Chinese Herbs

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Boost your health and mental power with thousands of years old herbalism tradition

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.

205 products

  •  Bai Zhi

    Dahurian Angelica Root / Bai Zhi

    白芷/祁白芷片 苻蓠、泽芬、晼、白茞、香白芷 性味 辛,温。 归经 入肺、脾、胃经。 功能主治 祛风,燥湿,消肿,止痛。治头痛,眉棱骨痛,齿痛,鼻渊,寒湿腹痛,肠风痔漏,赤白带下,痈疽疮疡,皮肤燥痒,疥癣。 【食疗方】 白芷炖燕窝 白芷9克,燕窝9克,冰糖适量。将白芷、燕窝隔水炖至极烂,过滤去渣。 加冰糖适量调味后再炖片刻即成,每日1~2次。 具有补肺养阴,止咳止血作用。  Dahurian Angelica Root / Bai Zhi  Angelica dahurica is also commonly known as Chinese angelica, the garden angelica, root of the Holy Ghost, and wild angelica, as well as its Chinese name, bai zhi. The medicinal properties of the Dahurican root has been dated back to Ancient China as early as 400 BC. Zhang Cong Zhen (1156–1228), a famous physician in the military, believed that diseases were caused by (external evil”) pathogens that entered the human body. He listed Bai Zhi as an herb that purge the body of any negative influences such as heat, clamminess, dryness, and cold on the skin. Today, the roots are used for other numerous treatments of illnesses such as headaches, relieving nasal obstruction, detoxification of the blood, as a pain reliever, an anti-inflammatory, a laxative, sedative, anti-fungal cream for skin, as well as treating swollen gums and toothaches.  The seeds are often used as a seasoning condiment in food as well as a source of flavoring in liqueur. Another popular usage for this herb is its ingredient in cosmetic products.  Cautions: Aside from the medicinal properties that this plant offers, this species also may increase skin sensitivity to sunlight and may cause dermatitis. A compound called the angelicotoxin, is an active ingredient within the root which has an excitatory effect on the respiratory system, central nervous system, and the vasculomotor system of the body. It is known to increase the rate of respiration, blood pressure, decrease pulse rate, increases saliva production and may induce vomiting. In large doses, the toxin can induce convulsions and paralysis. Bai Zhi influences Stomach, Large Intestine, Lung. Disperses wind and expels dampness. Unblocks the nasal passage and alleviates pain. Reduces swelling and expels pus.

    $4.99 - $18.99

  • Bai Fu Ling 16oz

    Premium White Poria /Bai Fu Ling 16oz

    特級白茯苓卷(16 oz/盒) 茯苓—又稱雲苓、松苓、茯神、茯苓神、伏靈;為多孔菌科真菌茯苓的乾燥菌核,常寄生在松樹根上的菌類植物,形如甘薯、球狀,外皮淡棕色或黑褐色,内部粉色或白色,精製後稱爲白茯苓或雲苓。 產地分佈在安徽、雲南、湖北等地,有野生,也可栽培;茯苓味甘、淡、性平、無毒;歸心、肺、脾和腎經,具有利水滲濕、健脾利水、寧心安神的功效。 茯苓除了藥用外,在民間也常用來煲粥、燉湯和做糕餅用;在嶺南地區,茯苓可作爲煲老火湯的材料,而茯苓餅則爲北京地區的特產;在閩南地區亦成為有名的糕點-茯苓糕。 茯苓含有茯苓多糖體和不溶性膳食纖維,可促進胃排空,減少對於碳水化合物與脂肪的吸收,降低空腹血糖濃度,減少胰島素需要量。 茯苓不同的部位,其功效是有差異的;黑褐色的茯苓皮利水消腫功效強;白色的茯苓塊或茯苓片,健脾胃效果佳;茯神長於寧心安神。 茯苓藥性平和不傷正氣,可與多種中藥材配伍,發揮其獨特功效,古人稱之爲“四時神藥”,正因爲茯苓的藥性剛柔相濟,既有顯著的治病保健功效,又不至於藥性過猛而對人體有所損傷,所以,茯苓是歷代中醫方藥中,使用頻次較多的一位中藥材。 主治:用於水腫尿少、痰飲眩悸、脾虛食少、便溏泄瀉、心神不安、驚悸失眠 用量:10-15克 禁忌:陰虛火旺者忌服 Premium White Poria /Bai Fu Ling 16oz In traditional medicine, poria mushroom filaments have been used for loss of memory (amnesia), anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, tension, nervousness, dizziness, urination problems, fluid retention, sleep problems (insomnia), an enlarged spleen, stomach problems, diarrhea, tumors, and to control coughing. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet; light and it is neutral in effect [neither warming nor cooling] This product is the dried sclerotia of Poria cocos fungus. It has been used to cure problems of urination, swelling, phlegm, vomiting, diarrhea, spermatorrhea, diarrhea, palpitations, forgetfulness. It enters the Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney meridians.  Indications: To infiltrate dampness [reduce edema] and increase diuresis, benefit the spleen and stomach, and calm the mind. It may be used to treat swelling, phlegm congestion, vomiting, diarrhea, spermatorrhea, palpitations, forgetfulness.       Classical References:  ① "Ben Jing": Main use is for chest and flanking rebellion, anxiety, fear of infection or illness, palpitations, heart pain, fullness of cold and heat, coughing, mouth scorching dry tongue, and to ease urination.      ② "Do not record": quenches thirst, improves sleep, reduces belly, phlegm in the diaphragm, edema and lymph nodes. It opens the chest and fu organs, regulates the visceral qi, reduces kidney stress, increases the yin, replenishes vitality, protects the spirit and keeps the center. [helps fortify Dantian]     ③ "Medicinal Properties": appetizer, anti-vomiting, good peace of mind. The main use is for lung phlegm congestion. Treatment of epilepsy in children, fullness of the heart, inflammatory menstrual symptoms.      ④ "Rihuazi Materia Medica": to make up for the “five labors and seven injuries,” to relieve the fetus, to warm the waist and knees, to improve mental clarity and stop forgetfulness.      ⑤ "Treatise on Febrile Diseases": to relieve the spleen.      ⑥ "Medical Qi Yuan": Dehumidification, benefit the waist and cord blood, and mainly replenish Qi. . . . stop diarrhea, eliminate deficiency and heat, open up the lower channels, and promote body fluid.      ⑦Wang Haogu: Reduce fluid retention in the bladder, benefit the spleen and stomach. Treatment of nephropathy  ⑧ "Medicinal Signs": Indications of palpitations and muscles and tendons, side effects of dizziness and irritability. Dosage  Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g; or into pills. Mix with cinnabar for peace of mind.  Cautions: Those with deficiency of coldness and slippery pulse or qi deficiency are not allowed to take it.  


  • Box) Box)

    Poria with hostwood / Fu Shen Mu(12 oz/Box)

    茯神木/抱芯茯神(12 oz/盒) 本品為多孔菌科植物茯苓菌核中間天然抱有松根(即茯神木)的白色部分。 茯神為多孔菌科卧孔属植物茯苓的菌核,是寄生在松樹上的真菌,藥用部分為乾燥菌核體。 而茯神木指的是被茯苓菌包裹的松樹根,絕大多數都是彎曲不直的松樹根,外圍被白色或灰白色的茯神塊莖包裹住,内部呈木質状。茯神木質輕,類似于枯朽的木頭。簡而言之,茯神木就是指被菌核中夾有的松根或椴樹根。 《本草經疏》記載:“茯神抱木心而生,以此别于茯苓”概指茯神是圍繞木頭的木質部而生,這是區别于茯苓的重要特點。中醫認爲茯神入心經,兼入肝經。茯神入心之用多,而茯苓入脾腎之用多。 想要辨别茯神的真假优劣非常簡單,如果已經切成方形的茯神片質地堅實、具粉質,並且切斷的松根呈棕黄色,能看見明顯的樹木年輪狀;氣微味淡、松根較細;用碘水滴在上面不會變色,這樣的茯神就是品質不錯的珍品。 功效:平肝、安神 使用禁忌:血虛者禁用 食療食譜參考: 茯神老桑枝粉葛豬展湯粉葛1斤、抱心茯神2兩、老桑枝2兩、紅蘿蔔1條、豬展1斤、赤小豆3湯匙、炒扁豆2湯匙、蜜棗3粒、水2.5升 豬展冷水出水後洗净 赤小豆、炒扁豆洗净,提前泡水2小時 抱心茯神、老桑枝洗净浸泡15分鐘 粉葛外皮洗净連皮切塊,紅蘿蔔去皮切塊, 全部材料一起裝入燉鍋内,煮滾後轉中小火續煮1.5-2小時至軟爛即可。 適用於熬夜肝火重,清熱解毒養心神。 Poria with hostwood / Fu Shen Mu(12 oz/Box) In traditional medicine, Poria mushroom filaments have been used for loss of memory (amnesia), anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, tension, nervousness, dizziness, urination problems, fluid retention, sleep problems (insomnia), an enlarged spleen, stomach problems, diarrhea, tumors, and to control coughing. From the manufacturer:  This product is the white part of the sclerotia of the Poriaceae plant Poria cocos with natural pine roots (that is, Poria).  Poria cocos are the sclerotium of Poria cocos Schw. Wolf, a plant belonging to the family Polyporaceae, Poria cocos Schw. The original species is a lower plant, a fungus that is parasitic on pine trees. The medicinal part is dried sclerotium. The taste is sweet and it is mild in nature. 


  • Box)

    Poria Slice /Fu Shen(12 oz/Box)

    茯神平片(12 oz/盒) 茯苓原料,俗稱「雲苓」、「松苓」或「茯靈」,是一種寄生在松樹根上的菌類植物,形狀類似甘薯,外皮為黑褐色,內部為白色或粉紅色,其原生物為多孔菌科真菌茯苓的乾燥菌核,通常寄生於馬尾松或赤松的根部,新鮮採收後切成薄片或丁狀,曬乾後可入藥。 茯苓晾乾後可制成「茯苓片」、「茯苓塊」、「茯苓卷」。茯苓外形多為圓形、橢圓形、扁圓形或不規則團塊,大小不一,外皮薄,顏色棕褐或黑棕,表面有皺紋和縊縮,有時會有部分脫落。茯苓質地堅實,斷面呈顆粒狀,靠近邊緣呈淡紅色,內部是白色的,有些地方會有細小的蜂窩狀孔洞。 茯苓味甘、淡、性平、無毒;歸心、肺、脾和腎經;茯苓被中醫學認為可用來調節體內的水分代謝,因此特別適合那些有水腫浮腫、脾胃虛弱等問題的人士進食。另外,茯苓還被用於治療心悸失眠等與神經系統有關的症狀,幫助平衡情緒、促進睡眠。茯苓除了藥用外,在民間也常用來煲粥、燉湯和做糕餅用。 功效:滲濕利水、健脾和胃、寧心安神 注意禁忌 腎虚小便不利或不禁、虚寒滑精者慎 Poria Slice /Fu Ling Shen(12 oz/Box) Poria, commonly known as "Yun Ling", "Pine Ling" or "Poria Ling", is a kind of fungus plant parasitic on the roots of pine trees, similar in shape to sweet potato, the outer skin is black-brown, the inside is white or pink, its original organism is the dried sclerotia of the polypore fungus Poria, usually parasitic on the roots of Masson pine or red pine, cut into thin slices or dices after fresh harvesting, and can be used as medicine after drying. After drying, Poria can be made into "Poria Slices", "Poria Cubes", and "Poria Rolls". The shape of Poria is mostly round, oval, oblate or irregular clumps, with different sizes, thin skin, brown or black-brown color, wrinkles and shrinkage on the surface. Poria is solid in texture, granular in section, pale red near the edges, white on the inside, and there are small holes in some places. Poria is believed to be used in traditional Chinese medicine to regulate water metabolism in the body, so it is especially suitable for those who have edema, edema, weakness of the spleen and stomach. In addition, Poria is also used to treat symptoms related to the nervous system such as heart palpitations and insomnia, to help balance mood and promote sleep. In addition to its medicinal use, Poria is also commonly used in porridge, stewed soup and pastries.


  •  Xue Li 12oz

    Dried Snow Pear/ Xue Li 12oz

    天津鸭嘴雪梨干(12oz/包) 雪梨有生津、润燥、清热、化痰功效,用于治热病津伤烦渴,清渴,热咳,痰热惊狂,噎膈,便秘,正好适合燥热地区的食用。 性味 甘,平。 主治 养阴清肺,除烦止咳。主治肺燥咳嗽,吐血,咯血,心火烦躁,口渴喉干,并除胸膜痰热。 注意禁忌 脾虚泄泻,肺寒咳嗽者忌用。   Dried Snow Pear/ Xue Li  (12 oz/Bag) Snow Pear is rejuvenating, moisturizing, reduces inflammation and phlegm. It is used to treat fever, thirst, cough, phlegm and fever, choking, and constipation. It is suitable for consumption in dry and hot or tropical locations. It is pleasant tasting: Sweet and mild. Indications are: Nourishing for yin fluids (and lungs, stomach, kidney tissue) and lungs cleansing. It stops coughing and is indicated for lung dryness, dry cough, vomiting blood, hemoptysis, irritability, sore throat, and removal of pleural phlegm. Cautions: Avoid use with spleen deficiency watery diarrhea, lung cold cough (weakness and watery phlegm)


  • Bag)

    HERBA LYSIMACHIAE/ Jin Qian Cao (8 oz/Bag)

    金钱草/寸骨七/遍地黄/对座草(8 oz/包)  Lysimachia christinae Hance 本品为报春花科植物过路黄的干燥全草。  性味 甘、咸,微寒。 经脉 归肝经、胆经、肾经、膀胱经。 主治 清热解毒,利尿通淋,除湿退黄,散瘀消肿。治黄疸,水肿,膀胱结石,疟疾,肺痈,咳嗽,吐血,淋浊,带下,风湿痹痛,小儿疳积,惊痫,痈肿,疮癣,湿疹。 注意禁忌 《福建民间草药》:凡阴疽诸毒,脾虚泄泻者,忌捣汁生服。     HERBA LYSIMACHIAE/ Jin Qian Cao (8 oz/Bag) As an herbal remedy, Lysimachia helps treat a variety of urinary disorders, ranging from painful urination and frequent urination to stones in the urinary tract. It is also used sometimes to treat jaundice and may be applied externally to treat boils and skin infections. ( It can also be used as an antiseptic, healing wash for wounds and sores. Made up into an ointment, it is said to be useful for fading scars. Lysimachia has a reputation for healing eye ailments and is said to be able to restore sight in certain conditions. ( Traditionally, Gold Coin Grass (GCG) has been commonly used for dampness and heat in the body. The herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to help increase urination, lessen fever and treat sexually transmitted ailments. ( From the manufacturer: This product is the dry whole grass of the Primulaceae plant Guoluhuang. The taste is sweet, salty, and it is slightly cold. It enters the Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, and Bladder meridians.  Indications:  To clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and relieve leaching (oozing wounds), dehumidification, and yellowing [jaundice,] dissipating blood stasis and swelling. It has been used to cure jaundice, edema, bladder stones, malaria, pulmonary carbuncle, cough, vomiting blood, drenching turbidity, vaginal discharge, rheumatic arthralgia, malnutrition, epilepsy, carbuncle, sore, and eczema.  


  • Bags)

    Polygonatum sibiricum /Huang Jing(16 oz/Bags)

    黄精片(16oz/包) 来源 为百合科植物黄精、囊丝黄精、热河黄精、滇黄精、卷叶黄精等的根茎。 性味 甘;平 功效 为百合科植物黄精、囊丝黄精、热河黄精、滇黄精、卷叶黄精等的根茎。治阴虚劳嗽,肺燥咳嗽,脾虚乏力,食少口干,消渴,肾亏腰膝酸软,阳痿遗精,耳鸣目暗,须发早白,体虚赢瘦,风癞癣疾。 经脉 脾经;肺经;肾经 注意禁忌 中寒泄泻,痰湿痞满气滞者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.黄精炖瘦肉 黄精50g,猪瘦肉200g,料酒10g,食盐2g,味精0.5g,葱、姜适量。先将黄精、猪瘦肉分别切成长3cm、宽1.5cm的小块。放入砂锅内,加适量的水,放入葱、姜、盐、料酒,隔水炖熟,食用时加味精。吃肉喝汤。 功效:延年益寿,常葆青春。主治偏阴虚火旺体质者。宜少吃辛辣。 2.蜜饯黄精 干黄精100g,蜂蜜200g。将黄精洗净,放在砂锅内,加水浸泡透发,用文火煎煮至熟烂,液干后兑入蜂蜜,煮沸,调匀,待凉后装瓶。每次服用1匙,1日3次。 功效:益肾补精。主治小儿肾精不足所致的下肢萎软无力等。     Polygonatum sibiricum /Huang Jing(16 oz/Bags) sibiricum is a medicinal plant and widely consumed as tea. The plant is capable of reducing blood glucose and lipid levels, regulating and enhancing the immune system, and fighting aging. However, there are no reports on antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Solomon's seal is an herb. It is sometimes used to make medicine. Solomon's seal is used for lung disorders, swelling (inflammation), and skin conditions such as bruises, boils, and hemorrhoids. From the manufacturer:  It is the rhizome of Liliaceae Polygonatum, Polygonatum, Rehe Polygonatum, Polygonatum yunnanensis, Polygonatum vulgare, etc. The taste is sweet and mild with a neutral temperature. It has been used to cure yin deficiency, fatigue, cough, dryness of the lungs, spleen deficiency and fatigue, poor appetite, dry mouth, diminished thirst, kidney deficiency, soreness of waist and knees, impotence and nocturnal emission, tinnitus, darkness under the eyes, early whitening of beard, physical weakness and thinness, rheumatism. It enters the Spleen, Lung, and Kidney meridians. Cautions: Avoid use with diarrhea due to cold, phlegm, dampness, low qi, and stagnation. Diet therapy  Polygonatum stewed lean meat   Ingredients: Polygonatum 50g, lean meat 200g, cooking wine 10g, salt 2g, (optional) monosodium glutamate 0.5g, onion, and ginger.  First, cut Polygonatum and lean pork into small pieces of 3cm in length and 1.5cm in width. Put it in a casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, add green onions, ginger, salt, cooking wine, stew in water, (add MSG when eating.) Eat meat and soup.  Efficacy: prolongs one's life, maintains youthfulness.  Indications for yin deficiency and fire prosperous physique [inflammation]. It is advisable to eat less spicy.    Candied Polygonatum   Ingredients: 100g of dried Polygonatum, 200g of honey.  Wash the Polygonatum, put it in a casserole, add water to soak the herb thoroughly, simmer until cooked, add honey after the liquid is dry, boil, mix thoroughly, and bottle it after cooling. Take 1 spoon each time, 3 times a day.   Efficacy: nourishes the kidney and nourishes essence.  Indications for lower extremity weakness caused by insufficient kidney essence in children.  


  •  Dan Shen Root 16oz

    Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge / Dan Shen Root 16oz

    野生 紫丹参片(16 oz/包) Danshen Root, Root of Dan-shen 红根、血参根、血山根、红丹参、紫丹参 性味 苦,微寒。 功效 为唇形科植物丹参的根。 主治心绞痛,月经不调,痛经,经闭,血崩带下,癥瘕,积聚,瘀血腹痛,骨节疼痛,惊悸不眠,恶疮肿毒。 经脉 入心经、肝经。 主治 祛瘀止痛,活血通经,清心除烦。治心绞痛,月经不调,痛经,经闭,血崩带下,癥瘕,积聚,瘀血腹痛,骨节疼痛,惊悸不眠,恶疮肿毒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:熬膏涂,或煎水熏洗。 注意禁忌 无瘀血者慎服。  Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge / Dan Shen Root (16 oz) “According to Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Salvia Miltiorrhizae Radix & Rhizoma exerts a beneficial action by promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis and assuage pain, clearing heart heat to relieve restlessness, and cooling blood to remove carbuncle.” (NIH) According to the manufacturer:  This herb tastes bitter and has a lukewarm effect, [i.e, does not strongly warm the body.] It is the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza, a plant of the Lamiaceae.  Indications: Angina pectoris, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, bleeding and constriction, lumps, accumulation, blood stasis, abdominal pain, joint pain, palpitations, insomnia, malignant sores, swelling, and poisoning.  Meridians:  It enters the Heart meridian and Liver meridian. Indications:  It dispels blood stasis and relieves pain, promotes blood circulation and regulates menstruation, clears the heart pain and relieves [heart] troubles  It cures angina pectoris, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, bleeding and bleeding, agglomeration, accumulation, blood stasis, abdominal pain, joint pain, palpitations, sleeplessness, malignant sores, swelling and poisoning.  Dosage:  Oral administration: decoction, 9-15g; or into pills or powder.  External use: boil to make an ointment coating or decoction for fumigation.  Cautions: Take it with caution if there is no blood stasis. NIH: Current pharmaceutical design: 2017 “Salvia miltiorrhiza: A Potential Red Light to the Development of Cardiovascular  Diseases” Currently, there have been more than 200 compounds have been identified from S. miltiorrhiza Bunge. Most of these compounds exhibit multipotent pharmacological activities. Various in vitro and in vivo preclinical experiments showed S. miltiorrhiza and its ingredients could lower hypertension, improve atherosclerosis and myocardial ischemia reperfusion.


  •  Rou Cong Rong (45g)

    Desertliving Cistanche / Rou Cong Rong (45g)

    精选 肉苁蓉片(45克) 肉松蓉、黑司令、纵蓉、地精、马足、马芝、大芸、寸芸 男性滋补佳品 性味 味甘;咸;性温 功能主治 为列当科植物肉苁蓉的肉质茎。补肾,益精,润燥,滑肠。治男子阳痿,女子不孕,带下,血崩,腰膝冷痛,血枯便秘。 经脉 归肾经;大肠经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或浸酒。 注意事项 胃弱便溏,相火旺者忌服。 1.《本草蒙筌》:忌经铁器。 2.《本草经疏》:泄泻禁用,肾中有热,强阳易兴而精不固者忌之。 3.《药品化义》:相火旺,胃肠弱者忌用。 4.《得配本草》:忌铜、铁。火盛便闭、心虚气胀,皆禁用。 食疗方 1.肉苁蓉粥 做法:以肉苁蓉30克,粳米30克,共煮粥,每日服用1次,连服1周。功效:可补肾、润肠、通便,也可治疗老年多尿症、肾虚和便秘。 2.巴戟苁蓉鸡肠汤 做法:巴戟天12克,肉苁蓉12克,鸡肠1具。将鸡肠剪开,清洗肠内、外壁,再用盐擦洗,洗净后切成段;将巴戟天,肉苁蓉用纱布袋包好,扎紧袋口,与鸡肠共入砂锅中,加水,放入精盐、姜片。先用武火煮沸,再用文火煎熬60分钟即成。喝汤食肠。 功效:温补肺肾,固精止遗。用治肺肾阳虚气弱,阳萎,早泄,遗精,滑精,遗尿,夜尿多,气短喘促。 3.肉苁蓉羹 肉苁蓉30克,甘薯50克,羊肉100克。葱、生姜、精盐各适量。将肉苁蓉刮去鳞,用酒洗,去黑汁,切成薄片,甘薯、羊肉洗净后各切成薄片,共放入锅中,加入姜片和水适量,先用武火煮沸,再用文火煎煮35分钟,放入葱、盐即成。 功效:温补肝肾。主治肾阳虚衰、肝血不足所致的阳痿、腰痛、头晕目暗、耳鸣等。 4.牛膝当归蜜膏 牛膝50克,肉苁蓉500克,当归50克,蜂蜜适量。牛膝、肉苁蓉、当归加水适量浸泡透发,再加热煎煮,每20分钟取煎液一次,加水再煎,共取3次,合并煎液,再以小火煎熬浓缩成稠膏时,加蜂蜜1倍,至沸停火,待冷装瓶备用。 功效:温阳通便。 5.鸡肉炖苁蓉 小公鸡1只,肉苁蓉30克。将小公鸡宰杀,去毛及肠杂,洗净,切块;肉苁蓉洗净,滤干,放入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口,与鸡肉共入砂锅内,加入料酒和适量清水,先用武火煮沸,再用文火慢纯,以鸡肉熟烂为度。加入精盐调味,当菜或点心食用。 功效:补肾助阳益气。用治肾阳虚衰,阳萎,早泄,滑精,尿频或遗尿。 Desertliving Cistanche / Rou Cong Rong (45g) The active ingredients isolated from Herba Cistanche have three main biological functions: improvement of brain function, immune-boosting effect, and nourishing aphrodisiac effect. Cistanche deserticola is used for constipation, tetanus, infertility and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. . .Cistanche deserticola contains chemicals that act as antioxidants. It also contains chemicals that might modify levels of hormones in the body.   From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, sour, and salty; It is warming. It enters the Kidney and Large Intestine meridians. Function and Indication: It nourishes the kidney and nourishes essence, moisturizes dryness, smooths intestines. It has been used to cure men's impotence, women's infertility, exhaustion, blood collapse, cold waist and knee pain, and dry constipation. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, ~11.16g: or made into pills or in soup Cautions: Avoid use with a weak stomach and loose stools. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their doctor or health specialist.    Diet Therapy Cistanche Black Chicken Soup   Ingredients:  black-bone chicken (500g), cistanche (20g), white yam (8 pieces), codonopsis (20g), astragalus (20g), wolfberry (1 spoon), red dates (8), chestnuts (10), water (2200ml)  Seasoning: salt (appropriate amount)  Cut the black-bone chicken into large pieces, wash the cistanche and smash into pieces, wash the codonopsis and cut into small sections, wash the red dates and remove the pits, peel the chestnuts, and wash the astragalus, yam and wolfberry.   Boil the water to blanch the chicken to remove the blood and excess fat.   Put all the ingredients in the soup pot, add water and bring to a boil over high heat and change to low heat. If it is a pressure cooker, boil it for another 40 minutes, if it is another pot, boil it for another 2 hours.   After the soup is cooked, add salt, stir evenly with a spoon, and then eat.      Efficacy: The soup is used for invigorating the liver, kidney, spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and blood. It is suitable for the loss of essence and blood caused by the deficiency of the liver and kidney, weakness in the waist and knees, male impotence, female infertility, etc.


  •  Chi Xiao Dou (16oz)

    Vigna umbellata/ Chi Xiao Dou (16oz)

    赤小豆(16oz/包) 赤小豆,别名:赤豆、红饭豆、饭豆、蛋白豆、赤山豆,主要用于中药材,常与红豆混用,具备利水消肿,解毒排脓等功效。赤小豆可整粒食用,或用于煮饭、煮粥、做赤豆汤。常用来做成豆沙作为馅料,美味可口。 性味 甘酸,平。 经脉 入心经、小肠经。 功效 利水除湿,和血排脓,消肿解毒。治水肿,脚气,黄疸,泻痢,便血,痈肿。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~30g;或入散剂。 外用:适量,生研调敷;或煎汤洗。 食疗方 赤小豆山楂粥 赤小豆60克,山楂30克,米50克、红糖30克。先把赤小豆60克浸泡半日後,与山楂30克,米50克、红糖30克共同煮粥。温服。慢性脾胃虚弱,经常大便稀薄的中老年人不宜服用。 功效 肥胖症、高血压、高血脂、水肿病、脚湿气、食积停滞,肉积不消等症。   Vigna umbellata/ Chi Xiao Dou/Rice Bean(16 oz) It is harvested in Summer or Autumn when the seeds have ripened. The flavor is slightly sour, sweet, pleasant. It enters the Heart, Spleen, Small intestine meridians. Actions: Diuretic. The nature of this herb is to move downward and relieve edema by causing the water or dampness [edema] to be drained from the body. ( Chì Xiăo Dòu  Translation: Dark Red Little Bean Promotes Urination and Reduces SwellingFor edema, ascites, abdominal swelling and fullness, urinary difficulty and leg qi edema due to water accumulation. It regulates the water circulation of the body.  Clears Damp Heat and Relieves JaundiceFor mild jaundice due to accumulation of damp heat.  Disperses Blood Stagnation, Reduces Swelling and Toxins, Drains Pus. . . For Erysipelas, carbuncles, furuncles, sores, lesions and toxic swellings. It will drain pus, reduces swelling and enhance recovery.  Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions It leaches the yin and yang fluids  Do not use in Yin Deficiency cases or those without dampness  Chinese Herb Toxicity & Overdose Overdose can lead to miscarriage. Allergic reactions are reported including pruritus, flushing, nausea and vomiting, palpitations, and urticaria Chinese Herb Dosage 10-30 grams in decoction. It can be used internally or topically  9-30 grams in decoction  ( From the manufacturer:  Chixiaodou, alias: adzuki bean, red rice bean, rice bean, meringue bean, chishan bean, mainly used in Chinese medicinal materials, often mixed with red beans, has the effects of hydration, reducing swelling, detoxification, and pus removal. Chixiaodou can be used to cook rice, porridge, and make red bean soup. It is often used to make red bean paste as a filling, which is delicious.  


  •  Hu Lu Cha

    Bamboo shell tea/cucurbit tea/Zhu Ke Cha/ Hu Lu Cha

    竹殼茶 葫蘆茶 竹壳茶(原名葫芦茶),竹壳茶广东紫金的出品。 以整片竹箨(竹壳)包扎成五个连珠葫芦状,底部贴上红纸标签,过去在广州市中药店悬挂出售,颇为引人注目,是广东民间凉茶之一。这些年因利润低微,且外观“老土”,故在广州已难觅踪迹。可它却是真材实料之品。竹壳茶,内含鸭脚木叶、葫芦茶、鸡骨草、金银花、车前草、金不换、救必应等中草药,据说民间已有近四百年的饮用历史。 功效 清热解暑 茶功擅清热消暑,利湿消滞,用治感受暑热、感冒食滞、大肠湿热等病症。 帮助消化 三四口之家,每次取茶丸两个,加水煎滚5分钟即可饮用。汤味苦中带甘,醇和宜人。尚可煎水外洗以清热止痒。 竹壳茶主要原料是葫芦茶。葫芦茶属草本植物,叶片外形如倒转葫芦;采叶晒干为茶叶,性味微苦、涩、凉,有清肺利咽、清热利湿、消滞杀虫的功效,能治咽喉肿痛,肺燥咳嗽痰血,湿热泻痢,暑湿证,小儿疳积、消化不良。常与其它药配成清暑消滞类凉茶,也可单方100至150克煎水当茶饮。 防虫保健 葫芦茶的全草能防腐杀虫,《岭南采药录》记载:“干置衣箱中,辟蠹去蛀虱。”广东民间用它腌制咸鱼和肉类,以防蝇蛆。 竹壳茶现已制成袋泡剂和冲剂等新剂型,前者易名为“保健茶”,加入了现代广东民间凉茶的行列。   Bamboo shell tea/cucurbit tea/Zhu Ke Cha/ Hu Lu Cha A combination of traditional plant medicine herbs to support healthy digestion, wrapped in a bamboo leaf.  From the manufacturer:  Bamboo shell tea (formerly known as gourd tea), bamboo shell tea produced by Guangdong Zijin. The whole piece of bamboo sheath (bamboo shell) is wrapped into five lianzhu gourds, and the bottom is affixed with a red paper label. In the past, it was hung and sold in Guangzhou Chinese medicine stores. It is quite eye-catching and one of the folk herbal teas in Guangdong. In recent years, because of low profits and "old-fashioned" appearance, it has been difficult to find it in Guangzhou. But it is a real product.  Bamboo shell tea contains Chinese herbal medicines such as duck's foot knobs, gourd tea, chicken bone grass, honeysuckle [anti-biotic], plantain, Jinbuhuan, Jiu Bing [anti-parasite], etc. It is said that [this tea has been used for 400 years]. [Canton love-pes vine (aka chicken bone grass, Abrus Frutus Losus herb,) improves liver function, clears dampness, reduces bloating, improves general wellbeing. ( ] Effects: The tea is used to relieve heat [inflammation, fever, etc] Tea Gong is good at clearing heat, eliminating dampness and stagnation, and is used to treat symptoms such as heat, cold and food stagnation, damp heat of the large intestine. Improve digestion  For a family of three or four, take two tea pills at a time, add water and boil for 5 minutes before drinking. The soup tastes bitter, sweet, mellow, and pleasant. It can [be used topically] with decoction to clear heat [skin redness] and relieve itching. The main raw material of bamboo shell tea is gourd tea. Gourd tea is a herbaceous plant, the shape of the leaves is like an inverted gourd; the leaves are picked and dried into tea. The taste is slightly bitter, astringent, and cool.  It has the effects of clearing the lungs and throat, clearing heat and dampness, eliminating stagnation and [treating infections], and can cure sore throat, lung dryness, cough, sputum and blood, damp-heat diarrhea, heat-damp syndrome, malnutrition in children, and indigestion. It is often mixed with other medicines to make herbal tea for clearing heat and dissipating stagnation. It can also be used as a single prescription of 100 to 150 grams of decoction for tea. Insect health care: The whole plant of gourd tea can be antiseptic and insecticidal.  The "Lingnan Collection of Medicines" records: "Dry it in the suitcase to remove moths." The Guangdong folk use it to pickle salted fish and meat to prevent fly maggots. Bamboo shell tea has now been made into new dosage forms such as pouches and granules. The former was renamed "health tea" and joined the ranks of modern Guangdong folk herbal teas.  


  • Bag)

    Sauropus rostrata Miq./Long Li Ye(16 oz/Bag)

    龍脷葉(16 oz/包) 【功效分类】清热药;止咳药 【性味】 ①《陆川本草》:"性平,味淡。" ②《南宁市药物志》:"甘,平。" 【归经】肺经。 【药理作用】100%煎剂对金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌有抑制作用。 【主治】肺热咳喘痰多;口干;便秘。 【功效】清热润肺;化痰止咳。 各家论述:1.《陆川本草》:清肺,治肺热咳嗽。 2.《南宁市药物志》:止痰火咳嗽哮喘。治内伤肺痨失音,喉痛。 【用法用量】内服:煎汤,6-15g。 Sauropus rostrata Miq./Long Li Ye(16 oz/Bag) This is a “heat-clearing” medicine and cough medicine  Classical references: ① "Lu Chuan Ben Cao": "Plain in nature, light in taste."  ② "Nanning Shi Yao Wu Zhi": "Gan, Ping." [sweet and mild tasting] It enters the Lung meridian.  Pharmacological action: The 100% decoction has an inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococcus. Indications: Lung-heat, coughing, wheezing and excessive phlegm; dry mouth; constipation.  Efficacy: Used for clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs; reducing phlegm and relieving cough.  Various discussions:  "Lu Chuan Ben Cao": Clears lungs, treats lung heat and cough.  "Nanning Shi Yao Wu Zhi": Relieves phlegm, fire, cough, and asthma. Cures internal injury, tuberculosis, aphonia, sore throat. Usage and Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g.  



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