Chinese Herbs

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Boost your health and mental power with thousands of years old herbalism tradition

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.

205 products

  •  Dried Ge Gen Pian (12oz)

    Lobed Kudzuvine Root / Dried Ge Gen Pian (12oz)

    干葛片/葛根 12oz 干葛 甘葛 粉葛 葛麻茹 葛子根 葛条根 鸡齐根 葛 粉葛根 煨葛根 性味 甘;辛;平 经脉 脾经;胃经;肺经;膀胱经 主治 升阳解肌,透疹止泻,除烦止温。治伤寒、温热头痛项强,烦热消渴,泄泻,痢疾,癍疹不透,高血压,心绞痛,耳聋。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或捣汁。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 1.张元素:不可多服,恐损胃气。 2.《本草正》:其性凉,易于动呕,胃寒者所当慎用。 3.《本草从新》:夏日表虚汗多尤忌。 食疗方 葛粉羹 葛粉250克,荆芥穗30克,淡豆豉150克。将葛粉做成面条,荆芥穗、淡豆豉水煮6~7沸去滓取汁,煮葛粉面条至熟。早晚各食1次。 功效:滋养肝肾,熄风开窍。主治适用于肝肾阴亏之中风,言语蹇涩,神志昏愦,半身不遂,中老年人脑动脉硬休等。亦可作预防中风之用。   Lobed Kudzuvine Root/ Dried Ge Gen Pian(12oz) Kudzu's roots, flowers, and leaves are used to make medicine. It has been used in Chinese medicine since at least 200 BC. As early as 600 AD, it was used to treat alcoholism. Today, kudzu is used to treat alcoholism and to reduce symptoms of alcohol hangover, including headache, upset stomach, dizziness, and vomiting Liver disease: There is some concern that taking kudzu might harm the liver. In theory, kudzu might make liver diseases, such as hepatitis, worse. People with liver disease or a history of liver disease should avoid kudzu. There is information that suggests kudzu contains ingredients that counteract alcohol. It might also have effects like estrogen. Chemicals in kudzu might also increase blood circulation in the heart and brain. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g; or mashed juice. External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.   Diet Therapy    Kudzuvine Root Powder Soup   Ingredients: 250 grams of Kudzuvive powder, 30 grams of nepeta [catmint leaf], and 150 grams of light tempeh. Make kudzu noodles, boil the nepeta ears, and light tempeh in water for 6~7 minutes to boil to remove the juice, and cook the kudzu noodles until cooked. Eat 1 time each morning and evening.   Efficacy: nourishes the liver and kidney, reduces wind [nerve pain], and resuscitates. Indications are suitable for liver and kidney yin deficiency, stroke, astringent speech [aphasia], dizziness, hemiplegia, and cerebral arteries in the elderly. It can also be used to prevent stroke.


  • Bag)

    Frangipani/ Ji Dan Hua(16 oz/Bag)

    鸡蛋花/蛋黄花(16 oz/包) 鸡蛋花又叫蛋黄花、缅栀子、大季花等,主要分布在我国广东、广西、云南、福建等省区,之所以被称为鸡蛋花,是因花的中心似蛋黄,而花朵周围似蛋白。鸡蛋花性平和偏涼而味甘,入肺、大肠经,有祛暑湿、清热滞的功效且清淡芳香,是著名的五花茶中的五花之一,鸡蛋花是当前适宜的药膳佳品。 主治:清热利湿,解暑。主感冒发热,肺热咳嗽,湿热黄疸,泄泻痢疾,尿路结石,预防中暑。 清熱解毒:鸡蛋花从中医的角度来看属于寒凉性植物,所以在入药时有清热解毒、润肺利尿的作用,具有很好的养生功效。 抵抗真菌:鸡蛋花的花瓣中含有丰富的鸡蛋花素,此物质具有抵抗真菌的作用,能有效抵抗革兰氏菌和结核杆菌,对患有肺炎或着肺结核的患者来说,是一种很好的辅助药材,能抑制疾病的发展。 祛湿降火:鸡蛋花能祛湿降火,养肺润喉,利尿通便,美容养颜,是一种老少皆宜的花卉,十分健康養生,本身价值极高。 鸡蛋花陈皮饮---用料:鸡蛋花3克,陈皮2克,生姜2片。将鸡蛋花、陈皮、生姜一同放入砂锅,加清水1000毫升,大火煮沸3分钟,即可饮用。 鸡蛋花的药方:治痢疾,夏季腹泻:鸡蛋花干品四至八钱,水煎服。 注意禁忌: 凡暑湿兼寒,寒湿泻泄,肺寒咳嗽,皆宜慎用。 Frangipani/ Ji Dan Hua(16 oz/Bag) Frangipani flower is an ingredient in Five Flowers Tea. 五花茶 (Wu Hua Herbal Tea) used for reducing sore throat, congestion, and eye strain. The flowers can also be made into teas after being sun-dried, which is normally called the frangipani tea; and the tea has the effects of curing fever, wiping out diarrhea, cleaning the lungs, and detoxification. ( Frangipani flower tea is brewed with or without tea is believed beneficial effect cool, cool and good for digestion. Frangipani flower tea so is best eaten regularly for someone who wants to be healthy naturally.  Fresh frangipani flowers are cooked as vegetables provide a complementary savory flavor, giving therapeutic effects and health benefits. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, slightly bitter, and cool in nature. It enters the Lung and Large Intestine meridians. Indications: It clears heat and dampness [edema, slow digestion]. Mainly used for cold and fever, lung heat cough, damp-heat jaundice [inflammatory], diarrhea and dysentery, urinary tract stones, prevention of heatstroke.  Dosage:  Oral administration: decoction, 5-10g.      External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.   Cautions: It should be used with caution in all cases of heat and dampness, cold dampness and diarrhea, lung cold, and cough.  Recipe for Frangipani tea:  It cures dysentery, summer diarrhea: Simmer 4-8 dried frangipani flowers decocted in water.  


  • Bag)

    Schisandra chinensis / Wu Wei Zi (16 oz/Bag)

    五味子(16 oz/包) 性味 味酸;性温 功效 本品为木兰科植物五味子或华中五味子的干燥成熟果实。用于久嗽虚喘,梦遗滑精,遗尿尿频,久泻不止,自汗,盗汗,津伤口渴,短气脉虚,内热消渴,心悸失眠。 经脉 肺经;心经;肾经 主治 收敛固涩,益气生津,补肾宁心。用于久嗽虚喘,梦遗滑精,遗尿尿频,久泻不止,自汗,盗汗,津伤口渴,短气脉虚,内热消渴,心悸失眠。 注意禁忌 外有表邪,内有实热,或咳嗽初起、痧疹初发者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.五味子炖肉 五味子50克,鸭肉或猪瘦肉适量。五味子与肉一起蒸食或炖食,并酌情加入调料。肉、药、汤俱服。 功效:补肺益肾,止咳平喘,适宜于肺癌肾虚型病人。 2.杞味茶 枸杞子、五味子各等份。干燥后研为粗末,每次9~15克,沸水浸泡,代茶饮。 主治气阴不足的人,不能适应夏季的炎热气候,常于春夏之交,眩晕体倦,两脚竣软,心烦自汗,饮食减少,脉浮乏力,亦即古时所称"疰夏"(或作"注夏")的病证。   Schisandra chinensis / Wu Wei Zi (16 oz/Bag) Schisandra is used for preventing early aging and increasing lifespan, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure, stimulating the immune system, and speeding recovery after surgery. It is also used for treating liver disease (hepatitis) and protecting the liver from poisons. Schisandra Chinensis contains dibenzo[a,c]cyclooctadiene lignans, a type of phytoestrogen. In general, consumption of phytoestrogens is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer. Schisandra has been used as a tonic and restorative, and as a treatment for respiratory and GI disorders. Schisandra has also demonstrated liver protectant, nervous system stimulant, and adaptogenic effects. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sour and it is warming in nature. This product is the dried and mature fruit of Schisandra of Magnoliaceae or Schisandra of Huazhong. It is used for chronic cough and asthma, nocturnal emission, enuresis, frequent urination, chronic diarrhea, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, thirst, low qi and pulse deficiency, internal heat. It has been used to quench thirst, treat heart palpitations and insomnia. It enters the Lung, Heart, and Kidney meridians. Indications: It is astringent, nourishes qi, nourishes fluids, nourishes the kidney, and calms the heart.  Cautions: Avoid use for colds and flu, internal inflammation[fever], avoid use for first onset of cough or rash.  Diet Therapy   Schisandra stew  pork Ingredients:  50 grams of Schisandra, a moderate amount of duck or pig lean meat. Schisandra is steamed or stewed with the meat, and seasonings are added as appropriate. then drink the soup and eat some meat. Efficacy: Nourishes lung and kidney, relieves cough, and relieves asthma: it is suitable for patients with lung cancer and kidney deficiency.   Wolfberry and Schisandra tea   Ingredients Chinese wolfberry and Schisandra in equal parts.  After drying, grind into coarse powder, 9 to 15 grams each time, steep in boiling water to replace tea.   Uses: People with insufficient Qi and Yin cannot adapt to the hot summer weather. They are often dizzy and tired at the turn of spring and summer. They feel dizzy and tired, their feet are hot, they may have upset stomachs and spontaneous sweating, and their appetite is reduced. The pulse is weak. [This tea supports healthy Qi and yin fluids to ease thirst and fatigue. ]


  • Box

    Sargassum/ Hai Cao(washed) 8oz/Box

    淡海草-洗净(8 oz/盒) 海草是一種碱性食品,營養價值很高,富含蛋白質、脂肪、膳食纖維、鈣燐鉀、胡蘿蔔素、維生素B1、B2、烟酸、褐藻酸、甘露醇、碘等多種微量元素,對人體健康十分有益,經常食用可增加人體對鈣的吸收,在油膩的食物中加入海草,可減少脂肪在體内的積存。 中醫認爲海草性味鹹寒、無毒,具有軟堅散結、消痰平喘、通行利水利尿、降脂降壓等功效,常吃海草海帶類等食品有利身體健康。 此款洗净的淡海草,無沙、無雜質,節省您清洗處理的時間。海草的食法很多,涼拌、葷炒、煮粥、煨湯等多樣煮法。煮湯做法有多種比如:花生海草湯、黃豆海草湯、海草海帶排骨湯、韓式海草湯、綠豆杏仁海草湯等。 Sargassum/ Hai Cao(washed) 8oz/Box Sargassum species are tropical and sub-tropical brown macroalgae (seaweed) of shallow marine meadow. These are nutritious and rich source of bioactive compounds such as vitamins, carotenoids, dietary fibers, proteins, and minerals. Also, many biologically active compounds like terpenoids, flavonoids, sterols, sulfated polysaccharides, polyphenols, sargaquinoic acids, sargachromenol, pheophytine were isolated from different Sargassum species. These isolated compounds exhibit diverse biological activities like analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-microbial, anti-tumor, fibrinolytic, immune-modulatory, anti-coagulant, hepatoprotective, anti-viral activity, etc., Hence, Sargassum species have great potential to be used in pharmaceutical and neutralceutical areas. It is characterized by a high level of proteins and a low level of lipid, like S. fusiforme and Saccharina japonica used in human nutrition and, therefore, can be used for human consumption as an alternative source of essential amino acids and some polyunsaturated acids, such as oleic, linoleic, linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acids, or as functional ingredients to reduce calories and modify the texture of formulated foods. This seaweed is also rich in some minerals, such as iron and zinc, and so may be used as a food supplement to supply these minerals at low inclusion levels. Sargassum is also eaten by itself or added to fish and meat dishes. If not strong it can be added to salads after washing, or it can be cooked in water like a vegetable. ( From the manufacturer:  The taste is salty and it is cold in its effect. It is the whole plant of the Zosterol plant. It has been used to treat gallbladder problems, tuberculosis, hernia, edema, athlete's foot. It enters the Bladder meridian. Indications: To clear away heat [inflammation] and resolve phlegm, soften the firmness and dispel knots [dissolve cysts and masses], and diuretic.  


  • Bag)

    Pearl Barley(16oz/Bag)

    洋薏米/珍珠薏米/珍珠麥(16 oz/包) 性味 甘;凉 功效 为禾本科植物大麦的颖果。主治腹胀,食滞泄泻,小便不利。 经脉 脾;肾经 功效 健脾和胃,宽肠,利水。主腹胀,食滞泄泻,水肿,小便不利。 生薏米、熟薏米、洋薏米区分: 洋薏米: 屬性為涼。是磨去殼皮的大麥,狀如白米粒,呈灰黃色。 功效:只是食物,但含豐富纖維,有助腸道蠕動。 生薏米: 屬性偏寒。禾本科植物薏苡的乾燥成熟種仁。顏色灰白,圓形,質地堅硬,有一條寬而深的縱溝。 功效:利水袪濕,袪濕力較其他薏米強。 熟薏米: 屬性平和。經炒製後的熟薏仁形狀較生薏仁大,呈灰白色,質感較鬆散及輕。 功效:補脾止瀉,補脾力較好。   Pearl Barley(16 OZ/Bag) The Impressive Health Benefits of Barley include: Rich in Many Beneficial Nutrients. ...  Reduces Hunger and May Help You Lose Weight. ...  Insoluble and Soluble Fiber Content Improves Digestion. ...  May Prevent Gallstones and Gallbladder Surgery. ...  Beta-Glucans May Help Lower Cholesterol. ...  May Reduce Heart Disease Risk. Brown rice also has over five times more folate and vitamin E. However, barley has twice the calcium and fiber and about 30 percent fewer calories. The two are equivalent in protein and fat content. Ultimately, both grains are healthy choices. A 100-gram serving of pearl barley has nearly four grams of fiber and just over 120 calories — making it a viable carbohydrate for weight-loss and overall health. Pearl barley is softer and releases starch into its cooking liquid, making it a good thickener for soups. ... As with all bulk grains, it's best to give the barley a quick rinse under running water before cooking to wash away any dust or debris.Bring to a boil over high heat and lower to a simmer. Cook until barley is tender yet chewy, about 25–30 minutes for pearl barley, 40–50 for hulled barley. Add a little more water if the pan dries out. Drain barley if needed, and fluff with a fork. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet and it is cooling.  The caryopsis of barley, a gramineous plant. Indications: It is used for abdominal distension, food stagnation, diarrhea, and inadequate urination. It enters the Spleen and Kidney meridians. Indications: To invigorate the spleen and stomach, laxative, diuresis.


  •  Mi Zao  16oz

    Dried Honey Dates/ Mi Zao 16oz

    金丝蜜枣 16oz 无硫有核原色硬金丝蜜枣,粒粒精选,色泽金黄,颗粒饱满。蜜枣在广东比较常用来煲汤,因为每次放3~5粒煲汤,煲出来的汤非常清甜,又健康,无论煲汤,煲糖水,煲粥都非常清甜!   Dried Honey Dates/ Mi Zao  (16 oz/Bag) Candied jujube/honey dates (Mi Zao) helps to strengthen the lungs, thereby preventing common cold and reduces allergic symptoms such as asthma and nasal inflammation. . . . They are larger and sweeter (as sweet as honey) than dried red dates. These dates are used as a sweetener in traditional Chinese healing soups and drinks. From the manufacturer:  Dried candied dates are made from peeled and seedless candied dates. They are crispy, sweet, and tasty. They are more convenient to store than ordinary candied dates. They have a longer shelf life and higher nutritional value. In addition to ordinary candied dates, they are also suitable for snacks.   


  •  Wu Mei (4oz)

    Dark Plum Fruit / Smoked Plum / Wu Mei (4oz)

    烏梅/熏梅 4oz 性味 酸、涩,平。 功效 为蔷薇科植物梅的干燥未成熟果实。 治久咳,虚热烦渴,久疟,久泻,痢疾,便血,尿血,血崩,蛔厥腹痛、呕吐,钩虫病,牛皮癣,胬肉。 经脉 归肝经、脾经、肺经、大肠经。 主治 敛肺止咳,涩肠止泻,止血,生津,安蛔。治久咳,虚热烦渴,久疟,久泻,痢疾,便血,尿血,血崩,蛔厥腹痛、呕吐,钩虫病,牛皮癣,胬肉。 乌梅汤 黄芪、乌梅各200克,红砂糖250克。将黄芪、乌梅加水1000毫升,煮取500毫升,去渣,入红砂糖收膏。每次20毫升,日服2次。 功效:补中益气,止痢。   Dark Plum Fruit / Smoked Plum/ Wu Mei (4oz) Some health benefits of Wu Mei, Mume fruit, jamuns or black plums: Fight Diabetes. Jamun, or jambol juice, is one of the best dietary cures for diabetes out there. ...  Improve Digestion. Jamun can improve digestion to a great extent. ...  Help In Weight Loss. ...  Improves Oral Health. ...  Minimizes Risk Of Cancer. From the manufacturer: Taste  Sour, astringent effect It is the dry immature fruit of the Rosaceae plum. [It has been used to] cure chronic cough, polydipsia due to deficiency heat, chronic malaria, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, blood in the stool, blood in the urine, hematuria, abdominal pain, vomiting, hookworm disease, psoriasis, and pterygium. It enters the Liver, Spleen, Lung, and Large Intestine meridians. Indications: Astringes the lungs to relieve cough, astringent for intestines to relieve diarrhea, stops bleeding, promotes body fluids, and relieves roundworms. It has been used to cure chronic cough, polydipsia due to deficiency heat, chronic malaria, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, blood in the stool, blood in the urine, hematuria, abdominal pain, vomiting, hookworm disease, psoriasis, and pterygium. Mume Soup: Ingredients:  Astragalus and ebony (mume fruit) 200g each, 250g brown sugar.  Add 1000 ml of water into astragalus and ebony mume, then boiled into 500 ml, remove the residue, add brown sugar and cook to thicken as cream. Take 20 ml each time, 2 times a day.   Efficacy: nourishes the middle and nourishes qi, stops diarrhea.


  • Shu Di Huang 6oz

    Prepared Rehmannia Root/Shu Di Huang 6oz

    熟地/ 熟地黄(6 oz/包) 熟地 伏地 大熟地 熟地炭 性味 味甘;性温 功效 为玄参科植物地黄的块根,经加工蒸晒而成。 主治阴虚血少,腰膝痿弱,劳嗽骨蒸,遗精,崩漏,月经不调,消渴,溲数,耳聋,目昏。 经脉 归肝经;肾经 主治 滋阴补血,益精填髓。用于肝肾阴虚,腰膝酸软,骨蒸潮热,盗汗遗精,内热消渴,血虚萎黄,心悸怔忡,月经不调,崩漏下血,眩晕,耳鸣,须发早白 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~30g;或入丸散;或熬膏,或浸酒。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚弱,气滞痰多,腹满便溏者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.熟地酒 熟地黄60克,枸杞子30克,白酒1000毫升。将熟地黄、枸杞子洗净,干燥,切碎,装入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口,置于瓷坛内,加入白酒,密封坛口。每日振摇1次,7天后改为每周1次。浸泡20天后饮用。服完后,药渣可再加白酒500克,浸泡15天后饮用。每次15毫升,1日2次。 功效:补血养阴,滋肾益精。主治精血不足、健忘、脱发、不孕、腰膝酸软等。 2.当归山鸡汤 当归15克,山鸡肉250克,熟地15克,女贞子12克,料酒、精盐、味精、姜片、胡椒粉、鸡清汤各适量。先将山鸡肉洗净,放入沸水中焯一下,捞出洗净血水,斩块。再将当归、熟地、女贞子洗净,装入纱布袋扎口。锅中加入鸡汤,放入山鸡肉、药袋、料酒、精盐、味精、姜片、胡椒粉,武火烧沸,文火炖到肉熟,去药袋、姜片,盛入汤盆中即成。食肉喝汤。 功效 可滋血气,强筋健骨,调经活血。 主治妇女肾阴虚引起的崩漏带下之症。对于跌打损伤等外科疾患,食此汤菜有辅助治疗作用。 3.枸杞熟地炖甲鱼 甲鱼300g,枸杞子30g,熟地黄15g,北黄芪10g。将甲鱼洗净,去头、爪,切成小方块置锅内,放入枸杞、熟地黄、北黄芪,加适量清水烧开,去浮沫,移文火炖至甲鱼肉熟透即成。 功效:滋阴补血,适于肿瘤病人形瘦无力,面色恍白或萎黄,精神疲倦,贫血明显,或伴有盗汗虚热。   Prepared Rehmannia Root/Shu Di Huang(6 oz/Bag) Rehmannia is commonly found in herbal combinations used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rehmannia is used for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), "tired blood" (anemia), fever, weakened bones (osteoporosis), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and allergies. According to the traditional outlook, the harmony of the opposite, but complementary, forces – yin and yang – underlies good health. Rehmannia is thought to help with yin energy imbalances. It is traditionally used to fight bacterial infections, as a tonic, and for a variety of conditions associated with inflammation, like asthma and arthritis. Rehmannia is also often combined with other herbs to remedy “yin deficiency”. For example teas from Wing Hop Fung: Thirst Quencher Tea 消渴玉泉湯 (Xiao Ke Yu Quan Herbal Soup) Moistening, refreshing, helps balance blood sugar  A number of herbs in this tea are used in medicinal formulas that treat diabetes and reduce stress. In that way it is similar to Relax and Thrive (aka Six Flavor Rehmannia Tea) and Beauty and Longevity Tea. However, this formula adds balsam pear, polygonum multi., snake gourd, wolfberry (aka goji berry), and astragalus which raises its potential as an immune-boosting treatment.  [Caution: Rehmannia contains L-arginine and should be used with caution and with herbal guidance by people with herpes since excess use may encourage a rash to surface. ] The taste is sweet; it is warm in nature. It is the root tuber of the Scrophulariaceae plant Rehmannia glutinosa, which is processed by steaming and drying. Indications: For deficiency of Yin and blood, weak waist and knees, fatigue, steaming of bones [inflammatory arthritis], nocturnal emission, metrorrhagia, irregular menstruation, thirst, dryness, deafness, dizziness. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes yin and blood, nourishes essence, and enhances bone marrow. For liver and kidney yin deficiency, waist and knee weakness, bone steaming and hot flashes, night sweats, nocturnal emission, internal heat, to quench thirst, improve blood deficiency and chlorosis, heart palpitations, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, dizziness, tinnitus, prematurely white hair. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~30g; or pill powder; or boil ointment, or soak in wine.  Cautions: People with weak spleen and stomach [nausea, diarrhea, edema], qi stagnation and excessive phlegm, and loose stools should not take it. Diet therapy   Rehmannia wine   Ingredients: 60 grams of Rehmannia Root, 30 grams of wolfberry, and 1000 ml of white wine. Wash the Rehmannia root and wolfberry berries, dry, chop them, put them into a gauze bag, tie the mouth of the bag tightly, place it in a porcelain jar, add white wine, and seal the mouth of the jar. Shake once a day and change to shaking it once a week after 7 days. Drink after soaking for 20 days.  After serving, add 500 grams of white wine to the medicine residue, soak for 15 days and drink. 15 ml each time, twice a day.   Efficacy: nourishing blood and yin, nourishing the kidney, and nourishing essence. Indications: insufficient essence [vitality/immunity] and blood, forgetfulness, hair loss, infertility, waist and knee weakness, etc.   Angelica pheasant soup  [or turkey} Ingredients: 15 grams of angelica, 250 grams of pheasant [or turkey], 15 grams of Rehmannia, 12 grams of Ligustrum lucidum, cooking wine, refined salt, optional monosodium glutamate, ginger, pepper, and chicken broth.  First wash the pheasant, blanch it in boiling water, remove the washed blood, and chop it into pieces. Then wash the angelica, Rehmannia, and Ligustrum lucidum, put them into a gauze bag, and tie them. Add chicken soup to the pot, add pheasant, medicine bag, cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger slices, and pepper. Bring to a boil, simmer until the meat is cooked, remove the medicine bag and ginger slices, put it in the soup bowl, and serve. Eat meat and drink soup. Efficacy: It can nourish blood qi, strengthen muscles and bones, regulate menstruation and promote blood circulation. Indications: for uterine bleeding caused by the deficiency of kidney yin in women. For surgical diseases such as bruises, eating this soup has an adjuvant therapeutic effect.


  • Bag)

    Prickly Ash / Pepper / Hua Jiao (4 oz/Bag)

    花椒/川椒 (16 oz/包)  性味 甘;温 功效 为芸香科植物花椒的果皮。 主治积食停饮,心腹冷痛,呕吐,噫呃,咳嗽气逆,风寒湿痹,泄泻,痢疾,疝痛,齿痛,蛔虫病,蛲虫病,阴痒,疮疥。 经脉 入脾经、肺经、肾经。 主治 温中散寒,除湿,止痛,杀虫,解鱼腥毒。治积食停饮,心腹冷痛,呕吐,噫呃,咳嗽气逆,风寒湿痹,泄泻,痢疾,疝痛,齿痛,蛔虫病,蛲虫病,阴痒,疮疥   Prickly Ash / Pepper / Hua Jiao  (4 oz/Bag) It is associated with the Spleen, Stomach, and Kidney meridians. Its main functions are to warm the spleen and stomach and to stop the pain. Prickly ash peel is often used to treat stomach pain, eczema, and skin rashes, and to fight parasites such as roundworms and tapeworms. .. . The typical dosage of prickly ash peel is between 2 and 5 grams, taken with water as an infusion, which can be drunk up to three times a day. Larger amounts can be applied directly to the skin as part of a poultice. From  the manufacturer:    It is warming in effect.  It is the peel of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. Indications: after eating and drinking resulting in a cold pain in the heart and abdomen, vomiting, cough, dysphoria (“dissatisfaction with life”), wind-cold dampness [aches made worse in cold damp weather or eating cold, fat foods], diarrhea, dysentery, colic, toothache, ascariasis, enterobiasis, vaginal itching, scabies. It enters the Spleen, Lung, and Kidney meridians. Indications:  Used to warm the middle and dispel cold, dehumidify [reduce edema], relieve pain, kill parasites and detoxify spoiled fish.  


  • Xian Weng Brand Mix Herbal Tea

    Xian Weng Brand Mix Herbal Tea

    仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包   Xian Weng Brand Mix Herbal Tea Chinese and Southeast Asian folk medicine includes detox teas made from local herbs, grasses, and flowers commonly used in Chinese medicine to quel fever, cleanse the liver and blood. They often include raw herb ingredients that vary according to the manufacturer.  This “tea” is originally a formula from THUOC XONG meaning southern (Vietnamese) steaming treatment. Aromatic herbs are simmered and inhaled in order to help clear sinus congestion, headaches, and low energy following childbirth. . . Steaming engages the biological necessity of inhalation and brings medicated vapours into the body, while elevating the body temperature which produces sweating and releases toxins and wastes;


  • Ginger Powder 8oz

    Ginger Powder 8oz

    永合豐 鲜姜粉 8oz 姜作为一种药食兼用的调料,其味辛辣芳香。用姜制成姜粉,可以用来调味、腌渍、调汤,用起来更加快捷方便。若给九个月以上宝宝做鱼丸子、肉丸子、蔬菜豆腐丸子、包饺子、煎鱼、煎土豆饼、熬汤、煮粥等。不仅有利于宝宝吞咽还能促进孩子食欲、帮助消化、防治感冒、散寒镇咳等食疗功效。   Ginger Powder(8oz/Bag) The method used to create ground ginger from fresh ginger reduces the amount of gingerol (one of the ingredients that contributes to its health properties) in the root, but it also appears to increase levels of other compounds, such as shogaols, which appear to have impressive medicinal benefits and maybe even more potent than gingerol. Plus, ground ginger is more convenient to cook with, so you’ll probably use more of it. Try adding it to smoothies, marinades, dressings, healthy muffin recipes, spiced pumpkin, and oatmeal. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help the stomach neutralize the digestive juices and further stimulate food digestion and absorption, eliminating the excess gas from intestinal tracts. The dry ginger powder contains thermogenic agents that are useful to burn fat. ( 


  •  Glycyrrhiza  (4 oz)

    Licorice Powder / Gan Cao Powder / Glycyrrhiza (4 oz)

    甘草粉(4 oz/包) 性味 味甘,性平。 归经 归心、肺、脾、胃经。 功效 补脾益气,清热解毒,祛痰止咳,缓急止痛,调和诸药。 主治 用于脾胃虚弱,倦怠乏力,心悸气短,咳嗽痰多,脘腹、四肢挛急疼痛,痈肿疮毒,缓解药物毒性、烈性。 禁忌 不宜与海藻、京大戟、红大戟、甘遂、芫花同用。 Licorice Powder / Gan Cao Powder / Glycyrrhiza  (4 oz) Licorice root is used to soothe gastrointestinal problems. In cases of food poisoning, stomach ulcers, and heartburn, licorice root extract can speed the repair of the stomach lining and restore balance. This is due to the anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties of glycyrrhizic acid. Licorice root is promoted as a dietary supplement for conditions such as digestive problems, menopausal symptoms, cough, and bacterial and viral infections. Licorice gargles or lozenges have been used to try to prevent or reduce the sore throat that sometimes occurs after surgery...  Although licorice root is generally considered safe as a food ingredient, it can cause serious side effects, including increased blood pressure and decreased potassium levels, when consumed in large amounts or for long periods of time. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet and flat in nature. It enters the Lung, Spleen, and Stomach meridians. Effect: It can invigorate the spleen and qi, clear away heat and detoxify, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough, relieve emergency and relief pain, harmonize various herbal medicines. Indications: It is used for spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, coughing and excessive sputum, abdominal and extremity contractures, acute pain, carbuncle swelling, and sores. It can be used to relieve [herbal] drug toxicity and potency. Cautions: It is not suitable for use with seaweed, Beijing Euphorbia, Red Euphorbia, Kansui, and Daphne.  



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