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  • 10% OFF
    Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag) Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag)

    Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag)

    武夷肉桂岩茶 (8g*10bag) 武夷肉桂岩茶是一种优质的中国岩茶,产自福建省武夷山地区。它以其独特的肉桂香气和独特的岩韵而闻名。这种茶叶通常生长在高海拔、云雾缭绕的山区,受到当地独特的气候和土壤条件的影响。武夷肉桂岩茶的制作工艺独特,经历了炭焙、摊晒、揉捻等多道复杂工序。其茶汤颜色清澈明亮,滋味醇厚甘甜,回甘持久,具有独特的肉桂香气,让人回味无穷。 武夷肉桂岩茶常被视为一种高档的礼品茶,因其独特的口感和品质而备受赞赏。它也被认为具有一定的保健价值,常被人们认为有助于消化和调节体内能量. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is a premium type of Chinese rock tea, produced in the Wuyi Mountains region of Fujian Province. It is renowned for its unique cinnamon aroma and distinctive rock essence. This tea is typically grown in high-altitude, misty mountainous areas, influenced by the unique local climate and soil conditions. The production process of Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is intricate, involving multiple steps such as charcoal baking, spreading, rolling, and twisting. The tea's liquor is clear and bright, with a mellow and sweet taste, long-lasting aftertaste, and a unique cinnamon aroma that leaves a lasting impression. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is often considered a high-end gift tea, appreciated for its unique flavor and quality. It is also believed to have certain health benefits, often thought to aid in digestion and regulate internal energy. If you are interested in this type of tea, you can try purchasing it to experience its distinctive taste. 好处/Benefits 有助于消化(Aid digestion) 促进新陈代谢(Boost metabolism) 具有抗氧化作用(Antioxidant properties) 缓解焦虑(Relieve anxiety) 有助于体重管理(Aid weight management)  


  • BYS XiaSangJu KeLi 3gx10bags SugarFree BYS XiaSangJu KeLi 3gx10bags SugarFree

    BYS XiaSangJu KeLi 3gx10bags SugarFree

     白雲山 無糖 夏桑菊 沖劑(10包*3G) 汉语拼音:Xiasangju Keli [成份]夏枯草、野菊花、桑叶。辅料为甘露醇和阿司帕坦。[功能主治〕清肝明目,疏风散热,除湿痹,解疮毒。用于风热感冒,目赤头痛,头晕耳鸣,咽喉肿痛,疔疮肿喜等症,并可作清凉饮料。[用法用量]口服,一次3—6克(1—2袋),一日3次。不良反应]尚不明确。[禁忌]尚不明确。[注意事项]1、忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。2、不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。3、风寒感冒者尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。5、儿童、年老体弱者、孕妇应在医师指导下服用。6、服药用。9、儿童必须在成人监护下使用。10、请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。11、如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。  


  • 20% OFF
    Golden Honey Aroma #1218

    Golden Honey Aroma #1218

    品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 中国云南 China Yunnan 品名 Name: 雲南金芽紅茶  Yunnan Golden Honey Aroma 等级 Level: 一级 Premium 分类 Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索均匀,色泽乌润,香气馥郁Even strands, lustrous color, and a rich aroma. 茶汤Liquor: 甘甜如蜜 花果交融 浓稠多汁As sweet as honey. A fusion of flowers and fruits. Thick and juicy. 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   金蜜香是一款珍贵的红茶,产自云南思茅宁洱地区,在三月中旬精心采摘。这个品种有着悠久的历史,被亲切地称为“老号”,几十年来一直由当地家庭传承种植。它的历史根深蒂固,可能接近于纯正的阿萨姆茶(assamica)。 这款茶具有浓郁的甜味,散发着蜂蜜、晒干的樱桃和兰花的香气。品饮时,你会感受到茶汤的浓稠多汁,伴随着微妙的巧克力麦芽风味,而所有这些都包裹在持久的粘稠口感中。而你的嗅觉也会在这次茶香之旅中得到满足,因为金蜜香的香气实在是令人陶醉。蜂蜜和干果的特色应接不暇,这款茶名副其实,确实如蜜一般甜美! 这种美味的红茶来自于云南思茅宁洱地区,生长海拔位于1300-1350米之间。采摘时,一片茶叶只摘下一个嫩芽,确保了茶叶的品质和独特风味。金蜜香红茶绝对是一种愉悦感官的茶,让人陶醉其中,唤醒味觉的享受!   Golden Honey Fragrance is a precious black tea originating from the Ning'er area of Simao, Yunnan. Carefully harvested in mid-March, this tea is a testament to its ancient roots, often affectionately referred to as the "old type." It has been cultivated by local families for several decades, with its lineage possibly tracing back to pure assamica tea varietals. This tea exudes a rich sweetness and carries the flavors of honey, dried cherries, and orchids. When sipped, you'll experience a thick and juicy tea infusion with subtle notes of chocolate malt, all enveloped in a long-lasting, velvety texture. Your sense of smell won't be left out of the enjoyment either, as the fragrance of this tea is undeniably strong. The characteristics of honey and dried fruits are abundant, living up to its name, Golden Honey Fragrance! This exquisite tea hails from the Ning'er area of Simao, Yunnan, at elevations ranging from 1300 to 1350 meters. During harvesting, only one bud is plucked with one leaf, ensuring the quality and unique flavors of the tea leaves. Golden Honey Fragrance black tea is truly a delightful sensory experience that will captivate your senses and awaken your palate! How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $18.40 - $73.60

  • TRT Niuhuang Qingwei Wan(6g X 10 片) TRT Niuhuang Qingwei Wan(6g X 10 片)

    TRT Niuhuang Qingwei Wan(6g X 10 片)

    同仁堂 牛黄清胃丸(6g X 10 片) 【成份】人工牛黄、大黄、菊花、麦冬、薄荷、石膏、栀子、玄参,番泻叶、黄芩、甘草、桔梗,黄柏、连翘、牵牛子(炒), 枳实 (沙燙),冰片。【性状】本品为黑褐色的大蜜丸;气微,味苦,有凉舌感。【功能主治】清胃泻火,润燥通便。用于心胃火盛,头晕目眩,口舌生疮,牙龈肿痛,乳蛾咽痛,便秘尿赤。【规格】每丸重6g【用法用量】口服。一次2丸,一日2次。【不良反应】尚不明确。【禁忌】孕妇忌服。【注意事项】服用前应除去蜡皮,聚乙烯中药丸球壳:本品可嚼服,也可分份吞服。【贮藏】密闭,防潮。


  • JK Pien Zie Capsules (Te Xiao Xiao Yan Wan) 30capsules JK Pien Zie Capsules (Te Xiao Xiao Yan Wan) 30capsules


  • YK Eye Support Formula (60pill) YK Eye Support Formula (60pill)

    YK Eye Support Formula (60pill)

    YK Eye Support Formula (60pills) Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 5 pills with warm water twice daily. Do not use if you are pregnant.To insure your health, do not befooled by imitation products on the market. 鴛江 強力石斛夜光丸(60粒) 服法和用量:口服,每次5粒,以溫開水送服,每日早晚各一次,孕婦忌服。  


  • Dandy's Raisins Dandy's Raisins

    Dandy's Raisins

    绿葡萄干 Dried Raisins Best Before 04/20/2024


  • Capsules (60 Capsules) Capsules (60 Capsules)

    BC XiaoRu SanJie JiaoNang/Capsules (60 Capsules)

    BC XiaoRu SanJie JiaoNang/Capsules (60 Capsules) 步长 消乳散结胶囊 60顆 【功能主治】疏肝解郁,化痰散结,活血止痛。用于肝郁气滞,痰瘀凝聚所致的乳腺增生,乳房胀痛。【规格】每粒装0.4g【包装】铝塑板装,20粒/板×3板/盒。【贮藏】密封。【用法用量】口服。一次3粒,一日3次。【不良反应】尚不明确。【禁 忌】孕妇忌服。【注意事项】尚不明确。【成分】柴胡、当归、黄芩、丹参、夏枯草、牡蛎、玄参、猫爪草、炒白芍、醋香附、昆布、山慈菇、土贝母、牡丹皮、瓜蒌、全蝎)迅速消除乳房胀痛。全面治疗乳腺增生的现代专利中药快速止痛:疏肝、理气、活血,7天止痛消除肿块:16 味中药完美组合,化痰散结,消除肿块防止复发:中药调节内分泌,平衡激素,防止复发。远离乳癌:8味地道中药,预防乳癌发生每盒 60 粒,一次3粒,一日3次,一个疗程,4盒用药。可以迅速消除乳房胀痛。二个疗程,8盒用药,可以缓解单纯性乳腺增生、乳腺腺病。三个疗程,12 盒用药,可以缓解囊性增生。


  • SanJin Watermelon Frost Pastilles(16Tablets) SanJin Watermelon Frost Pastilles(16Tablets)

    SanJin Watermelon Frost Pastilles(16Tablets)

     三金 西瓜霜清咽含片(16片装) 清热解毒,消肿利咽。Clearing away heat and toxins, reducing swelling and relieving pharynx. 【成分】西瓜霜, 西青果, 罗汉果, 麦冬, 南沙参, 乌梅, 陈皮, 甘草, 桉油, 薄荷素油, 薄荷脑, 冰片【用法用量】含服, 一次1片, 一日6次【Using Suggestion】 Buccal, 1 tablet each time, 6 times per day.【规格】每片重1.8克。【Specification】 1.8g each tablet.


  • TRT Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan TRT Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan

    TRT Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan

    北京同仁堂 金匮肾气丸 【药品名称】通用名称:金匮肾气丸汉语拼音:Jinkui Shenqi Wan【成份】地黄、山药、酒萸肉、茯苓、牡丹皮、泽泻、桂枝、附子(炙)、牛膝(去头)、盐车前子。辅料为蜂蜜。【性状】本品为棕褐色至黑褐色的水蜜丸,味酸、微甘、苦。【功能主治】温补肾阳,化气行水。用于肾虚水肿,腰膝酸软,小便不利,畏寒肢冷。【规格】每100粒重20g【用法用量】口服。水蜜丸一次4~5g(20~25粒),一日2次。【不良反应】尚不明确。【禁忌】孕妇忌服。【注意事项】忌房欲、气恼。忌食生冷食物。【贮藏】密封。【包装】塑料瓶装,每瓶装360粒,每盒装1瓶。【有效期】48个月


  • QJ YiMu Granules(Herbal Supplement) QJ YiMu Granules(Herbal Supplement)

    QJ YiMu Granules(Herbal Supplement)

    千金 益母颗粒 Size: 14克/袋 * 12袋/盒  14g/sachet * 12 sachets/pcs Yimu Granules (Herbal Supplement) Herbal Supplement 膳食补充剂 Serving Size 1 Sachet (14 g). 每次服食量1袋(14g)Serving Per Container 12 Doses 每包裝含12次服食量 Proprietary Blend 专用混合物 Leonuri Herba (aerial part) [yimucao] 益母草,Angelicae sinensis Radix (root) [danggui] 当归,Chuanxiong Rhizoma (rhizome) [chuanxiong] 川芎,Aucklandiae Radix (root) [muxiang] 木香. 【功能主治】活血调经,行气止痛。用于气滞血瘀所致月经不调,痛经。【规 格】每袋重14克(相当于原药材5克)【用法用量】开水冲服,一次14克,一日2次。


  • Yixing Tea Pet Yixing Tea Pet

    Yixing Tea Pet

    Tea pet is a traditional Chinese tea culture art piece, usually a small animal or human figure made of materials such as ceramics, jade, or wood, that can be placed on tea utensils as a decoration or for appreciation. Tea pets originated in the Ming Dynasty of China, initially made to pray for family peace and a good harvest, and gradually evolved into a part of tea culture. The figures of tea pets are usually auspicious animals or human figures, such as dragons, phoenixes, lions, frogs, monks, etc. Some tea pets are also related to history or legends, such as peacocks, characters from the Three Kingdoms, or characters from A Dream of Red Mansions. Tea pets have a special significance in Chinese tea culture. In addition to the decorative function, they can bring joy and interest. During tea tasting, tea pets can be picked up and appreciated, and the pleasure of tea culture can be shared with friends. Moreover, tea pets are regarded as a part of traditional culture, representing the depth and historical heritage of Chinese traditional culture. Nowadays, tea pets have become an indispensable part of Chinese tea culture and are gradually gaining recognition and popularity internationally.


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