大洋强效減肥茶 30包/盒
Green Fresh Extra Strength Herbal Dieters Tea 30 Tea Bags 大洋强效減肥茶 30包/盒 No Caffeine No Chemical Additives 30 Tea Bags Per Package Natural Packaging May Be Slightly Different Than Shown In Picture Green Fresh dieter’s tea is formulated from an ancient Chinese blend of the highest quality tea and herbs. Dating back to the 1500s, this formula from Lee Se-Zhens’s Detailed Outlines on Chinese Herbs has been helping the Chinese stay slim for centuries. This tea is 100% natural with no added preservatives, additives, or caffeine. Teabags inside the sealed box were arranged in opposite directions. It may look like 15 pcs from the outside sealed plastic bag but there were 30 pcs inside. Please always count piece by piece.
仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包
仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包 Xian Weng Brand Mix Herbal Tea Chinese and Southeast Asian folk medicine includes detox teas made from local herbs, grasses, and flowers commonly used in Chinese medicine to quel fever, cleanse the liver and blood. They often include raw herb ingredients that vary according to the manufacturer. This “tea” is originally a formula from THUOC XONG meaning southern (Vietnamese) steaming treatment. Aromatic herbs are simmered and inhaled in order to help clear sinus congestion, headaches, and low energy following childbirth. . . Steaming engages the biological necessity of inhalation and brings medicated vapours into the body, while elevating the body temperature which produces sweating and releases toxins and wastes; https://www.healthtraditions.com.au/essays/Viet%20herbal%20steam.pdf
2024西湖龍井頭茶 獅峰山龍井 群體種 250G
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 杭州 獅峰山產區Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 獅峰山 西湖龍井 群體種Shi Feng Longjing 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月18months 分類Sort: 炒青綠茶 Green Tea 等級Level: 特一級 Supreme 採摘Season: 清明前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 乾茶 扁平光潔,匀長挺直, 嫩綠帶黄 茶湯 香氣濃郁,豆香、栗香悠長,鮮甜甘爽 Body: Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves Liquor: Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 儲存方法 陰涼、乾燥、儲存在4~10℃ 的冰箱 Storage: Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place; refrigerator at 4~10℃ 建议:为保证口感,请尽快饮用. suggestion: To ensure the taste, please drink as soon as possible. 2024年 龙井头茶 狮峰山 "狮"字号产区 西湖龙井 群体种头茶(250克/包) 狮峰山龙井群体种,是自有记载以来,最古老的龙井茶树品种,已有1000余年历史,闻名于世的狮峰山上的18棵茶树就是此品种。群体种的采摘时间略晚一些,大约在清明节左右,产量有限,风味独特,除了浓郁的豆香和兰花香,还有伴有花果香,层次丰富,韵味悠长。 数量有限,售完即止。茶是农产,望天吃饭,敬请谅解! Shi Feng Mountain- 2024 First Flush West Lake Longjing (Dragon's Well) Tea QunTi (250g) Shifeng Mountain West Lake Longjing Qunti tea is the oldest Longjing tea species on record. Its history dates more than 1,000 years. There are only 18 tea trees on the world-famous Shifeng Mountain that make up this tea. The harvest of this special tea is around the Ching Ming Festival in early April. The yield is limited and the flavor is unique. In addition to the strong aroma of beans and orchids, there are also floral and fruit aromas, rich in layers and with long-lasting flavor. This precious tea is in limited quantities! 西湖龙井茶的五大核心产区: “西湖龙井茶” 产区范围广阔辖区纵深。不仅包括以西湖风景名胜区以内的:狮、龙、云、虎、梅、为代表的五大核心一级产区,也包括龙坞、留下、转塘、周浦、等二级产区。 The five core producing areas of West Lake Longjing Tea: The "West Lake Longjing Tea" production areas have a wide range of jurisdiction and depth. The terrain includes not only the five core first-level production areas represented by the West Lake scenic area: lion, dragon, cloud, tiger, and Mei, but also the second-level production areas such as Longwu, Liuxia, Zhuantang, and Zhoupu. ● “狮” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州狮峰山及周边地带。含:狮峰山、龙井村、棋盘山、上天竺、等地的龙井茶。● “狮” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:汤色绿中透黄,呈嫩黄绿色,俗称 “糙米色”;滋味鲜醇香浓;栗香明显香气高锐持久;制茶时不讲究外形,成为它的显著特点;“狮” 字号是西湖龙井茶中品质最佳的 “极品”。 ● West Lake Longjing tea in the "Lion" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Shifeng Mountain and surrounding areas. Including Longjing tea from Shifeng Mountain, Longjing Village, Qipan Mountain, Shangtianzhu, and other places. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Lion" production area: The color is green and yellowish in color, commonly known as "brown rice color"; the taste is fresh and mellow; the chestnut fragrance is sharp and long-lasting; the balanced flavor is emphasized which is its distinguishing feature. The "Lion" brand name is West Lake Longjing Tea’s extremely best quality. ● “龙” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州龙井山及周边地带。含:翁家山、杨梅岭、满觉垅、白鹤峰、等地的龙井茶。该区域与 “狮” 字号区域接近,所产的西湖龙井茶,品质也佳。特别是白鹤峰所产之西湖龙井茶,可与狮峰山的相媲美,也深为消费者的喜爱。● “龙” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:与 “狮” 字号西湖龙井茶的品质特征相同。 ● West Lake Longjing tea from the "Dragon" production area: Produced in Longjing Mountain and surrounding areas in Hangzhou. Including Longjing tea from Wengjiashan, Yangmeiling, Manjuelong, Baihefeng, and other places. This area is close to the "Lion" brand area, and the West Lake Longjing tea produced is of good quality. In particular, the West Lake Longjing tea produced by Baihefeng is comparable to that of Shifeng Mountain, and it is also deeply loved by consumers. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Dragon" production area: The quality characteristics of the "Lion" brand West Lake Longjing tea are the same. ● “梅” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州梅家坞及周边地带。是西湖龙井茶的主产地,产量约占全部西湖龙井茶的三分之一左右。● “梅” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:外形挺秀扁平光滑、色泽绿中显翠;滋味鲜醇鲜爽顺滑;汤色碧绿;豆香清新,略逊于狮字号;做工细腻讲究;已成为西湖龙井茶的主要产区。 ● West Lake Longjing tea in the "Mei" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Meijiawu and surrounding areas. It is the main producing area of West Lake Longjing tea, and its output accounts for about one-third of all West Lake Longjing tea. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Mei" production area: The tea leaf appearance is pretty, flat, and smooth, the color is green; the taste is very fresh and smooth; the tea color is green; slightly inferior to the “lion” brand; This has become the main producing area of West Lake Longjing tea. ● “云” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州云栖、五云山、瑯珰岭、及边周围地带。云字号西湖龙井茶与梅字号西湖龙井茶的风格基本一致,因它们原本就是一家,只是以后才 “分家” 的。● “云” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:外形挺秀、扁平光滑、色泽翠绿;滋味鲜醇爽口;汤色碧绿;做工细腻讲究;也是最具代表性的西湖龙井茶。 ● West Lake Longjing Tea from the "Cloud" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Yunqi, Wuyun Mountain, Langguiling, and the surrounding areas. The styles of "Cloud" Longjing tea and "Mei" Longjing tea are basically the same, because they originally belonged to the same family, but only later "separated". The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Cloud" production area: The leaf appearance is pretty, flat, and smooth, and the color is emerald green; the taste is mellow and refreshing; the tea color is green; it is also the most representative West Lake Longjing tea. ● “虎” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州虎跑、四眼井、赤山埠、三台山、等地的龙井茶。后来中天竺、白乐桥、茅家埠、黄龙洞、等地所产的西湖龙井茶也一律划归为虎字号。● “虎” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:芽叶肥壮,芽锋显露。 ● West Lake Longjing Tea from the "Tiger" production area: Longjing tea is produced in Hangzhou Hupao, Siyanjing, Chishanbu, Santaishan, and other places. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Tiger" production area: The buds and leaves are fat and strong.
2024西湖龍井頭茶 翁家山龍井43號 250g
此產品為預售產品, 訂單會在4月1号之後郵寄 2024 龍井頭茶 翁家山 西湖龍井 43號 250g 西湖龍井43號是中國農業科學研究所,從龍井群體中選育出來的國家級品種。 永合豐为您精選這款龍井,是清明前的頭茶,採摘自西湖龍井的“龍”字號核心產區--翁家山;翁家山的茶農經過數百年的實踐,積累了精湛的採茶製茶工藝。 進入三月中旬,雨水充足,氣溫適中,茶園裏的茶樹齊齊地抽出嫩芽,翁家山村進入開摘第一批明前龍井的最佳時機。傳統手工製作,這樣製作出來的頭採明前龍井,味道清甜可口,入口柔和清香,能給人一種清新自然之感。 有道是“明前茶,貴如金” 是衆多龍井綠茶愛好者,翹首期盼一品當季龍井最大的盛典。 特點:香味和濃度都適宜,香氣高揚,濃度適宜,回甘持久,湯色青翠明亮。 數量有限,售完即止。茶是農業,敬請諒解!
永合豐 美國野生花旗參(4 oz/盒)
永合豐美國天然野生花旗參(4盎司/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.)的干燥根部。野山花旗參釀造野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生極為稀有。最好的野生參產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山CATSKILL MT。 (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的BLUE RIDGE MT。 (藍脊山),兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有的上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。 花旗參禮盒(4盎司/盒) 西洋參被推薦用於治療糖尿病、慢性口渴和飢餓、更年期潮熱、壓力性頭痛、皮膚過早老化和慢性乾燥。 野生花旗參原產於北美,是五加科植物西洋參 (Panax Quinquefolium LL) 的干燥根。野生山西洋參又稱野生西洋參,是原始山林中發現的最稀有的天然野生保健滋補品。最好的野山參來自紐約北部至加拿大的卡茨基爾山脈(加斯基山),其次是北卡羅來納州的藍岭山脈。其根系已有十幾年,有的可達一百年。人參品質較輕,表面顆粒較突出,人參皂甙含量最高。 據研究分析,西洋參含有:人參、人參酸、甙、人參皂甙等多種有益成分。花旗參味甘辛,性涼,具有潤肺消炎、養胃強身的功效。體內氣機陰虛、疲乏無力、久咳咳血、肺胃虛弱者,適量食用花旗參可緩解這些不適。
成艺珐琅彩 手工描金 黄葵纹茶具套装 9头
成艺 珐琅彩 黄 手工描金 葵纹 茶壶 功夫茶具套装 9头 成艺陶瓷,成立于2004年3月,主要生产日用陶瓷茶具,产品销往国内外20多个国家和地区,年产陶瓷产品2000多万件,是一家集生产、贸易、科研为一体的陶瓷企业。 材质: 瓷 适用人数: 6人 类型: 其他功夫茶用具 是否手工: 是 尺寸: 茶壶 容量约180ml,长约12cm,高约8.5cm 公道杯 容量约240ml, 长约8cm,高约8.5cm 茶杯 容量60ml, 长约6cm, 高约4.5cm 干泡盘 长17cm, 高3.5cm Chengyi Colorful Enamel Porcelain Tea Sets 9 pcs Yellow Made from robust materials, Chengyi ceramics offer astonishing longevity. Due to their high melting points and low heat conductivity, the. Chengyi ceramic is highly resistant to heat making them ideal for use as utensils and other essential home products. They are easy to clean, therefore, easy to maintain their original appealing state. Material: Porcelain Applicable number: 6 people Type: Kung Fu Tea Utensils Hand Make: Yes Ceramic enterprises size: Teapot, the capacity is about 180ml (6 fluid oz, ¾ cup), the length is about 12cm (4.72 inches), and the height is about 8.5cm (3.34 inches) Fair cup, the capacity is about 240ml (1 cup), the length is about 8cm (3.14 inches), the height is about 8.5cm (3.34 inches) Teacup capacity 60ml (1/4 cup), length about 6cm (2.36 inch), height about 4.5cm (1.77 inch) Tray 17cm long (6.69 inches), 3.5cm (1.37 inches) high
成艺珐琅彩 手工描金 红葵纹茶具套装 9头
成艺 珐琅彩 红 手工描金 葵纹 茶壶 功夫茶具套装 9头 成艺陶瓷,成立于2004年3月,主要生产日用陶瓷茶具,产品销往国内外20多个国家和地区,年产陶瓷产品2000多万件,是一家集生产、贸易、科研为一体的陶瓷企业。 材质: 瓷 适用人数: 6人 类型: 其他功夫茶用具 是否手工: 是 尺寸: 茶壶 容量约180ml,长约12cm,高约8.5cm 公道杯 容量约240ml, 长约8cm,高约8.5cm 茶杯 容量60ml, 长约6cm, 高约4.5cm 干泡盘 长17cm, 高3.5cm Chengyi Colorful Enamel Porcelain Tea Sets 9 pcs Red Made from robust materials, Chengyi ceramics offer astonishing longevity. Due to their high melting points and low heat conductivity, the. Chengyi ceramic is highly resistant to heat making them ideal for use as utensils and other essential home products. They are easy to clean, therefore, easy to maintain their original appealing state. Material: Porcelain Applicable number: 6 people Type: Kung Fu Tea Utensils Hand Make: Yes Ceramic enterprises size: Teapot, the capacity is about 180ml (6 fluid oz, ¾ cup), the length is about 12cm (4.72 inches), and the height is about 8.5cm (3.34 inches) Fair cup, the capacity is about 240ml (1 cup), the length is about 8cm (3.14 inches), the height is about 8.5cm (3.34 inches) Teacup capacity 60ml (1/4 cup), length about 6cm (2.36 inch), height about 4.5cm (1.77 inch) Tray 17cm long (6.69 inches), 3.5cm (1.37 inches) high
成艺珐琅彩 手工描金 宝蓝葵纹茶具套装 9头
成艺 珐琅彩 宝蓝 手工描金 葵纹 茶壶 功夫茶具套装 9头 成艺陶瓷,成立于2004年3月,主要生产日用陶瓷茶具,产品销往国内外20多个国家和地区,年产陶瓷产品2000多万件,是一家集生产、贸易、科研为一体的陶瓷企业。 材质: 瓷 适用人数: 6人 类型: 其他功夫茶用具 是否手工: 是 尺寸: 茶壶 容量约180ml,长约12cm,高约8.5cm 公道杯 容量约240ml, 长约8cm,高约8.5cm 茶杯 容量60ml, 长约6cm, 高约4.5cm 干泡盘 长17cm, 高3.5cm Chengyi Colorful Enamel Porcelain Tea Sets 9 pcs Sapphire Made from robust materials, Chengyi ceramics offer astonishing longevity. Due to their high melting points and low heat conductivity, the. Chengyi ceramic is highly resistant to heat making them ideal for use as utensils and other essential home products. They are easy to clean, therefore, easy to maintain their original appealing state. Material: Porcelain Applicable number: 6 people Type: Kung Fu Tea Utensils Hand Make: Yes Ceramic enterprises size: Teapot, the capacity is about 180ml (6 fluid oz, ¾ cup), the length is about 12cm (4.72 inches), and the height is about 8.5cm (3.34 inches) Fair cup, the capacity is about 240ml (1 cup), the length is about 8cm (3.14 inches), the height is about 8.5cm (3.34 inches) Teacup capacity 60ml (1/4 cup), length about 6cm (2.36 inch), height about 4.5cm (1.77 inch) Tray 17cm long (6.69 inches), 3.5cm (1.37 inches) high
黃金羅漢果 大(1個/包)
黄金罗汉果 大(1枚/包) Golden Monk Fruit Fruit of Golden Grosvenor Momordica Size(inch): 2 x 1. 6 Golden Lo Han Guo (羅漢果), also known as "Monk Fruit", used in TCM over thousand years. Chinese loves to use it to make herbal tea or stew soup for the treatment of cough, sore throat caused by lung infection or by a cold due to seasonal weather variations.1. Crush 1 pc Lo Han Gou shell2. Add about 1 liters of water in the pot,3. Put in the crushed Lo Han Gou (shell and seeds) into the the water and bring to boil under high heat4. Once boiled, turn to medium heat and boil another 20 ~ 30 minutes.5. After cold down, filter with strainer, the dross can be boil for the second time from 45 to 1 hour.6. You can enjoy when it warm, or you can store in refrigerator, it can keep about 2 ~ 3 weeks.7. Please note that the Lo Han Gou is sweeter than the sugar. If you find it's still too sweet, you can add hot or cold water to dilute.8. Some people will boil it with other herbs, such as goji berries, dried longan, chrysanthemum. 为葫芦科植物罗汉果的果实。 性味 味甘;性凉 经脉 归肺经;脾经 主治 清肺利咽,化痰止咳,润肠通便。主肺热痰火咳嗽,扁挑体炎,急性胃炎,咽痛失音,肠燥便秘。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒者忌服。
茉莉花茶 1LB/包
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: China 品名Name: 茉莉花茶 Jasmine Tea Bags 保質期Shelf Life: 18months 分類Sort: 花茶 Green Tea 等級Level: 一級 Premium 包装 Package: 袋Bag Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 儲存方法Storage: 常温、陰涼、乾燥、可長期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Our Jasmine Green Tea is a select blend of hand-tossed fine green tea leaves and jasmine flowers. This tea is a light green brew with the fragrant smell of jasmine flowers. Directions: Pour hot water over tea bag. Steep for 3-5 minutes. May sweeten with honey. Serve hot or chilled with ice. Enjoy! 雀石茉莉花茶選用高山雲雾綠茶,配以精選茉莉花,結合傳統工藝與現代科技精制而成,為純净無污染的綠色天然產品。
云南古树绿茶 1Lb/Bag
云南古树绿茶 1Lb/Bag 云南是著名的茶叶产区之一,生产的茶叶品种繁多,其中以古树绿茶最为著名。以下是一些关于云南古树绿茶的资料,供您参考:茶叶品种介绍:云南古树绿茶是以古茶树鲜叶为原料制作而成的绿茶,具有独特的香气和口感。云南的古茶树主要分布在西双版纳和临沧地区,树龄在百年以上,甚至有千年以上的古树。茶叶的特点:云南古树绿茶具有清香高爽、滋味鲜爽、叶底嫩绿等特点。其茶汤清亮透明,口感柔和清爽,回甘持久。茶叶的功效:云南古树绿茶含有多种人体必需的氨基酸和微量元素,对身体有多种保健功效,如增强免疫力、抗氧化、抗衰老等。茶叶的制作工艺:云南古树绿茶的制作工艺主要包括摘叶、萎凋、揉捻、发酵、干燥等环节。其中发酵环节决定了茶叶的口感和香气,而干燥环节则是为了保持茶叶的质量和保存期限。 Introduction to Tea Varieties: Yunnan Ancient Tree Green Tea is a type of green tea made from fresh leaves of ancient tea trees, and it has a unique aroma and flavor. The ancient tea trees in Yunnan are mainly distributed in the Xishuangbanna and Lincang regions, with some trees being over a hundred years old, and some even over a thousand years old. Characteristics of Tea: Yunnan Ancient Tree Green Tea has the characteristics of a clear, refreshing aroma, a fresh and crisp taste, and a tender green leaf base. Its tea soup is clear and transparent, with a soft and refreshing taste, and a long-lasting sweet aftertaste. Benefits of Tea: Yunnan Ancient Tree Green Tea contains various essential amino acids and trace elements for the human body, and has multiple health benefits, such as enhancing immunity, antioxidation, and anti-aging. Tea Manufacturing Process: The production process of Yunnan Ancient Tree Green Tea mainly includes plucking, withering, rolling, fermenting, drying, and other stages. Among them, the fermentation process determines the taste and aroma of the tea, while the drying process is to maintain the quality and shelf life of the tea. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ /100℃ 212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time: 1-2 mins 8 steeps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s Rinse time is around 4 seconds