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127 products

  • Du Zhong (Eucommia ulmoides Oliver)  杜仲 Box)

    Eucommia Bark/ Sichuan Du Zhong (16 oz/Box)

    特選 四川厚杜仲(16 oz/盒) 性味 甘;微辛;性温 功效 为杜仲科植物杜仲的干燥树皮。 主治腰脊酸疼,足膝痿弱,小便余沥,阴下湿痒,胎漏欲堕,胎动不安,高血压。 经脉 肝经;肾经 主治 补肝肾,强筋骨,安胎。治腰脊酸疼,足膝痿弱,小便余沥,阴下湿痒,胎漏欲堕,胎动不安,高血压。 ①《本经》:主腰脊痛,补中益精气,坚筋骨,强志,除阴下痒湿,小便余沥。 ②《别录》:主脚中酸痛,不欲践地。 ③《药性论》:治肾冷臀腰痛,腰病人虚而身强直,风也。腰不利加而用之。 ④《日华子本草》:治肾劳,腰脊挛。入药炙用。 ⑤王好古:润肝燥,补肝经风虚。 ⑥《本草正》:止小水梦遗,暖子宫,安胎气。 ⑦《玉楸药解》:益肝肾,养筋骨,去关节湿淫。治腰膝酸痛,腿足拘挛。 ⑧《本草再新》:充筋力,强阳道。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或浸酒;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 1.阴虚火旺者慎服。 2.《本草经集注》:恶蛇皮、元参。 3.《本草经疏》:肾虚火炽者不宜用。即用当与黄柏、知母同入。 4.《得配本草》:内热、精血燥二者禁用。     Eucommia Bark/ Sichuan Du Zhong (16 oz/Box) Eucommia ulmoides (EU) (also known as “Du Zhong” in Chinese language) is a plant containing various kinds of chemical constituents such as lignans, iridoids, phenolics, steroids, flavonoids, and other compounds. These constituents of EU possess various medicinal properties and have been used in Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) as a folk drink and functional food for several thousand years. . . The health-promoting properties of EU on cardiovascular system and antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and neuroprotective effects and metabolic modulation on bones and phytoestrogenic properties have attracted much interest in the extraction and functional development of active ingredients of EU. Evidenced based complementary and alternative medicine. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, slightly pungent; and it is warming in nature. It is the dry bark of Eucommia ulmoides. Indications are for lumbar spine pain, weak feet and knees, excessive urination, vaginal discharge, fetal movement [or possible threatened miscarriage], and high blood pressure. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes the liver and kidney, strengthens the bones and muscles, and “relieves pregnancy” [calms the fetus] It has been used to cure lumbar spine pain, weak feet and knees, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, restless fetal movement, high blood pressure.   TCM references for herbal use of eucommia:  ① "Ben Jing": Mainly lumbar and spinal pain, nourishes the middle and nourish vital energy, strengthens the muscles and bones, strengthens the mind, remove itching and dampness under the yin, and [excess urination].      ② "Bie Lu": Soreness in the main foot, do not want to practice the ground. [difficulty walking]     ③ "Yao Xing Lun": Treat cold kidney; with buttocks and low back pain, patients with weak waist and stiff body, wind [nerve pain] also. Use it for your waist.      ④ "Rihuazi Ben Cao": cures kidney labor, lumbar spinal spasm. Used as medicine.      ⑤Wang Haogu: Nourishes the liver dryness, nourishes the liver and wind [nerve pain from deficiency.]      ⑥ "Ben Cao Zheng": stops wet dreams, warms the uterus, and relieves fetal gas.      ⑦ "Yu Qiu Yao Jie": to benefit the liver and kidney, nourish bones and muscles, to remove joint swelling. Cures waist and knee pain, leg and foot spasm.      ⑧ "Ben Cao Zai Xin": Replenishing energy and strengthening Yang Dao. Dosage   Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or soaking in wine; or into pills or powder.    Cautions:  Be cautious using this with Yin deficiency and fire [fever or inflammation].      "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu": do not use with snake skin, or Yuan Shen ginseng.      "Ben Cao Jing Shu": Not suitable for people with kidney deficiency and fire. It should be used together with Huangbo [Cortex Phellodendri] and Zhimu [Rhizoma Anemarrhenae. ]     "Depei Ben Cao": Do not use with internal heat and dryness of jing essence and blood.


  • WHF Tawari Honey - Liquid (500g) 1  WHF Tawari Honey (Liquid)

    WHF Tawari Honey - Liquid (500g)

    永合豐 達華麗 純蜂蜜(液體)500g 永合豐 達華麗 純蜂蜜的蜜源是新西蘭北島的Tawari樹的乳白色花朵,這種蜂蜜擁有金黃色的色澤和奶油糖果的美妙味道。 WHF Tawari Honey - Liquid (500g) The source of this pure honey is the milky white flowers of the Tawari tree on the North Island of New Zealand. This honey has a golden color and a wonderful taste of butterscotch. Tawari honey is also good for you, giving you instant natural energy, and enhancing general health. It has an anti-biotic activity that is peroxide-based, and as light honey, it better suits the taste and skin of some people, for treatment purposes. (


  • WHF Kamahi Honey - Liquid (500g)

    WHF Kamahi Honey - Liquid (500g)

    永合豐 新西兰 卡瑪喜 蜂蜜 500g 永合豐 卡瑪喜 蜂蜜產自新西蘭的原始森林。Kamahi蜂蜜含有天然的礦物質和微量元素,純天然,無添加,是你養生的好夥伴。   WHF Kamahi Honey - Liquid (500g) The recent interest in Manuka honey has been driven by a range of scientific studies. In the 1980s, researchers discovered that Manuka honey has very high levels of methylglyoxal (MGO) and have linked this to a number of health benefits, including antioxidant and tissue regeneration... Many people would be surprised to hear that Kamahi honey has higher levels of minerals and nutrients than Manuka. Like all raw honey, it has a host of enzymes and antioxidants that are good for us. . . When it comes to taste, Manuka has a strong earthy flavor while Kamahi honey is more like toffee, with a hint of vanilla. Many people prefer its lighter taste. ( WHF brand Kamahi Honey is made from flowers of the Kamahi plant found in the forests of New Zealand. It is a rich, golden hue and has a lingering sweet, buttery aroma. It is also known to aid in beautifying one's appearance. Try it in recipes that call for a distinct honey flavor.


  • Organic Dragon's Well Green Tea Crimson GIFT BOX  (10g*20 packs) Organic Dragon's Well Green Tea Crimson GIFT BOX  (10g*20 packs)

    Organic Dragon's Well Green Tea Crimson GIFT BOX (10g*20 packs)

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 中国 浙江 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 有机龙井 绯红礼盒   Organic Longjing  保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 炒青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 扁平光洁,匀长挺直, 绿中带黄,糙米色Flattened tea leaves, with one bud andone or two leaves 茶汤Liquor: 香气浓郁,豆香、栗香,鲜甜甘爽,回味悠久Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 春茶中的特级西湖龙井、浙江龙井外形扁平光滑,苗锋尖削,芽长于叶,色泽嫩绿,体表无茸毛;汤色嫩绿(黄)明亮;清香或嫩栗香,但有部分茶带高火香;滋味清爽或浓醇;叶底嫩绿,尚完整。其余各级龙井茶随着级别的下降,外形色泽由嫩绿→青绿→墨绿,茶身由小到大,茶条由光滑至粗糙;香味由嫩爽转向浓粗,四级茶开始有粗味;叶底由嫩芽转向对夹叶,色泽由嫩黄→青绿→黄褐。 Organic Longjing (Dragon's Well)  Green Tea Crimson GIFT BOX  (10g*20 packs) Longjing translates as “Dragon’s Well” in Chinese. This green tea originates from the mountains surrounding West Lake in the Zhejiang province of China. The leaves are hand-fired in a large wok immediately after picking and have an appearance of smooth flat green leaves with pointed ends, resembling a sparrow's tongue. According to legend, the tea was named because a dragon that lived in a well near West Lake Village saved the village by bringing rain after a long drought. This special grade West Lake Longjing is picked in spring. Zhejiang Longjing tea leaves are flat and smooth in shape, the seedlings are sharpened, the buds are longer than the leaves. The tea color is clear not turbid. The brewed tea is very fragrant, mild tasting and bright yellow green. Taste is refreshing or strong, sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones.  As the grades of Longjing tea decline to lesser grades, the color changes from light green to dark green, the tea leaf changes from small to large, and the tea quality changes from smooth to rough “the fragrance changes from tender to thick.” The fourth grade tea begins to have a rough taste. The bottom of the leaf turns from tender buds to the opposite leaf, and the color changes from light yellow→green-green→yellowish brown. Store the tea in the airtight, opaque packaging in a cool, dry place. The shelf life is 18 months. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 5g Tea Brewing time:  5 - 8 mins 5 steeps:  45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s    


  • PPX Peony Bai Mudan White Tea 6 Years Old 50g PPX Peony Bai Mudan White Tea 6 Years Old 50g

    PPX Peony Bai Mudan White Tea 6 Years Old 50g

    品品香白茶 福鼎白茶 六年陈 老白茶 白牡丹茶 50克/罐 口碑好茶 Aroma:   Fresh with tender pekoe flavor Liquor:  Pale orange-yellow color Taste:  A delicate taste with slight floral fragrance, fresh and sweet with slight soymilk taste,fragrance mouth feel and long-lasting lingering sweet aftertaste Brewing Method Tea cup: 12oz / 355ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ Weight: 3 Teaspoons / 2 Grams Tea Brewing time: 5 - 8 mins    


  • 盒)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box AAAA (4 oz/Box)

    華盛頓牌 美国顶级野生泡参 三十年生 花旗參(4 oz/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。  American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest.


  • 盒)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box)

    永合豐 美国天然野生 花旗参(4 oz/盒)  美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。   American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box) American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.  


  • 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶  Tin)

    TX Fancy Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea (100g/ Tin)

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶 Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained noticed worldwide in 1995, when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South."


  • Japanese Aomori Dried Abalone #587(16 oz) Japanese Aomori Dried Abalone #587(16 oz)

    Japanese Aomori Dried Abalone #587(16 oz)

    日本青森县 极品禾麻鲍#587(16 oz) Japanese Aomori Dried Abalone #587(16 oz) 尺寸:55g~90g each 禾麻鲍,日本干鲍的一种,与吉品鲍、网鲍并成为世界三大名鲍。禾麻鲍,个头最小,身上左右均有两个孔,肉质嫩滑,香味浓厚。 Japanese Aomori Dried Abalone #587 (16 oz)   Size: 55g~90g each  This abalone is the smallest variety with two holes on the left and right sides.  Abalone meat is tender, smooth and nutritious with a strong fragrance. It is high in protein 24%, and low fat 0.44% with many vitamins and trace elements that are very beneficial to our health. Abalone is rich in glutamic acid and tastes very delicious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.


  • Box) Box)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box)

    永合豐 华盛顿牌 20年生美国野生花旗参 礼盒(4 oz/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。 WHF American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box) American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.    


  • Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea 16oz

    Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea 16oz

    精裝新会 小青柑\柑普茶16oz 选取已有600年生产历史的天马产区新会柑和5年云南一级宫廷普洱老茶为原料。冲泡后的汤色橙红透亮,回味爽甜并有陈香味。 中医认为,青皮陈皮性微温,味苦辛,入肝、胆经,具有理肝气、咽炎、消积化滞、保护心血管功效,与熟普茶结合后,其保健功效自然兼有两者的好处:具有健脾养胃、化痰止咳、降脂减肥、美容养颜、抗衰老等各种作用。   Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (1 Lb/Tin) Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea, is made with green citrus from Xinhui, Guangdong Province, and Palace Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan Province. It contains no additives and is made with special processing. Its characteristic first taste is sweet, a unique fruit essence that blends with the gentle, rich flavor of Pu-Erh tea. This is because the citrus fruit aroma in this region is very special and has long been absorbed by the Pu-Erh tea. Pu-Erh tea plays a prominent role in traditional Chinese medicine that can be described as  "guiding qi downward.” That means its earthy flavor and digestive properties improve digestion and circulation. Pu-Erh tea is often featured in heart health and weight loss programs.


  • WHF Pearl Queen of Jasmine Green Tea Wooden Caddy (2lbs)

    WHF Pearl Queen of Jasmine Green Tea Wooden Caddy (2lbs)

    永合豐 茉莉龍珠 茉莉花茶 私家茶园 木质礼盒(2磅/盒)  茉莉花茶制作的核心,就是要将新采的茉莉花与茶坯混合交融,使茶坯吸附花香,一次为一窨(yin)。每窨制一次,用与茶等量的茉莉花,前后往复始成。 我们的茉莉龙珠,精选雨前春茶,重瓣茉莉,经过传统工艺,制作一斤茉莉花茶前后需要耗费7-8斤茉莉鲜花,让茶叶吸收花香。最终成茶只闻香不见花,久泡而香气不散。 畅销三十年,品质保证!    WHF Pearl Queen of Jasmine Green Tea Wooden Caddy (2lbs) This tea’s leaves are processed and blended with Jasmine flowers using traditional methods. The blending process usually requires three rounds. In every round, new Jasmine flowers are added and the old ones removed. The finished tea has a delightful floral fragrance. Then, the leaves are tightly rolled up into a pearl shape. The result is a refreshingly floral brew.



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