling, and relieves pain. Used for bruises, rheumatism, numbness, muscle and joint pain, muscle aches, and frostbite. Dosage Oral, measure according to the scale shown in the dose cup, the usual amount is 3 to 5 cells (3-5 ml), 3 times a day, the maximum amount is 10 cells (10 ml); for external use, take an appropriate amount and rub the affected area. It can stop bleeding and is anti-inflammatory; used for rheumatism, muscle pain, mosquito bites, first or second-degree frostbite, rubbing the affected area for a few minutes, 3 to 5 times a day. Contraindications: It is forbidden for pregnant women; and for those who are allergic to Yunnan Baiyao. Precautions It is not suitable to use on damaged skin. Avoid eating broad beans, fish, sour and cold foods within one day after taking the medicine. People with skin allergies should stop using it. Use in accordance with the usage and dosage, and children and elderly patients should use it under the guidance of a doctor. People who are allergic to alcohol and this product should not use it with caution. It is forbidden to use this product when its properties change. Children must use it under the supervision of adults. Please keep this product out of reach of children. If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product. This and all herbs must not be used prior to or following surgery according to the doctor’s directions
云南白药气雾剂 Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol (85g+30g) 功能主治 活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,瘀血肿痛,肌肉酸痛及风湿疼痛。 用法用量 外用,喷于伤患处。使用云南白药气雾剂,一日3~5次。凡遇较重闭合性跌打损伤者,先喷云南白药气雾剂保险液,若剧烈疼痛仍不缓解,可间隔1~2分钟重复给药,一天使用不得超过3次。喷云南白药气雾剂保险液间隔3分钟后,再喷云南白药气雾剂。 禁忌 孕妇禁用;对云南白药过敏者忌用。 注意事项 1.本品只限于外用,切勿喷入口、眼、鼻。2.皮肤过敏者停用。3.小儿、年老患者应在医师指导下使用。4.使用云南白药气雾剂保险液时先振摇,喷嘴离皮肤5~10厘米,喷射时间应限制在3~5秒钟,以防止局部冻伤。5.皮肤受损者勿用。6.使用时勿近明火,切勿受热,应置于阴凉处保存。7.对酒精及本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。8.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。9.儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。10.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。11.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。
红豆/赤豆(16oz/包) 红豆含有丰富的营养,具有养生的功效,气味甘、酸、平、无毒,有化湿补脾之功效,对脾胃虚弱的人比较适合。 Red Bean/ Hong Dou (16oz) “Adzuki beans are rich in nutrients, such as fiber, protein, and manganese. They are linked to several health benefits, including weight loss, improved digestion, and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. You can make them into a red bean paste, sprout them or simply boil them.” “Vibrantly colored and sweet, adzuki are commonly used in desserts in Asian cooking. But in America, they often are put to savory use, mixed into salads, cooked with rice, and dropped into soups. Like other beans, adzuki are a good source of protein.” Red beans are rich in nutrients and have health-preserving effects. The smell is sweet, sour, calming, and mild. It has the effect of reducing dampness [poor digestion and edema] and replenishing the spleen. It is more suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach.
天津鸭嘴雪梨干(12oz/包) 雪梨有生津、润燥、清热、化痰功效,用于治热病津伤烦渴,清渴,热咳,痰热惊狂,噎膈,便秘,正好适合燥热地区的食用。 性味 甘,平。 主治 养阴清肺,除烦止咳。主治肺燥咳嗽,吐血,咯血,心火烦躁,口渴喉干,并除胸膜痰热。 注意禁忌 脾虚泄泻,肺寒咳嗽者忌用。 Dried Snow Pear/ Xue Li (12 oz/Bag) Snow Pear is rejuvenating, moisturizing, reduces inflammation and phlegm. It is used to treat fever, thirst, cough, phlegm and fever, choking, and constipation. It is suitable for consumption in dry and hot or tropical locations. It is pleasant tasting: Sweet and mild. Indications are: Nourishing for yin fluids (and lungs, stomach, kidney tissue) and lungs cleansing. It stops coughing and is indicated for lung dryness, dry cough, vomiting blood, hemoptysis, irritability, sore throat, and removal of pleural phlegm. Cautions: Avoid use with spleen deficiency watery diarrhea, lung cold cough (weakness and watery phlegm)
白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶) 白蘭氏®虫草鸡精以100%野生虫草配白蘭氏®鸡精墩制,令味道更佳。 主要成分 鸡精、野生虫草、当归、甘草 建议饮用方法 建议早上饮用,功效更佳 保存方式 保存期限: 三年 保存方式:存放于干爽阴凉处,并避免阳光直接曝晒。 BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps Extract(6*68ml) Ingredients: Essence of Chicken, Wild Cordyceps, Tang kwei and Chinese Licorice BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps is made with BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken and 100% wild Cordyceps. The addition of Cordyceps and other herbs makes the drink even more palatable. Cordyceps is used to treat coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, nighttime urination, male sexual problems, anemia, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opium addiction. When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and they can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function. BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken Drink may be consumed straight from the bottle at room temperature, chilled or warm according to one's preference. Consume immediately upon opening. Storage Shelf Life:3 YearsStorage Instructions: Keep in a cool, dry place, and avoid direct sunlight for best quality.
神農牌 桂枝茯苓丸(200粒濃縮丸/瓶) 溫經散寒 活血化瘀 月經不調 祛濕排毒 產後調理 规格: 200粒濃縮丸/瓶 功效: 桂枝茯苓丸是中國傳統方劑。常用于活血化瘀,於婦女行經腹痛,孕后漏下不止,產後惡露不盡而腹痛之症狀 成分: 桂枝、茯苓、桃仁、牡丹皮、白芍 用法用量: 口服。每日2-3次,每次8粒,温水送服。 **此聲明尚未經過食品和藥物管理局(FDA)的評估,本產品不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病.
唐龙 润肠丸(浓缩丸) 192丸 【适应症/主治功能】 润肠通便。用于湿热津亏便秘。 【用法用量】 口服,一次4丸,一日3次。宜空腹服。 【禁 忌】 1.孕妇忌服。 2.虚寒性便秘患者不宜服用。 3.严重器质性病变引起的排便困难,如结肠癌、严重的肠道憩室、肠梗阻及炎症性肠病等忌用。 【注意事项】1.服药期间忌食生冷、辛辣油腻之物。 2.服药后症状无改善,或症状加重,或出现新的症状者,应立即停药并到医院就诊。 3.过敏体质者慎用。 4.小儿及年老体弱者,应在医师指导下服用。 5.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 6.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。 7.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 8.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 9.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。