七星茶/汤药茶 Sweet Digestive Tea / Er Ke Qi Xing Herbal Tea 成分:薏苡仁、稻芽、山楂、淡竹叶、钩藤、蝉蜕、甘草。七味药制成,故名:七星茶。 七星茶是一种药物。七星茶功能与主治:开胃消滞,清热定惊。用于积滞化热,消化不良,不思饮食,烦躁易惊,夜寐不安,大便不畅,小便短赤。 用法:煎服,三碗水煎成一碗后内服。 Sweet Digestive Tea 兒科七星茶 (Er Ke Qi Xing Herbal Tea) Effect: Settles the stomach, indigestion and congestion This is a version of a classic tea, Xiao Er Qi Xing, used to help resolve bloating, indigestion pain, and excess phlegm. Chinese mothers give the herbal tea as the final formula of the day for babies to help them sleep peacefully by easing digestion. This version uses rice sprout instead of millet and uncaria (gou teng) to cool liver agitation. Have you ever lay awake at night, thinking, planning, fretting, or have you slept poorly from feeling too full of food or suffering from stomach pain? This tea is a gentle remedy for people who need to cool their nerves and improve digestion. Ingredients : Fired barley/semen coicis, Raw barley/semen coicis, Oryzae Fructus Germinatus/ rice sprout, Dried Cicada skin, Juncus allioides flower/ common rush flower, Bamboo leaves, Loquat Leaf, Licorice root, Crataegi Fructus, hawthorn berry, Uncariae stem and thorn/ gou teng Directions: Add three bowls of water. Boil three bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup. The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: This tea may be too cleansing for pregnant women. Avoid cleansing remedies that may be laxative or diuretic for you. The traditional method of preparation is “三碗水煎至一碗 Boil three bowls of water to one” which makes a rather strong tasting water extract. It may be wise to begin more slowly by simmering the herbs for about 20 minutes and drink it as a pleasant tea. After becoming familiar with its taste and effects, the cooking time can be increased as needed. Please consult your physician before using this product.
抗流感茶(4oz/包) Flu Fighter Tea / Herbal Flu Tea (4oz/Bag) 材料 :荊界、川芎、紫蘇葉、防風、北茋、廣皮、薄荷、茯苓、灸草、川樸、黨蔘 功效:固本, 用以预防流感及防止轻症流感的转变。 用法:煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 Flu Fighter Tea Herbal Flu Tea 抗流感茶 Effect: Improves lung health, reduces cough and tones immunity vs. flu Ingredients : Fineleaf schizonepeta herb, ligusticum root, Perilla Leaf, Divaricate Saposhniovia Root, Astragalus root slices, Tangerine peel, Mint, Poria, fuling, licorice root, Glycyrrhizae preparata, Magnoliae bark, Codonopsis root Directions: Flu Fighter Tea 固本扶肺止咳、抗流感: strengthens and frees breathing and enhances immunity. The traditional method of cooking this recipe is to make a strong medicine, a water extract: 五碗水煎至一碗 Boiled five bowls of water to one. The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: we suggest starting its use as a light beverage tea by simmering the herbs in water for up to 15 minutes. Inhale the steam. The mint leaves will be refreshing. Drink it warm or cool between meals. The second cooking should be longer in order to release the benefits of the roots. Simmer with water for up to two hours. The tea can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days. Drink it between meals for the best benefits. Please consult your physician before using this product.
天麻 (1磅/盒)
天麻/独摇芝/定风草 (1磅/盒) 赤箭、离母、鬼督邮、神草、独摇芝、赤箭脂、定风草、合离草、独摇、自动草、水洋芋 为兰科植物天麻的根茎。 性味 甘,平。 经脉 入肝经。 主治 息风止痉,平肝阳;祛风通络。主急慢惊风,抽搐拘挛,眩晕,头痛,半身不遂,肢麻,风湿痹痛。 【食疗方】 天麻汽锅鸡 天麻12克,乌鸡500克。将乌鸡剁成块,入开水氽透放入汽锅内,天麻一同放入,加葱、姜、花椒、料酒、精盐,上笼蒸烂即可。 功效:补气血,益精,养肝明目。主治病后体弱,头晕目眩,视物不清,手足麻木无力等。平人食之轻身增力。 Gastrodia Tuber/Tian Ma (16oz) Gastrodia has been used to relieve nervous headaches, pain in the trigeminal nerve, nocturnal emissions, difficult breathing, insomnia due to stress, and hypertension. Chemical analysis of gastrodia indicates that it contains significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. . . (encyclopedia.com) Gastrodiae Rhizoma, also called chì jiàn, guǐ dū yóu, or tiān má in Chinese, is considered a top grade (shàng pǐn) medicine described to enter liver channel (gān jīng) in classic literatures of traditional Chinese medicine and has been used for centuries. Many studies investigating its various bioactivities and active compounds have been conducted worldwide. This article reviews these biological activities and details the antidepressant pharmacology of Gastrodiae Rhizoma. Gastrodiae Rhizoma treatment exerts an effective inhibition of diverse diseases and disorders, including convulsion, oxidative stress, mental disorders, amnesia, cardio-cerebral-vascular diseases, and inflammation, among others. The antidepressant effect of Gastrodiae Rhizoma was evaluated in animal models and several mechanisms of activity were found, including the modulation and regulation of monoamine oxidase activity, monoamine concentration and turnover, antioxidatant activity, GABAergic system induction, BDNF induction, neuroprotection and anti-inflammatory activity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3942998/ From the manufacturer: The rhizome of Gastrodia elata. The taste is sweet and mild. Gan, Ping. It enters the Liver meridian. Indications: It is used to “stop wind” [nerve pain] and stop spasm, calm liver-yang; expel “wind” and dredge collaterals. It is mainly used for convulsions, dizziness, headache, hemiplegia, numbness, rheumatic arthralgia. Diet Therapy Tianma Steam Pot Chicken Ingredients: 12 grams of gastrodia, 500 grams of black-bone chicken. [Black flesh chicken, available in Chinese butcher shops, is considered more yin (cooling) than regular chicken.] Chop the black-bone chicken into pieces, parboil it in boiling water, put it in a steamer, add gastrodia elata, add green onion, ginger, pepper, cooking wine, refined salt, and steam it. Efficacy: nourishing qi and blood, nourishing essence, nourishing liver and improving eyesight. It is used for frail persons for recovery from illness, dizziness, unclear vision, numbness and weakness in hands and feet, etc. [Fragile, underweight persons can gain strength.]
正黑芪 黄芪 北芪片(12oz) 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Radix Astragali/Huang Qi (12 oz/Box) Astragalus has many proven health benefits including, immune-boosting, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. Astragalus is believed to prolong life and used to treat a wide variety of ailments, such as fatigue, allergies and [prevent the] common cold. It's also used against heart disease, diabetes and other conditions. From the manufacturer: This product is the root of the legume Astragalus mongolia. The taste is sweet, it is slightly warm in nature. It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Indications: to Invigorate qi and solidify the surface [regulate sweating], supports detoxification and discharges pus, increases diuresis, and strengthens muscles. It is used for qi deficiency, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-lasting sores. Diet therapy Astragalus tea Ingredients: 60-90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube. Add water and decoct for 30 minutes and drink it. It can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can resist pressure [adaptogen] and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling. Astragalus Soup Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, pound into coarse powder, take 10 grams each time, add ginger and jujube, decoct in water, remove the residue and take it warm. Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala to invigorate the spleen, and cinnamon to warm the yang; it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with deficiency of the spleen, insufficient qi, poor appetite and loss of taste, and loose stools. Astragalus health soup Ingredients: 12 grams of Astragalus, 9 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 9 grams of red dates; Cook as a decoction for daily consumption. Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure and reduce fat. Tonic Porridge Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, appropriate amount of sugar. Slice the astragalus and ginseng in cold water for half an hour, simmer in a casserole, and take out the juice after cooking. Then add cold water to the ginseng and ginseng pot and boil again as above, and take the juice. Combine the above concoctions and divide them into two portions. Use one portion each morning and evening. Add water to the same rice to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat. Dosage: Take breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, 5 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: Replenish vitality, invigorate the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness and spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen deficiency, dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and edema.
白毫銀針 白茶#1220
品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 广西 GuangXi, China 品名 Name: 白毫银针 Silver Needle Pekoe 等级 Level: 一级 Premium 分类 Sort: 白茶 White Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 采摘 Season: 春季 Spring 保质期 Shelf Life: 36 months 干茶Body: 嫩芽肥嫩粗壮、白毫洁白显露,富有光泽.The tender buds are fat and tender, the white pekoe is revealed, and it is full of luster. 茶汤Liquor: 杏黄透亮,汤毫显露,清甜鲜爽Crisp and clean with an astringent finish and light, fruity undertones 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 白毫银针,创制于1796年,中国六大茶类之一的白茶,原产地在福建,主要产区为福鼎、政和、松溪、建阳等地,属有中国十大名茶的称号,素有茶中“美女”、“茶王”之美称。其外观特征挺直似针,满披白毫,如银似雪。 白毫银针芽头肥壮,遍披白毫,挺直如针,色白似银。福鼎所产茶芽茸毛厚,色白富光泽,汤色杏黄,味清鲜爽口。政和所产,汤味醇厚,香气清芬。 Bai Hao Yin Zhen, also known as White Hair Silver Needle, is a white tea produced in Fujian Province in China. As with all white teas, it is best prepared with water below boiling (at around 75 to 80 degrees Celsius or 167 to 176 degrees Fahrenheit) and produces a slightly viscous glittering pale yellow color with evidence of floating white hairs that reflect light. Bai Hao Yin Zhen is said to smell of "fresh-cut hay", and the flavor is described as sweet, vegetal, and delicate. Steeping should be longer than other white teas; up to 5 minutes per brew, and the volume of tea to be used can be higher. There are few parallels to be drawn as the taste is not similar to any other teas but Bai Mu Dan, except the latter is fuller but not as sweet and delicate. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.5oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 2g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time: 2-4 mins 5 steeps: rinse, 25s, 45s, 70s, 90s, 150s Rinse time is around 5 seconds
$30.50 - $116.00
樱桃玫瑰 樱桃央带着玫瑰香气,酸中带着水果浓郁,内含大量维他命C及矿物质,铁质。具有养颜美容作用。 A blend of cherries, roselle, peach, pineapple, raisins, blueberry, rose petals, and natural flavor. This tart, fruity and floral tea that will surely delight your palate. Full of antioxidants and vitamin C, and may enhance your natural glow. Enjoy it hot, with some sweetener of your choice. To enjoy ice, we recommend brewing strong with boiling water, adding a add a bit of sweetener and fresh fruits as garnish and served over ice!Caffeine-free Origin: zhejiang Brew: deep red Flavor: tart cherries and aromatic rose Caffeine: 0/5
$14.60 - $47.99
西柚香橙 口感清新爽口,汤色鲜红亮丽,唇齿留香。配料:玫瑰茄,白玫瑰茄,菊花,苹果干,葡萄干,香茅,橘皮,橙皮,胡萝卜,薄荷,食品用香精。 A blend of orange peel, orange slices, roselle, dried apples, chrysanthemum, raisins, lemongrass, carrots, mint, and natural flavors. Tart with refreshing citrus zest, full of antioxidants and vitamin C. Enjoy it hot, with some spices or honey. To enjoy ice, we recommend brewing strong with boiling water, adding a bit of sweetener and fresh fruits as a garnish, and serving over ice! Great for the kids too as it does not contain any caffeine Origin: Zhejiang Brew: light red Flavor: fruity, tart with a citrus zest Caffeine: 0/5
$13.50 - $47.99
台灣 如意 純素猴頭菇絲 200g
台湾特产 如意 纯素猴头菇丝 200g 成分:猴頭菇、非基因改造植物性大豆蛋白纖維、碗豆粉、葵花油、五香、肉桂、鹽、蔗糖、醬油、乙二烯酸(千分之二以下)、素食調味料猴頭菇以來與燕窩、熊掌、海蔘齊名,唯稀有之食材,一職被尊為朝廷供品的御膳佳餚,其獨特之鮮美、味香風味,皆可搭配粥、飯、麵包食用。 猴頭菇菌肉鮮嫩,香醇可口,有"素中葷"之稱。經高溫烘焙及精心調味拌炒,增添其風味。味道鮮,口感獨特,適合搭配拌飯,拌麵,麵包佐食使用。淨重: 200克保存條件:請置放於陰涼處、不須冷藏。有效期限:一年原產地:台灣 Taiwan RU YI Hericium Erinaceus Floss 200g Hericium Erinaceus also known as Lion’s Mane or Monkey Mushroom is a type of medicinal mushroom that is long used in traditional Chinese medicine. Scientific research shows that Hericium Erinaceus contains several health-promoting substances, including antioxidants and beta-glucan. Created into a vegetarian floss, there are several ways to eat it; add it into your sandwiches, porridge, homemade sushi, or spring roll. Allergen Information: The product contains soybean and wheat.
三九 999 抗病毒口服液
三九 999 抗病毒口服液 每盒12支 每支装10毫升 生产企业杭州华润老桐君药业有限公司 有效期:24个月 【性状】 本品为棕红色的液体;味辛、微苦。 【组方/成份】 板蓝根、石膏、芦根、地黄、郁金、知母、石菖蒲、广藿香、连翘,辅料为蜂蜜、蔗糖、防腐剂(羟苯甲酯、羟苯乙酯)。 【功能与主治】 清热祛湿,凉血解毒。用于风热感冒、流感。 【用法用量】 口服,一次10毫升,一日2-3次(早饭前和午、晚饭后各服一次)。 【不良反应】 尚不明确。 【禁忌症】 孕妇、哺乳期妇女禁用。 【药物相互作用】 如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。bing 【贮藏】 密封。 999 KangBingDu Koufuye (12/box) Herbal antiviral liquid extract Product label: Kang Bing Du Kou Fu YeBrand name: 999Packing: 12 vials (10 ml each) / boxManufactured by Hangzhou Huarun Pharmaceutical Ltd, China. Ingredients:Isatis (root)Forsythia (root)Grass-leaf sweetflag (rhizome)Sulfate mineralRehmannia (unprocessed root tuber)Phragmites (rhizome)Anemarrhena (rhizome)Chinese giant hyssop (whole)Turmeric (root tuber) Actions: Clears away heat and removes dampness [phlegm], cools and detoxifies blood. [useful to sweat out chills, fever and stiffness and clear sinus congestion in early stages of colds and flu] Main indications: Used for wind-heat cold, upper respiratory tract infection, the typical seasonal flu, atypical virus flu, novel virus flu; symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, some cases with diarrhea and vomiting.* Directions: Take 10 ml each time, 3 times a day as needed. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
濕熱清肺湯 草藥茶
湿热清肺汤 草药茶 Breathe Deep and Long / Clean Lungs Reduce Inflammation Soup / Shi Re Qing Fei Tang Herbal Tea 湿热清肺汤 (Clean Lungs, Reduce Inflammation Soup) Effect: For thick yellow phlegm, fever, indigestion To clear mucus congestion in lungs the purple daisy echinacea increases sweating. Used alone it may be too drying, therefore, additional cooling herbs are used in order to avoid side-effects. Semen coicis known as Job’s tear reduces water retention and digestive bloating. Cardamom, pinellia buds, dried tsaoko pods and tangerine peel also help to reduce mucus stemming from weak digestion. Tricosanthes peel (gua lou pi) from a long gourd sometimes called snake gourd or Chinese cucumber, is used to treat chest discomfort and opens the chest like a deep inhalation. Described as cold in nature and sweet, it has been used to treat chest pressure and pain, inflammation and thick phlegm, lung ulcers, and constipation. It relieves chronic thirst and as such may be useful for diabetes. Anemarrhena (zhi mu) a delicate little purple flower on a green stalk is added to quell high fever with extreme thirst. It has been used traditionally in epidemic disease to treat coughing due to lung inflammation. It may be useful for menopausal hot flashes, diabetes and constipation. Ingredients: Echinacea, apricot kernel, semen coicis, coptis root and rhizome, pinellia tuber, tricosanthes peel, tsaoko, anemarrhena rhizome, houttuynia, licorice root, cardamom, tangerine peel, ginseng root, kombu, honeysuckle flower, chrysanthemum flower. Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup. The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: People who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell to be strong and taste at times bitter. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. For fever, drink a small teacup every two hours or as needed. If necessary you might add a little fresh lemon juice or raw honey to improve the flavor. Cold/flu teas and herbs are best used between meals so that they do not interfere with digestion. If diarrhea occurs after using detoxifying herbs, reduce the dosage. If weakness occurs after several day’s uses, baring allergy, you might use a tonic herb such as reishi mushroom. Please see Fatigue Fighter in this selection of Herbal Rescue teas. Please consult your physician before using this product. 精选上等中药材,结合传统药方和现代研究成果精心配比而成。 成分 麻黄、杏仁、薏仁、黄连、法夏、蒌皮、草果、知母、甘草、白扣、陈皮、洋参、昆布、银花、菊花、鱼腥草 功能 去热清肺、顺畅呼吸。 用法 煎服,六碗水煎成一碗后内服。
連花清瘟湯劑 草藥茶
连花清瘟汤剂 Fever Fighter (連花清瘟茶) Stop Plague Lotus Tea Effect: cooling and detoxifying Fever Fighter formula detoxifies the body, kills germs and reduces fever. It can be used for cold and flu prevention and treatment, for sore throat and fever. We may feel weak and disoriented while our body is fighting off a cold. Fever Fighter is a wise herbal blend that chases cold and flu symptoms such as headache, body aches and fever while building a natural defense against infection. Traditional antibacterial, antiviral herbs, including honeysuckle flower (lonicera japanica) and isatis root, are combined with digestive peppermint and laxative rhubarb and apricot kernel in order to rid the body of acid wastes that result when germs die off. The energy dynamic of this type of herbal combination is to attack a cold or flu where it is most damaging. During the early stages a cold is felt mostly in the throat and head. Bitter, cooling herbs such as honeysuckle flower, forsythia bark, and rhubarb move inflammation through the gut and help prevent the illness from penetrating the lungs. Digestive mint is added in order to prevent nausea and weakness from detoxifying laxative herbs. Fragrant anise hyssop increases sweating to help reduce fever. Ingredients: Forsythia fruit, honeysuckle flower, apricot kernel, processed gypsum, isatis root, shield fern (dryopteris dilatata), houttuynia cordata, agastache foeniculum (anise hyssop), rhubarb, rhodiola rosea, peppermint leaf, licorice root. Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup. The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: People who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell to be strong and taste at times bitter. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. For fever, drink a small tea cup every two hours or as needed. If necessary you might add a little fresh lemon juice or raw honey to improve the flavor. Cold/flu teas and herbs are best used between meals so that they do not interfere with digestion. If diarrhea occurs after using detoxifying herbs, reduce the dosage. If weakness occurs after several day’s use, baring allergy, you might use a tonic herb such as reishi mushroom. Please see Fatigue Fighter in this selection of Herbal Rescue teas. Please consult your physician before using this product. 精选上等中药材,结合传统药方和现代研究成果精心配比而成。 成分 连翘、金银花、麻黄、杏仁、石膏、板蓝根、贯众、鱼腥草、藿香、大黄、红景天、薄荷、甘草 功能 清瘟解毒,宣肺泄热。 用法 煎服,六碗水煎成一碗后内服。
炙甘草 片/蜜甘草 16oz
炙甘草片/蜜甘草(16 oz/包) 美草、蜜甘、蜜草、蕗草、国老、灵通、粉草、甜草、甜根子、棒草 本品为甘草的炮制加工品。 性味 甘,平。 功效 为豆科甘草属植物甘草的根和根状茎。 主治脾胃虚弱,食少,腹痛便溏,劳倦发热,肺痿咳嗽,心悸,惊痫;生用,治咽喉肿痛,消化性溃疡,痈疽疮疡,解药毒及食物中毒。 经脉 入脾经、胃经、肺经。 注意禁忌 不宜与甘遂、大戟、芫花、海藻同用。 【食疗方】 甘草汤 做法:炙甘草2克,放入15~20毫升开水中泡服,每日1剂。一般服药7~15日,即可防止便秘复发。 Licorice root /Zhi Gan Cao/RADIX GLYCYRRHIZAE PREPARATA (16 oz) Licorice root may have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. Early research suggests that, as a result, it may ease upper respiratory infections, treat ulcers, and aid digestion, among other benefits.It may: Aid diabetes. ... Reduce menopause symptoms. ... Boost weight loss. ... Help treat hepatitis C. Licorice contains more than 20 triterpenoids and nearly 300 flavonoids. Among them, two triterpenes, GL and GA have been reported to have antiviral effects. They can weaken virus activities by inhibiting virus gene expression and replication, reducing adhesion force and stress, and reducing HMGB1 binding to DNA. Raw licorice root is considered cold and honey roasted licorice is more warming: “Decoct 3~10 g, raw material for heat-toxin relieving due to its slightly cold property; stir-baked with honey for tonifying qi, relieving cough, relieving spasm to alleviate pain.” This product is a processed product of licorice. The taste is Gan, Ping [sweet and mild]. Effects: It is the root and rhizome of licorice, a plant belonging to the leguminous licorice genus. Indications: for spleen and stomach weakness, poor appetite, abdominal pain, loose stools, fatigue, fever, pulmonary dysfunction, cough, heart palpitations, epilepsy. Raw licorice has been used to treat throat swelling and pain, peptic ulcer, carbuncle sore, antidote to poison and food poisoning. Roasted licorices are helpful for diabetes. It enters the Spleen, Stomach and Lung meridians. Cautions: It is not suitable to use with kansui, euphorbia, coriander, seaweed. It is also contraindicated in cases of dampness obstruction in the middle energizer and edema because it can help dampness obstruct qi, and it is prohibited from long-term usage in large dosage because it can induce retention of water and sodium and edema. Diet Therapy Licorice Soup Ingredients: 2 grams of roasted licorice, steep in 15-20 ml of boiling water, Use: 1 dose per day. Generally, taking the medicine for 7-15 days can prevent the recurrence of constipation.