Tea Bags
Sencha Chiran Premium Tea Bags (10 Bags)
鹿儿岛-知览 煎茶茶包 (10袋) Origin: Kagoshima, JapanBrew Color:light yellow-greenFlavor Profile:fresh vegetal, grassy, slight nutty finish These fresh sencha "chiran" tea bags are produced by a third generation family tea farmer in Kagoshima. The tea leaves are deep steamed and conveniently packaged in pyramid tea bags for your enjoyment. Excellent for cold brew as well. Brewing Directions Steep in hot water about 160 F for about 1-2 minutes.
Korean Instant Ginseng Tea (100 Bags)
韓國 高麗人蔘茶 100包 韓國高麗人蔘茶是保持身體活力的理想選擇。它以韓國紅蔘製成,風味獨特濃郁。請享用此茶,將一至兩包茶包溶於一杯冷水或熱水中,攪拌均勻。 **可依個人喜好加入蜂蜜或甜味劑調味。 Instant Korean Ginseng Tea Red ginseng tea is the perfect way to keep your body energized.Made with Korean red ginseng and has a flavorful tastePlease enjoy this tea, dissolve one or two teabags into a glass of cold or hot water and stir well. **Sweeten with honey or sweetener if desired.
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CHENPICUN TianQing DaHongGan Pu-Erh Tea (10 Bag/Box)
陈皮村 甜沁大红柑普洱 袋泡茶 10包/盒 陈皮村甜沁大红柑普洱袋泡茶,将传统茶饮的韵味与现代便捷完美结合,为您带来甜蜜、醇厚的饮茶新体验,开启每一个甜蜜的品茶时刻。 一、柑普合璧,甜蜜之味 陈皮村甜沁大红柑普洱袋泡茶,巧妙融合新会大红柑与云南普洱。新会大红柑果形饱满,散发着浓郁而醇厚的柑香,仿佛将秋日果园的甜蜜气息凝聚其中。云南普洱,以其醇厚的口感和悠长的回甘闻名。二者搭配,柑香与茶香相互交融,形成独特而甜蜜的风味。冲泡后,茶汤红浓明亮,滋味醇厚甜润,每一口都如品尝甜蜜的秋日馈赠,给味蕾带来极致享受。 二、严选原料,品质卓越 大红柑精心选自新会核心产区,那里得天独厚的水土和气候条件,孕育出品质上乘、香气浓郁的柑果。云南普洱则选用优质大叶种晒青毛茶,经传统发酵工艺精心制作而成,茶叶内质丰富,口感醇厚。上乘的原料,从源头保障了这款袋泡茶的卓越品质。 三、便捷袋装,随时畅饮 每盒内含 10 包独立袋装茶,每包 3 克。独立包装设计,方便携带与保存,无论是忙碌的工作间隙、惬意的旅行途中,还是温馨的居家时光,只需一杯热水,就能轻松冲泡出一杯香气四溢的大红柑普洱茶。无需繁琐的泡茶流程,也不必担心茶叶散落,随时随地都能享受这份甜蜜的茶香。 四、精美包装,心意之选 包装设计精美,以浪漫的粉色为主色调,搭配可爱的插画,画面中展现出悠然的生活场景,传递出温馨甜蜜的氛围。无论是自己日常品饮,还是作为礼物馈赠亲友,都十分合适,不仅能传递健康与美好的祝福,还彰显出独特的品味。 CHENPICUN TianQing DaHongGan Pu-Erh Tea (10 Bag/Box) I. Combination of Mandarin and Pu - er, Sweet Flavor Chenpicun Sweet - infused Big Red Mandarin Pu - er Tea Bags skillfully combine Xinhui big red mandarins and Yunnan Pu - er tea. The Xinhui big red mandarins are plump in shape, exuding a rich and mellow citrus aroma, as if condensing the sweet breath of the autumn orchard. Yunnan Pu - er tea is well - known for its mellow taste and long - lasting sweet aftertaste. The combination of the two makes the citrus aroma and tea aroma blend with each other, forming a unique and sweet flavor. After brewing, the tea soup is rich red and bright, with a mellow and sweet taste. Every sip is like savoring a sweet autumn gift, bringing the ultimate enjoyment to the taste buds. II. Strictly Selected Raw Materials, Outstanding Quality The big red mandarins are carefully selected from the core production areas of Xinhui. The unique soil, water, and climate conditions there give birth to citrus fruits of superior quality and strong aroma. The Yunnan Pu - er tea is made from high - quality large - leaf sun - dried green tea through traditional fermentation techniques. The tea is rich in internal substances and has a mellow taste. The superior raw materials ensure the outstanding quality of these tea bags from the source. III. Convenient Bag - packaging, Enjoy Anytime Each box contains 10 individually - packaged tea bags, 3 grams per bag. The individual packaging design is convenient for carrying and storage. Whether during a busy work break, a pleasant journey, or a warm home time, just a cup of hot water can easily brew a cup of fragrant big red mandarin Pu - er tea. There is no need for cumbersome tea - making processes, and no need to worry about tea leaves scattering. You can enjoy this sweet tea aroma anytime, anywhere. IV. Exquisite Packaging, a Thoughtful Choice The packaging is exquisitely designed, with a romantic pink as the main color, matched with cute illustrations. The picture shows a leisurely life scene, conveying a warm and sweet atmosphere. Whether for daily personal drinking or as a gift for relatives and friends, it is very suitable. It can not only convey blessings of health and beauty but also show unique taste.
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CHENPICUN RuGuo Taigan Pu-Erh Tea (10 Bag/Box)
陈皮村 茹果胎柑普洱 袋泡茶 10包/盒 陈皮村茹果胎柑普洱袋泡茶,将传统茶饮的韵味与现代便捷完美融合,为您带来别具一格的饮茶体验,开启每一个悠然的品茶时刻。 一、独特搭配,醇厚风味 陈皮村茹果胎柑普洱袋泡茶,创新融合新会胎柑与云南普洱。新会胎柑,是柑果在未成熟时采摘所得,虽个头小巧,却蕴含着浓郁且独特的柑香,带着清新自然的气息。云南普洱,以醇厚顺滑、韵味悠长著称。二者搭配,柑香与茶香相互交融,层次丰富。冲泡后,茶汤红浓透亮,滋味醇厚甘甜,每一口都能让您领略到传统与创新结合的美妙风味。 二、精选原料,品质上乘 胎柑严选新会核心产区所产,当地独特的地理环境与气候条件,赋予胎柑丰富的内涵物质和浓郁香气。云南普洱则选用优质大叶种晒青毛茶,经精湛发酵工艺制成,茶叶条索紧结,内质丰富。上乘的原料,从源头保障了这款袋泡茶的卓越品质。 三、便捷袋装,随时畅享 每盒内含 10 包独立袋装茶,每包 3 克。独立包装设计,方便携带与保存,无论是在忙碌的工作场合、惬意的旅行途中,还是温馨的居家时光,只需一杯热水,即可轻松冲泡出一杯香气四溢的胎柑普洱茶。无需繁琐的泡茶步骤,也不用担心茶叶散落,随时随地都能享受这份醇厚茶香带来的惬意。 四、精美包装,心意之选 包装设计精美,以清新的蓝色为主色调,搭配可爱的插画,画面展现出悠闲的生活场景,传递出轻松愉悦的氛围。无论是自己日常品饮,还是作为礼物馈赠亲友,都十分合适,不仅能传递健康与美好的祝福,还彰显出独特的品味。 CHENPICUN RuGuo Taigan Pu-Erh Tea (10 Bag/Box) I. Unique Combination, Mellow Flavor Chenpicun Ruguo Immature Citrus Pu - er Tea Bags innovatively combine Xinhui immature citrus and Yunnan Pu - er tea. Xinhui immature citrus is picked when the citrus fruits are unripe. Although small in size, they contain a strong and unique citrus aroma with a fresh and natural scent. Yunnan Pu - er tea is well - known for its mellow, smooth taste and long - lasting charm. The combination of the two makes the citrus aroma and tea aroma blend with each other, presenting rich layers. After brewing, the tea soup is rich red and translucent, with a mellow and sweet taste. Every sip allows you to experience the wonderful flavor of the combination of tradition and innovation. II. Selected Raw Materials, Superior Quality The immature citrus are carefully selected from the core production areas of Xinhui. The unique geographical environment and climate conditions there endow the immature citrus with rich internal substances and a strong aroma. The Yunnan Pu - er tea is made from high - quality large - leaf sun - dried green tea through exquisite fermentation techniques. The tea strips are tightly - knotted and rich in internal substances. The superior raw materials guarantee the excellent quality of these tea bags from the source. III. Convenient Bag - packaging, Enjoy Anytime Each box contains 10 individually - packaged tea bags, 3 grams per bag. The individual packaging design is convenient for carrying and storage. Whether in a busy work environment, on a pleasant journey, or during a warm home time, just a cup of hot water can easily brew a cup of fragrant immature citrus Pu - er tea. There is no need for cumbersome tea - making steps, and no need to worry about tea leaves scattering. You can enjoy the pleasure brought by this mellow tea aroma anytime, anywhere. IV. Exquisite Packaging, a Thoughtful Choice The packaging is exquisitely designed, with a fresh blue as the main color, matched with cute illustrations. The picture shows a leisurely life scene, conveying a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Whether for daily personal drinking or as a gift for relatives and friends, it is very suitable. It can not only convey blessings of health and beauty but also show unique taste.
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CHENPICUN YueBai XiaoQingGan White Tea (10 Bag/Box)
陈皮村 月白小青柑白茶 袋泡茶 10包/盒 陈皮村月白小青柑白茶袋泡茶,将传统茶饮的韵味与现代便捷完美结合,为您带来别具一格的饮茶体验,开启每一段悠然的品茶时光。 一、柑白融合,清雅之韵 陈皮村月白小青柑白茶袋泡茶,匠心独运地将新会小青柑与优质白茶相融合。新会小青柑清新小巧,蕴含着独特的柑果清香,仿佛裹挟着果园的自然灵气。而优质白茶,以其毫香清幽、滋味鲜醇著称。二者搭配,柑香与茶香相互交织,形成了独特而清雅的韵味。冲泡后,茶汤色泽明黄透亮,滋味鲜爽甜醇,每一口都仿佛能让人置身于宁静的茶园与柑林之中,感受那份悠然与惬意。 二、原料上乘,品质保障 小青柑精心选自新会核心产区,这里独特的地理环境与气候条件,孕育出香气浓郁、品质绝佳的柑果。白茶则选用优质产区的鲜嫩芽叶,经传统工艺精心制作而成,芽叶肥壮,毫毛显露,内质丰富。上乘的原料,从源头为这款袋泡茶的卓越品质提供了坚实保障。 三、便捷袋装,随心品茗 每盒内含有 10 包独立袋装茶,每包 3 克。独立包装设计,不仅便于携带,能让您随时随地享受茶饮的乐趣,还能有效保存茶叶的香气与品质。无论是在忙碌的工作间隙、轻松的旅行途中,还是温馨的居家时光,只需一杯热水,即可轻松冲泡出一杯香气四溢的小青柑白茶。无需繁琐的泡茶步骤,也不用担心茶叶散落,让品茗变得更加简单、随心。 四、精美包装,心意之选 包装设计精美雅致,以柔和的黄色为主色调,搭配富有诗意的插画,画面中展现出闲适的生活场景和传统文化元素,传递出一种宁静、淡雅的氛围。无论是自己日常品饮,还是作为礼物馈赠亲友,都十分合适,既彰显出独特的品味,又能传递出健康与美好的祝福。 CHENPICUN YueBai XiaoQingGan White Tea (10 Bag/Box) I. Fusion of Mandarin and White Tea, Elegant Rhyme Chenpicun Yuebai Small Green Mandarin White Tea Bags ingeniously combine Xinhui small green mandarins and high - quality white tea. The Xinhui small green mandarins are fresh and small, containing a unique citrus fragrance, as if wrapped in the natural aura of the orchard. The high - quality white tea is known for its faint and elegant hair - like aroma and fresh, mellow taste. The combination of the two makes the citrus aroma and tea aroma interweave, forming a unique and elegant rhyme. After brewing, the tea soup is bright yellow and translucent, with a fresh, sweet and mellow taste. Every sip seems to be able to transport people to a peaceful tea garden and citrus forest, feeling the tranquility and comfort. II. Superior Raw Materials, Quality Assurance The small green mandarins are carefully selected from the core production areas of Xinhui. The unique geographical environment and climate conditions here give birth to citrus fruits with a strong aroma and excellent quality. The white tea is made from fresh and tender buds and leaves in high - quality production areas through traditional techniques. The buds and leaves are plump, with obvious hair, and rich in internal substances. The superior raw materials provide a solid guarantee for the excellent quality of these tea bags from the source. III. Convenient Bag - packaging, Enjoy Tea - drinking Freely Each box contains 10 individually - packaged tea bags, 3 grams per bag. The individual packaging design is not only convenient to carry, allowing you to enjoy the fun of tea - drinking anytime, anywhere, but also can effectively preserve the aroma and quality of the tea. Whether during a busy work break, a relaxing journey, or a warm home time, just a cup of hot water can easily brew a cup of fragrant small green mandarin white tea. There is no need for cumbersome tea - making steps, and no need to worry about tea leaves scattering, making tea - drinking simpler and more free. IV. Exquisite Packaging, a Thoughtful Choice The packaging is exquisitely designed, with a soft yellow as the main color, matched with poetic illustrations. The picture shows leisurely life scenes and traditional cultural elements, conveying a peaceful and elegant atmosphere. Whether for daily personal drinking or as a gift for relatives and friends, it is very suitable, not only showing unique taste but also being able to convey blessings of health and beauty.
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CHENPICUN QingChu XiaoQingGan Pu-Erh Tea (10 Bag/Box)
陈皮村 青初小青柑普洱 袋泡茶 10包/盒 陈皮村青初小青柑普洱袋泡茶,将传统与便捷完美融合,为您带来清新、醇厚的茶饮新体验,开启每一个惬意的饮茶时刻。 一、柑茶交融,清新之味 陈皮村青初小青柑普洱袋泡茶,将新会小青柑与云南普洱巧妙融合。新会小青柑,洋溢着清新的柑果香气,仿佛带着果园的自然气息;云南普洱醇厚顺滑,回甘悠长。二者搭配,柑香与茶香相互交织,带来独特而清新的味觉体验。冲泡后,茶汤红浓透亮,滋味醇厚甜润,每一口都能让您感受到自然与传统茶饮的完美结合。 二、优质原料,品质根基 小青柑精心选自新会核心产区,这里得天独厚的地理环境与气候条件,孕育出品质上乘、香气浓郁的柑果。云南普洱则选用优质的大叶种晒青毛茶发酵而成,茶叶内质丰富,芽叶饱满,为袋泡茶奠定了坚实的品质基础。 三、便捷包装,随时品味 每盒包含 10 包独立袋装茶,每包 3 克。独立包装设计方便携带,无论是在办公室忙碌工作时,还是在外出旅行途中,亦或是在家中享受闲暇时光,只需一杯热水,就能轻松冲泡出一杯香气四溢的小青柑普洱茶。无需复杂的泡茶步骤,也不用担心茶叶散落,随时随地都能享受这份醇厚茶香。 四、精美外观,心意之选 包装设计精美,以清新的绿色为主色调,搭配充满童趣的插画,展现出自然、闲适的氛围。无论是自己日常饮用,还是作为礼物送给亲朋好友,都非常合适,传递出健康、美好的心意。 CHENPICUN XiaoQingGan Pu-Erh Tea (10 Bag/Box) I. Fusion of Mandarin and Tea, Refreshing Flavor Chenpicun Qingchu Small Green Mandarin Pu - er Tea Bags skillfully combine Xinhui small green mandarins and Yunnan Pu - er tea. The Xinhui small green mandarins exude a fresh citrus aroma, as if carrying the natural breath of the orchard; the Yunnan Pu - er tea is mellow, smooth, and has a long - lasting sweet aftertaste. The combination of the two makes the citrus aroma and tea aroma interweave, bringing a unique and refreshing taste experience. After brewing, the tea soup is rich red and translucent, with a mellow and sweet taste. Every sip allows you to feel the perfect combination of nature and traditional tea - drinking. II. High - quality Raw Materials, Foundation of Quality The small green mandarins are carefully selected from the core production areas of Xinhui. The unique geographical environment and climate conditions here give birth to citrus fruits of superior quality and strong aroma. The Yunnan Pu - er tea is made from high - quality large - leaf sun - dried green tea through fermentation. The tea is rich in internal substances, with plump buds and leaves, laying a solid quality foundation for the tea bags. III. Convenient Packaging, Enjoy Anytime Each box contains 10 individually - packaged tea bags, 3 grams per bag. The individual packaging design is convenient to carry. Whether you are busy working in the office, traveling, or enjoying leisure time at home, just a cup of hot water can easily brew a cup of fragrant small green mandarin Pu - er tea. There is no need for complicated tea - making steps, and no need to worry about tea leaves scattering. You can enjoy this mellow tea aroma anytime, anywhere. IV. Exquisite Appearance, a Thoughtful Choice The packaging is exquisitely designed, with a fresh green as the main color, matched with child - like illustrations, showing a natural and leisurely atmosphere. Whether for daily personal drinking or as a gift for relatives and friends, it is very suitable, conveying the thoughts of health and beauty.